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  1. That is a game changer, I never knew that. I seem to be getting matching numbers in-game and in Mids now. Thank you.
  2. This is my first forum post and I apologize if it breaks good etiquette. I used Mids to design a necro/ma/soul MM that looked great in Mids, but did not work out so well in the game. Mids tells me all my defenses are 34+ and shows my resists are 33% to 75%. In the game I barely have 15% defenses and my resists are a lower than shown in Mids. I want this to be a good toon and I have enough influence for it. I tried to get good defense for survivability to use Toroidal Bubble then Whitecap to jump into the middle of the mobs with bodyguard taking up the slack. I could take different AT/pool/epic powers. I just feel like this toon could be stronger. Any help selecting sets and enhancements would be appreciated. Buccaneer Buttercup [Mastermind] (Necromancy - Marine Affinity - Soul - Fold Space).mxd
  3. XCOM UPLINK-20169 Excelsior /macro_image "AlignmentPower_FearIncarnate" "Xcom" "enterbasefrompasscode UPLINK-20164" The XCOM Supergroup originally started in 2004 for friends and family on the Freedom server. This new group and base on Homecoming was started in 2019 when it cost Prestige to build bases. Once base building became free the expansion was much faster. We never got around to installing hanger doors and a runway 🙂 Your comments, suggestions, and patience are much appreciated. The main theme is a secret UN Vanguard facility dedicated to studying, and combating UFO's and Rikti. Under the watch of Lady Grey, it is manned by heroes, villain's, rogues, and vigilantes. It has all the features such as travel, vendors, storage, costumes, medical, and more. (But now I know just the person to ask for help finishing the outside.) ((I'm looking at you Dacy.))
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