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Everything posted by brich1790

  1. My main hero was Ruby Girl.
  2. For some reason, I was forced to close COH, they told me to report this. Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0xc70d750a in 32-bit code (0x9acd2bd2). Register dump: CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f EIP:9acd2bd2 ESP:0032cb08 EBP:0032cb08 EFLAGS:00010293( R- -- I S -A- -C) EAX:c70d74f6 EBX:4e58472e ECX:8bf44d8b EDX:c70d74f6 ESI:00000000 EDI:8bf44d8b Stack dump: 0x0032cb08: 0032cb38 9acd1d96 c70d74f6 40242c90 0x0032cb18: 0032cbac c70d74f6 00000000 00000000 0x0032cb28: 00000000 40242230 00000030 4e58472e 0x0032cb38: 0032cbc8 4e58496a 7bc74a9c 40242c90 0x0032cb48: 0032cbac 41000000 00000000 0000000f 0x0032cb58: 567e6438 0032cf0f 7bc749b4 00000001 0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw- Backtrace: =>0 0x9acd2bd2 (0x0032cb08) 1 0x9acd1d96 (0x0032cb38) 2 0x4e58496a (0x0032cbc8) 3 0x4e57f7d6 (0x0032cc08) 4 0x4e58280e (0x0032cc38) 5 0x0078301e in homecoming (+0x38301d) (0x0032cd80) 6 0x00785d00 in homecoming (+0x385cff) (0x0032e64c) 0x9acd2bd2: movl 0x14(%eax),%eax Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (39 modules) PE 330000- 387000 Deferred cggl PE 390000- 3a3000 Deferred physxloader PE 400000- 173e000 Export homecoming PE 1f00000- 2273000 Deferred physxcore PE 2280000- 22ca000 Deferred cudart32_30_9 PE 10000000-10064000 Deferred physxcooking PE 42ca0000-42cab000 Deferred winmm PE 42ff0000-42ff3000 Deferred glu32 PE 45aa0000-45ace000 Deferred user32 PE 45be0000-45be4000 Deferred gdi32 PE 45d60000-45d64000 Deferred advapi32 PE 45de0000-45de4000 Deferred version PE 45df0000-45df8000 Deferred ole32 PE 45f40000-45f44000 Deferred rpcrt4 PE 45fc0000-45fc4000 Deferred msacm32 PE 45ff0000-45ff4000 Deferred dsound PE 46050000-46054000 Deferred dinput8 PE 46070000-46074000 Deferred ddraw PE 46100000-46104000 Deferred wined3d PE 46240000-46244000 Deferred opengl32 PE 465e0000-465e4000 Deferred ws2_32 PE 46610000-46614000 Deferred imm32 PE 46630000-46642000 Deferred comdlg32 PE 466b0000-466b4000 Deferred winspool PE 466f0000-466f4000 Deferred wsock32 PE 46810000-4691e000 Deferred shell32 PE 46a00000-46a04000 Deferred shlwapi PE 46a80000-46aa0000 Deferred comctl32 PE 46b90000-46b94000 Deferred iphlpapi PE 46c50000-46c53000 Deferred winemac PE 471c0000-471c4000 Deferred uxtheme PE 475e0000-475e4000 Deferred psapi PE 4b6a0000-4b6a4000 Deferred mmdevapi PE 4b6d0000-4b6d3000 Deferred winecoreaudio PE 4e210000-4e217000 Deferred oleaut32 PE 4e570000-4e574000 Deferred dinput PE 6a000000-6a56d000 Deferred cg PE 7b810000-7b866000 Deferred kernel32 PE 7bc10000-7bc14000 Deferred ntdll Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 00000008 (D) C:\Program Files\coh\homecoming.exe 0000002f 0 0000002c 0 0000002b 15 0000002a 0 00000029 15 00000028 0 00000027 0 00000026 0 00000009 0 <== 0000000e services.exe 0000001f 0 0000001e 0 00000014 0 00000010 0 0000000f 0 00000012 winedevice.exe 0000001d 0 0000001a 0 00000017 0 00000013 0 0000001b plugplay.exe 00000021 0 00000020 0 0000001c 0 00000022 explorer.exe 00000024 0 00000023 0 System information: Wine build: wine-1.6.2 Platform: i386 Host system: Darwin Host version: 15.6.0
  3. I just check I don't see it.
  4. I tried to play the game on my Windows 10 laptop and I got this message "Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 2019.05.06, client 2019.04.27"
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