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Everything posted by Greymatter-Too

  1. Sorry, meant to post this in geometry errors. Please move post there if possible.
  2. Missing floor under ramp by mission doors allows you navigate into the building. Server: Excelsior Zone/Mission: 'Crey's Folly' Position: [7827.9 85.1 -833.9]
  3. As was previously reported with Superior Defender's Bastion: Recharge/Chance for Minor PBAoE Heal, the VEAT ATO Superior Dominion of Arachnos: Recharge/Chance for -Dmg and Terrorize is also using the non-catalyzed Recharge boost of 18.5% instead of 23.1875%. FWIW, I found these two issues using the raw data from Uberguy's incredible City Of Data site, so I'm confident that only these two sets are affected by this bug, i.e. the only two boosts having superior_scales=false with only_at_50=true.
  4. I've recently noticed that the kiosk ignores any reward merits granted with the message "You received N units of Reward Merit." This applies to Exploration Accolades, but other examples include the Hamidon Raid reward table, and conversion of inf or Vanguard merits to reward merits. The kiosk only seems to track reward merits granted with the message "You received N reward merits." (for task forces or flashback) and "You received N bonus reward merits." (for the WST bonus). Looking through my chatlogs, this results in the kiosk tracking just 50%-60% of all reward merits I've earned.
  5. So the problem seems to be limited to sending e-mails while in my SG base, where I tend to manage most of my salvage. In a public zone like Ouro, it worked fine. In a map instance, it worked fine.
  6. I can no longer e-mail Monstrous Aether to my account. I can set it as an attachment, but when I hit send there is a message "Email not sent, salvage is not tradeable." The same thing is happening with Empyrean Merits, which is likewise account-bound.
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