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  1. I'm also still interested in having two auras to choose on a character.. but at this point i am not sure if the devs want that.. haven't played CoH in a while either
  2. ye plenty to choose from.. i would just like another passive aura slot xD
  3. hm.. one thing i don't know is how auras are set up. some feel like they're a second suit layer, others like particles attached to some points on the character, while some feel like they're entire animated models, like the atom-like one i'm after xD
  4. i'm not familiar with what player experience Homecoming is supposed to provide, but me as a game modder, is aware that setting it all up is sometimes a thankless job xD; i would be happy to chip in if i could, for a second aura
  5. hm.. after some searching online and seeing the premium costumes, i can't say that they would fit my character. but that now goes into just my preference, layering another costume aura over in the customization menu besides, i don't think i would be collecting those 'Aethers' any time soon 🤣
  6. i'm not sure where to even get those oO
  7. Hm.. my apologies if i 'used necromancy' on this thread here, but this has definitely caught my attention ^^ and reading from the start of the thread, i see it.. being possible? has there been anything new on this? i would love to have just one more passive aura for the character customization. ..and on a similar topic.. i don't remember if the 'reptilian' head texture always had dark eyes.. they would certainly benefit from regular white ones, or yellow or gold.. but i digress 😛
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