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  1. ok its very simple, scrappers and stalkers have a higher base damage for their attacks and they have crit strike which causes said attack to do max damage. brutes have any where from +200% to +500% damage which surpasses blasters damage. corr scourge plus the buffs or debuffs also allow them to surpass blaster damage.
  2. which number is higher, 900 psi or 915 smashing plus 600 energy? math doesnt lie.
  3. so your answer is linking old posts?
  4. right now blasters are about 5th on damage behind stalkers, scrappers, brutes and probly corrupters. I dont understand why classes with tons of def and res are doing more damage than a class with little to none. if youre asking how i came to this conclusion heres how. stalkers and scrappers I did my strongest attack to a lvl 50 boss with a build up hidden etc my blaster used both build ups and a sniper attack. the scrapper and stalker attack for attack did more damage than the blaster. blaster vs brute, i made a fire/fire blaster to farm with had the exact same powers as a fire/fire brute. not only did i find out that the brute could farm faster but the base damage of fire sword circle, burn, blazing aura etc was higher on the brute. so this begs the question, whats the point of a blaster?
  5. cant get in keep getting a pop up error i click ok after i log in theres only 1 server that says unnamed server
  6. brutes can do 96% of what tankers can but with way better damage, trollers can hold a whole group with 1 power. blasters and scrappers can blow away entire mobs with little effort. corr, def, dom etc help everyone blow stuff away or hold it in place. where do tankers fit into this? with IO sets and incarnate abilities every class can be a tanker but without the draw back of low damage. my tank only has 3000 hit points im sure brutes probly have twice that and twice the damage. the sad thing is tankers cant even taunt a whole group. i dont understand why they have 3 taunts, 1 in attacks, the gauntlet power, and the activated power. im just finding it hard to see how tankers are of any use.
  7. im having trouble too
  8. what about the law did i say was false.
  9. its a real concern, it doesnt matter if you disagree the law is very clear on what you can and cant do. if you where smart you would agree with me but doesnt seem like you are.
  10. I think speak for all of us when I say we are all gateful to have COH back. im not a lawyer or versed on legal stuff as far as coprights. however I would like to encourge people to not make copyrighted chars using their name or likeness. I dont know who makes the comic con fire farms but I would also encourge those people to change the npcs costumes. I would hate for the game to be shut down because of people using copyrighted chars, it was strickly enforced during live for a reason and I think we should respect that.
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