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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. Our world is safe once more, thanks to our donations! 🫡
  2. 2 strips of gold pressed Latinum for the cause. Not sure what that equates to in HU-MAN terms, but rest assured; it will help. 😎
  3. Helping to save Paragon City, one donation at a time!
  4. Really sorry you actually feel that way. You seem to read the worst into things, and I don't participate in conversations any further, once I realize that. I do hope you find satisfaction somewhere. Because, it's pretty obvious that this isn't it.
  5. The Devs always have a reason for doing what they do. You likely won't always be aware of what that reason is, and in some cases (apparently like this one), you won't always like it, and obviously, Phil had his own take on it. But, I feel pretty safe in saying they don't do it to sabotage the game, or annoy the players. This community always functions best when we assume good intentions, and refrain from making assertions about their process, or their state of mind, without firsthand knowledge. Let's just stick to that. 🙂
  6. Yeah. I read a couple of responses that touched on it. But, I'll bet there are still some secrets out there, left by one, or more of them, that have remained just that. A secret. 😉
  7. Of course, after the period closed to get questions in, I thought of one. I had wondered if there were secret entrances, rooms, locations, or easter eggs that they left behind, which nobody has ever found? Too late now, I know.
  8. Loved reading this retrospective on the game we all cherish so much. The insight into certain aspects of the game that never saw the light of day, was very interesting. Sounded like most of them pretty much left the game behind, when they left the studio. But, it was nice to hear that they were so happy about the games resurrection, and it's potential for the future.
  9. Pleasure to help keep the lights forever lit!
  10. Never the first to donate, but consistency counts for something...I think. 😉 Some well spent quatloos coming your way!
  11. .aaaaannnnddd....done! Happily contributed to another month of the only game I play!
  12. You guys never fail to impress. There are always issues with updates, especially ones that are this big, and complex. And, there is always an outcry from the players about what they don't like (up to, and including quitting the game over it). But, in looking over the notes on this patch, it looks like much of the major complaints were addressed to varying degrees, or rolled back. I don't think anyone can accuse Homecoming of being unresponsive to their players, which they continue to demonstrate consistently.
  13. Duckets donated...all is right with the world!
  14. As has been my pleasure since the heady days of May, 2019, I have once again made my meager, but regular donation of a few Quatloos to the cause. Since the license announcement, I have been able to find more of the original members of our Supergroup out there in the ether, allowing us to play with a full team of friends for the first time since 2011! Just another amazing thing that the resurgence of the game has helped to facilitate.
  15. Hopefully, going from a RAID 1 to a Raid 5 array on the disks will help write speeds, and combined with the increase in processor power, and additional memory, the resulting performance increases should help. SQL will typically use every bit of resource you can throw at it.
  16. Short answer would be no. The longer version entails things like privacy.
  17. ,,,and the super hero/villain adventure is just beginning!
  18. I think we all felt the same way back in 2012. However, I like to make decisions based on the most accurate, comprehensive information possible. Unfortunately, we aren't likely to really know what it took to get here, or the terms by which it happened. So, without that level of understanding, I really wouldn't want to make a decision on whether to risk it, or not; based on what information we DO have. So, in lieu of that, I choose to believe that we are in less danger than we have been for the past 4 years, and potentially less than other servers out of scope for the agreement. If it were to all end tomorrow, I would consider myself lucky to have had that rare second chance in life, to enjoy something I thought was gone for good. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy playing, until I am given a solid reason to reconsider. Life is too short for grudges of the past to have lease on my future.
  19. By all means, stand by your convictions. But, ask yourself "What if the game is still around in 5 years, and I missed out on all of that game play because NCSoft's involvement?" If you consider that potential outcome worthwhile, then by all means, withdraw on your own terms. But, it could be that you are being just a tad pessimistic.
  20. I feel pretty confident that there is much about this agreement that we are not aware of, in so far as the details that could answer many of our questions. I'm also confident that when HC management feel that they can give us more information, they will. I, for one, look forward to each, and every advancement of the game to come in the next year, and beyond. The HC team has always done right by us, and I believe that this will give them the added freedom to do a lot of things that they couldn't risk before this license was granted. If there is to be any change in the landscape of other servers, it won't be decided by HC. It will be decided by NCSoft. And, since they have never been much for telegraphing their intentions, we really can't know what their take is on that topic.
  21. They have continued development. However, now they can further develop with more "official" arcs, and characters, where before they really had to dance around things that would get NCSoft's attention, in a bad way. Now, they no longer have to worry about that. I don't see that getting a license puts them at any more risk of being shut-down. I see it as less likely. Now, out of scope servers, that could very well be a different story.
  22. I look at it this way. NCSoft always had the legal right to issue a C&D order to Homecoming, and all the other rogue servers. They still could. What changed as a result of this agreement, is that their inclination to do so, would be vastly reduced to the point of being highly unlikely. Also, the benefits are (as I understand it), that Homecoming now has permission to develop the game as if it were still live. Continuing development of story arcs, power sets, Incarnate system, and other things that were in the pipe before the shutdown announcement of the live game. I see nothing but good things coming from this, and I am excited for the things we will see come to fruition over the next year, and beyond!
  23. This is absolutely fantastic news! Congrats to the Homecoming team, on the fulfillment of years of legal process, which will allow for the community, and the game itself to grow in ways that just haven’t been possible any other way! I’m excited about the potential represented by this milestone, and the future of this game that I have played, and loved, for almost 20 years!
  24. Once again, I have done my part to help ensure that Paragon City, and Rogue Isles continue to thrive!
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