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Everything posted by Demoriel

  1. Seeing people who in the first year of the game, where level 50. Back then it actually meant something. It meant that player, had worked hard, been to every zone and done tons of missions. There was an amount of respect and "awe" seeing a level 50 Hero. Once people where able to power level and hit 50 in a matter of a few hours, it really changed for the worse IMO. People who barely knew how to play their class where 50, and were just terrible players.
  2. I still had tons of screen shots and bios, so i opted to recreate my most beloved characters. Some of the power sets i slightly modified from the old game, but very happy to see them again on screen.
  3. Dr. Demoriel here. Also the Atomik Punk, Pearl Harbor and more!
  4. Have you read The Silver Key? the lovecraft story, can't recall, it's through the gates of the silver key..also, theres De Marginey's Coffin Shaped time clock from Brian Lumley.
  5. I remember when the game launched they didn't have The Hollows, you had to go to Kings Row. Hollows was pretty scary, especially since you didn't get travel powers till level 10? i can't recall.
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