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Posts posted by Delusionist

  1. 20 hours ago, Spectre7878 said:

    I think Sentinel class should play more like a Arachnos Fortunata. I recently got my Fortunata to 50, and she plays very well. I took all range powers on her. Sentinels damage should not be as high as blaster, but they do need a boost. Also i feel that they could use an endurance reduction on there attacks and or toggles. Again this is just what I have been experiencing with this AT. Just give the sentinel some love please DEV Team 🙂

    IIRC, Sentinels have a higher base damage than Fortunatas.

  2. I know, I know, Elec Control is a better pairing. I already have a Dark/Savage, so I don't want to do that again. I even have a Grav/Martial who's fine. But I like confuses. Like, REALLY like them. The Elec confuse is great, I just like to have the ability to stack them when and where I choose. Ideally I would go for Illusion/Martial, but we all know that's not gonna happen anytime soon. OK, so now that we have all that out of the way...


    Anyone have any experience with this combo? I can see some dis-synergy what with the AoE sleep being one of your go-to lockdowns, but then having all of those snazzy AoEs in Martial that just wake everything up again. You also have Terrorize, but then they can return fire after you hit them. So, it's probably not an ideal pairing. Just curious what others' experiences have been (I saw a thread from last October from Steampunkette who ended up jumping ship to Elec/Martial but I want to see if it's clicked with anyone).

  3. I'm trying to find some options that don't look silly with the animations for Savage Melee. I like the Dark Shield but it's a bit much, not customizable color-wise and you leave this smoke trail everywhere--sort of makes all your hard flailing look like you are Pigpen fighting the school bully (and winning).


    I don't care for the tribal shields either unfortunately. Other things you have found that look good?

  4. On 3/12/2020 at 12:13 AM, Frosticus said:

    exactly. sav offers up a few good spots for ff +rech as well. And blood stacks contribute good rech over time.

    my dark/sav was a very easy perma by the late 30s and probably my cheapest character for that amount of power. 

    Would you by any chance be willing to share that build?

  5. Actually Fiery Armor does have recovery; Consume has an ongoing buff to recovery after the initial END drain. I’m finding that many of the descriptions don’t have all the info, you actually have to look at the details of each power to see all the nuances. The replacement for the snipe has a repel and an unenhaceable mag 4 hold.

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