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Everything posted by Mihawk

  1. Hello, i am still very new to the game and my main char is at the moment a Broadsword/Shield stalker on his way to T4 incarnates (got Alpha,Judgment and Destiny T4 and none of the rest atm) based on the build of the old post i am linking below. I wanted to ask if anyone has an updated build and also how should my "rotation" be like, should i use hack/slice/slash or just spam parry-head splitter-disembowel (and Assassin strike whenever is up) since the cooldowns are low enough to just spam those? I can see some good damage (like two separate 400 or 500dmg on on AS crit) but it's nowhere near the values i can read in this old post, also why is the damage dispalyed "doubled" and not in a single 1000 crit? There are claims of 3k HS crit and since i already have T4 muscolature i just don't see how should i reach those values. My current setup is almost the same as user Crysis posted in below topic:
  2. Since Reunion is quite desert i am posting here in search of an active European SG.
  3. Hey Alpha i am Italian and a new player too, my general name to add in game if you want is @Mihawk.
  4. As a new player (three weeks in) i completely agree, i have played other MMOs (WoW most of all), in a short time and not many hours avaiable to play i now have a fire farmer fully slotted (purples included) and a freshly dinged 50 that i plan to use in PVE as my main. I think i earned at least 1 billion (i don't know exactly as i spent a lot on the farmer), if one has the will to learn how to get inf on the forums, getting it is not hard at all, the learning curve btw can be scary.
  5. I am a new player (played a few months live but it was ages ago and i was a very young kid), i am looking for a SG on Excelsior to make new friends and get some help understanding some aspects of the game. I live in Europe and i am active mostly around 8-10pm (CET) or the weekends. If anyone is willing to recruit me let me know! Thanks
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