I don't really know which stats are the most important in this game right now (a lot of guides are old and may not include updated information) and I don't want to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to min/max with all the enhancement options available. I just want to find a build that works and won't make me feel gimped and run with that. So far I've found two, one on this forum by JJDraken and an old one from Mysha. The problem is that I have no idea which one is best or why. Any help would be appreciated. I kind of like the idea of having a whip, but I'm not wedded to the idea if it isn't really that useful. Also, I'm thinking of trying to incorporate group flight so my minions will avoid aggroing monsters and come with me to fight hami and other flying opponents. Is that worth doing? I kind of want an all-rounder that can do any kind of content. For example, right now I'm doing trials, Itrials, hami, and GM. I haven't tried farming very much and I suspect that mm might not be the best at it.
Mastermind - Demon Summoning - Dark Miasma.mxd Mysha Long II - Mastermind (Demon Summoning - Dark Miasma).mbd