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Posts posted by BlueKnight


    I can understand for you it's frustrating. Having a whole server that has no 2xXP doesn't sound like the answer for your problem though. Which server from the limited selection we have? What about the people that already have toons they'd like to get 2xXP for that are on that server? Why withhold 2xXP for 25% of the toons out there when those who would prefer not to have it would most likely be a much smaller population? While it might be a minor annoyance for you to turn off XP gain here and there so you don't out-level content, it would seem more burdensome to force the other route for so many others.


    I'd say that it's more than a minor annoyance. I'd also say at this point we have no idea of the actual numbers of who would/would not be in favor of it. I also think (although I could be wrong) that the tools to boost individual character's XP already exist (such as the anniversary temp powers that are being handed out), while tools to slow (not stop) the rate do not. As far as switching servers goes, I've already done that to help relieve the burden on the original servers. No one's experience here is perfect. But all the people behind the scenes who are making this game available to us again are doing a damn fine job and don't think I don't appreciate it.

  2. There may not be a lot of support for this, but I'd appreciate it if there was at least one shard that didn't have all this accelerated XP, or at least had a mechanism to opt out. And no, turning off XP gain isn't the same thing. I want to level my character, I just hate outleveling contacts and content. Laughable or not, some of us do want to experience or re-experience that, even some that played for 8 years. I'd love to be able to level at the intended rate.


    Uhh... what's the "intended rate"? As far as I can remember, it was nearly impossible not to out-level content and contacts even at regular XP. I think it's only possible to stay within that range (especially at low levels) is by turning of XP (before you out level content) until your done with that content.


    Well, I'm assuming Cryptic didn't intend for you to constantly outlevel contacts and storylines. ;)  I do remember running into that issue with characters that teamed a lot while leveling, but not so much with more solo characters. Granted, 2004 was a long time ago, so I could be misremembering. In any case, the current XP boosts make things a lot worse in that regard.

  3. There may not be a lot of support for this, but I'd appreciate it if there was at least one shard that didn't have all this accelerated XP, or at least had a mechanism to opt out. And no, turning off XP gain isn't the same thing. I want to level my character, I just hate outleveling contacts and content. Laughable or not, some of us do want to experience or re-experience that, even some that played for 8 years. I'd love to be able to level at the intended rate.


    And some don't want repeat all the boring old one but triyng fast as possible the last contenent like ALL the new power set from i24 ;-)


    And I didn't say you should have to.

  4. There may not be a lot of support for this, but I'd appreciate it if there was at least one shard that didn't have all this accelerated XP, or at least had a mechanism to opt out. And no, turning off XP gain isn't the same thing. I want to level my character, I just hate outleveling contacts and content. Laughable or not, some of us do want to experience or re-experience that, even some that played for 8 years. I'd love to be able to level at the intended rate.

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