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  1. please, someone?
  2. When I try to install the launcher, I keep getting "the parameter is incorrect." No idea what to do from here. I'd love some help, can't believe this game is back!
  3. This game was, without a doubt, the most played game for me. I loved, LOVED, creating new characters or seeing how close I could get one to something from a movie or tv show. There isn't a game out there that matches the character creator or powerset choices. there are so many different ways you can play, and everything feels just different enough that you never get bored (well I didn't anyways). I have never found a game that has come close to giving me the enjoyment that CoH does. I have been scouring the internet for years, hoping that somehow, some way, we'd get to go back. I have been disappointed by the numerous attempts to bring it back in one way or another. I have been (so far) disappointed by its spiritual successors (city of titans, ship of heroes, etc.). Since I found out about Homecoming, I have been cautiously lurking, waiting for yet another disappointment. I'm trying not to get invested. I don't want to lose Paragon City again.
  4. i cannot for the life of me find the tequila costume folder. i cant even find where it's installed. what am i missing here
  5. I get what everyone is saying about “enjoy it while it’s here”, but I’m not sure I almost feel like if I get a taste of this for a month or two and then it’s taken away again that’s going to be a lot worse than to have not had it at all. Regardless I’ll be resurrecting a couple of my favourites and playing for as long as I can, how can I pass this up however fleeting it might be
  6. Man that’s uplifting! I still can’t believe this is happening
  7. I was a long time, diehard city of heroes player from the beginning. It absolutely crushed me when they turned off the lights all those years ago. I’ve never been able to find a game like this and with such a great community since. With this development now of this possible re-launch, should I let myself get excited? Or are the chances pretty good we’re going to lose this again? I know we’re kind of waiting on word from this Tony V guy, but realistically from everybody’s opinion, what are the chances that this is going to stick? I also know that this has been pursued a couple of times already, with horrible results from NC soft. So why would this time work when the other times didn’t?
  8. Is this possible? I still have a bunch saved elsewhere on my pc. would be great to resurrect favorite toons without trying to remember how they used to look. ps - so unbelievably excited to play this game again. its my all time favorite game and i honestly never thought i'd get the chance to play it again. i am all in, and will help in any way i can
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