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Everything posted by cerhob

  1. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/33789-jjdrakkens-random-builds/?do=findComment&comment=454803 When looking for this, I noticed this one was from 2022 while the one I noticed first was from 2020. This one looks better but still runs Scorpion Shield. I'm not sure if there are better options for that.
  2. Hey again! Could you update your mercenaries/Elec MM build? I appreciate any help you can provide.
  3. Hello again JJDrakken Do you have a build for a Defender with Empathy and Radiation? A friend of mine would love to see what you come up with. Thank you ahead of time!
  4. On it!
  5. Can I request an Invulnerability - Super Strength tanker with fly and maybe laser eyes? I want to update some of my older toons... But I'm a sucker for theme 😄If it's not too much to ask for. I know you've helped me out a lot already! Thanks in advance!
  6. Hey JJ, Is that tanker willpower/street justice from 2021 still good? I know some changes were made to tankers so I want to ensure I'm using an efficient build. Thank you for all that you do.
  7. Wow, thank you so much for these! I can't believe how fast you responded to this. Thank you again!
  8. JJDrakken, you've made my time in this game so much better. I used to struggle with building characters but now I can find a good build here. I have a question and a request. Is the Dual Pistol Fire Manipulation blaster you posted in 2021 still viable? If not, could you post an updated one? And is there a chance I could get a Firey Melee / Willpower scrapper build? Thank you for your time and knowledge! I appreciate it.
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