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War Patriot

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  1. So I am getting something odd. So the 64 Bit is greyed out. When I launch it tries to launch my old NC Soft Launcher. If I launch CoH from the folder I originally made for homecoming it says it's not the updated version. Yet everything appears to be pointed at it. OSX 10.13.6
  2. So having really unusual Sound Quality issues. If I'm soloing the game seems to run just fine with no issues what so ever. Yet once I start to team up and large numbers of powers start firing off I get choppy, latent Audio and once I am back to solo the issue stays in that choppy unable to catch up state. On a newer Mac with OSX 10.13.6 so not sure why it's having issues with Just the Audio everything else is working beautifully.
  3. So I have a Mac. I got Island Rum going. Have Score Selected. I click on the Play Button but nothing is happening.... Not sure what else to do. The Mac was saying it wouldn't launch but I told it to open anyways. I have restarted. Reinstalled and tried again and still nothing happening. Thoughts on how to get CoH back up and going at this point?
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