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Posts posted by wjrasmussen

  1. 6 hours ago, ZacKing said:


    I'm not sure that you'd need to wipe the database to do this?  I get that the code is whacky, but this doesn't sound right.  I don't think I've ever come across a situation where I had to wipe out all the data in a database to start over from scratch with something.  I'm not a professional DBA, but I do know a thing or two about about SQL and databases.  There's no way to run an update statement to prepend the global@ to the beginning of character names?



    You wouldn't be in the chat, unless you specifically wanted to see global names.   In chat, your name would still be Bionic Flea.  That's how it works in CO and STO.  You wouldn't see the global in the name floating above your character either.

    It is easy.  WHo is going to do the work mr armchair expert?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. I have stopped doing MSR since the switch to instance.  They have the option to gather like before then go to instance.  I have been in that and it was fine.


    The switch to go to instance then gather is annoying and unnecessary. 

    Also, what is with the barker.  The raid leader should just broadcast it.

    We know it was doing bc of people interfering with the event.  And it is good against that.  Now, in the instance everyone is level 50, which is nice, but does take a bit of the flavor out of it.

    Overall, a win, but an annoying one.

  3. On 5/1/2024 at 10:11 AM, srmalloy said:

    It's too late to do this for the anniversary event, but as a recommendation for future events that have items scattered around the zone that you click on for rewards, with a possible 'ambush' -- change the logic so that, when an ambush occurs, the rewards drop when the ambush is defeated. One of the things I'm seeing with the anniversary event is a majority of players clicking on the time capsules to get the anniversary token, then zooming away to leave the ambush behind them for someone else to clean up, and if no one does, the respawn of the capsule is significantly delayed. I mean, the ambush for a solo character is three white minions, something which should not be a noticeable threat to a character; if you can't be bothered cleaning up your own mess, why should you expect someone else to do it for you?

    SO, they are sharing the gift to others.

  4. Coordinate teams running TF.  Coordinator has them finish one by one, with people taking them to the intersection in Skyway.   84 players for the task forces minimum.  There were also 2 leagues of heroes waiting for them.  Lots of players.


    No idea on how they are getting Kronos.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Ironblade said:


    Personally, I think it's nuts to do it more than once.  I have every Ouroboros badge on ONE character.


    Of course, some people are nuts.  There's one forum-goer who has every badge on over a dozen characters - I think one of each AT.

    Ouch. The most I have on a character is around 850 badges.  I kind of lost interest with what I call spreadsheet badges.  Oro is one of them, crafting is another.  Basically the x by y grid.


  6. On 4/23/2024 at 7:36 PM, Nostromo21 said:

    Back on live I only ever got my ice/fire blaster to 44 I think, before I gave up on the grind & eventually the game got shut down.


    I've now gotten my Ill/Dark troller to 40 (I have chronic alt-o-holism & very limited time!), and noticed the very slow XP bar progress, even with double XP. So, my question, what would be the best place(s) to do some group power-levelling for the last 10 levels? I'm a bit over DfB/DiB runs, so hoping there is some other area/zone/game mode I can join relatively easily. I also can't spend hours in TFs or whatnot, as I often only have a half hour/hour at most to play. Do I just add +1/2/3 to mob level and team size while I solo & see how I go? She currently steam-rolls all +0/0 content, no surprise there!

    Thanks guys.

    When burned out in msr, tf, and hami.  I just run continuous radio missions.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 1 hour ago, biostem said:

    Can it even be called "theft" if you invite someone into your home, show them where the fridge is, basically tell them they can take whatever they want, then come back to find they've emptied it?  Rude?  Sure.  An a-hole thing to do?  Absolutely.  Theft, though?  Not really...

    It is like those all you can eat buffets where people come in an eat all the can...

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 22 hours ago, biostem said:


    I do not condone joining someone else's SG and cleaning out their inventory.  That being said, if you operate a SG and set the permissions in such a way that any new person who joins can take stuff  out of storage, then that's on you, and the other party(ies) should not be named or shamed.  Heck, I wouldn't even contact them as it may be construed as harassment.  Learn from this occurrence and make the appropriate changes going forward...

    100%.  Also, 100% on the person who allegedly stole it.

  9. 7 hours ago, RCU7115 said:

    Maybe we should just use a numbering system. Your toons name is 00000001.

    That way everyone will be unique. All I ask is that the name 12345 is saved for me. It's the combination to my luggage 🧳

    Why are you giving out the password?

  10. 3 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:



    Page 28! Elder Gods! You heard it here first folks!

    quest:  get Elder Gods diapers.
    quest:  push Elder God around Atlas Park
    Task Force:  Get Off My LAWN!

    • Haha 3
  11. 9 hours ago, GM Crumpet said:

    Another thread on this topic? It's like playing whack-a-mole. 

    At some point, eventually, in the fullness of time, when the stars align and the Elder Gods rise from their slumber, then the name release will happen. As with anything this important we want to make sure we get it right and it works properly from day 1 so we don't find a cascade error on the database and everyone suddenly logs in to find their entire character screen filled with Generic<number> instead of their awesome and well thought out names. While that would solve a lot of the naming issues and save me a lot of time genericing all the naughty names, it's not the kind of thing that we want to have happen. I'm not really THAT busy 🙂 


    The way it will work is nobody will lose their name unless the time limit passes and someone else tries to use it. So if you have a level 1 called "Awesome Fairy" and someone else wants the name "Awesome Fairy" then if it's past the time limit for a level 1 (which I want to say is 30 days but I may be wrong and numbers are subject to change) then that name will be given to the new player and the original "Awesome Fairy" will be given a generic number. If nobody wants "Awesome Fairy" the name will remain with the original player until they log it in. The system won't automatically wipe the name after the time limit, it will just stop it being reserved and locked so someone else can use it if they wish. The time limit will increase in level ranges, and level 50's will always be exempt.

    Clear as mud? Good 🙂 

    On Everlast, Awesome Fairy is recently taken and parked.  You would have to go with something like Awful Fairy

    • Confused 1
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