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Everything posted by chusski02

  1. Thank you Meknomancer, Maelwys, StrikerFox, for helping me and sharing your knowledge. But I'm going to try the flight group build that you have prepared for my Meknomancer. Thx very much
  2. Thank you very much for spending some of your time helping me. some words or terms that I don't understand: porcs: what is this? chance of xxxx damage are a proc? what are softcap? I'm trying to understand some changes: evasive maneuvers are def buf aoe, but why need group fly? there are set of enchts combo or something ? aren't better to take tactics or stealth for to hit buff or more def aoe? I really don't understand the difference between these last 2 builds, sorry. They only change some chats and slots, right?
  3. Thank you both very much for answering me. Sorry Meknomancer for reposting you translated into Spanish. The lack of knowledge of the game is not my only handicap, my English is not very good, and some of the technical terms you use, or clichés, confuse me. Meknomancer, very good idea to try it on the beta server, I didn't know you could do that... I'm trying the first build you gave me. and in TF +2/8 work fine. But would it be possible for you to help me modify it, even if it loses some attack power, so that the pets would be more resistant and/or do more damage? I would also prefer to use fly than or superjump than superspeed. I like to play as if I were a healer, buffer (AOE or toggle) and let the pets do the work. On the other hand, I don't know if I understood Maelwys correctly, but haven't you told me that power boost only lasts 15 seconds? and I think radial clarion too... even though they have low cooldown, pressing 2 power continuously is too much, right? Many thanks^^
  4. oh nice then. i have alot of question. i am new bie really^^ 1- on the mid reborn there a way to see the total stats of pets? 2- on mid reborn, when put cursor over the skill, if there are % numbers in red or yellow, are good or bad thing ? 3- I have made some changes to your build (from ignorance), to try to upload the defense (I imagine it is that of the main toon). but maybe I would have to balance defense and resistance, I don't know... can you give me your opinion? thx very much MERCS TIME MU v3- Mastermind (Mercenaries - Time Manipulation).mbd
  5. Thx very much, with that build what can you notoriety lvl do? +4/8 ?
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