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Prof Evbof

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Posts posted by Prof Evbof

  1. Hate to Necro thread, but also hate to repeat thread topics. So here goes...
    I have a bunch of Brutes with Infiltration with Celerity slotted. They are semi-transparent, but I can at least see their color details.
    I have a bunch of Stalkers with just Hide, they are much more transparent and I cannot make out their color details.
    I would love for my Stalkers to be less transparent and would be happy if they were just as transparent as under Infiltration.
    If Transparency were selectable via Null the Gull, everyone taking a stealth power could customize their level of transparency.

  2. I am relatively new to CoH, but have played mmorpgs for awhile. I almost always play a melee toon. Mostly  because I cannot kite. So I am wondering what other ATs in this game can work without kiting. I prioritize survivability, but I don't mind toons that kill really, really fast and I don;t mind toons that stun and knock mobs away (the animation to get up is a time span where they aren't attacking).

    Note that I solo most of the time.
    I know that Sentinels have the same defense secondary sets as brutes, so that is something I need more insight on.
    I also know that several Blaster secondaries are designed to dish out damage at melee range in addition to ranged primary attacks such that you literally deal damage as fast as you can press the whole bunch of buttons. Again I would like more insight.
    I have dabbled with Mastermind, letting my pets blast or pound away at mobs close to me, I don't mind using the GoTo command to concentrate my pets on my spot. I could use more insight here as well.

    Lastly I know that SoA and Widow can be tailored for melee.
    I have absolutely no clue on Corrupter, Defender, Controller, or Dominator. Which of these can keep mobs off me?
    I dabbled with the Speed Pool power Whirlwind, but I would prefer more insight on the ATs from a primary/secondary POV.

  3. I have a toon with Savage Melee. The wiki says Shred consumes Frenzy, but the in-game tool tip says Shred builds Frenzy. I haven't taken it yet to determine which is correct.

    Does anyone know if Shred consumes or builds Frenzy?

    Shred is Savage Melee lvl 2 for Brutes and Scrappers

  4. I am playing a level 15 scrapper - Martial Arts and Dark Armor. I have a few attacks from Power Pools as well.

    The combat log shows my chance to hit. For my three power pool attacks, the value is exactly as I would suspect if the base to hit is 75% and the beginners luck for my lvl 15 is 3%.

    However my martial arts attacks have a higher chance to hit.

    I have Hover, Dark Embrace, and Murky Cloud as toggles and I don't expect any of those to give buff to hit - and especially not to just my martial arts powers.

    What other mechanic am I not aware of?

  5. I am playing a Stalker - Spines/Bio Armor - and so far have only taken Lunge and Assassin's Impale from the Spines set.

    Sometimes when my Lunge hits, I do not get a stack of Assassin's Focus. Aren't I supposed to automatically get a stack or is there a proc chance that I am unaware of?

    I have been monitoring my combat log because of this.

    On one occasion, I looked back in my log and could find an instance where I got three stacks of Assassin's Focus, but my next Assassin's Impale did not crit. Do stacks of Assassin's Focus go away on their own over time or did the rng roll something over 99% or is there another thing going on that I am unaware of?

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