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Posts posted by Chronocrator

  1. 7 hours ago, EnjoyTheJourney said:

    FWIW I (also) didn't miss an AOE immobilize power at all when testing arsenal control on a dominator. 


    For the latest build, I don't either! I'm actually having a lot of fun with the set as-is. The set has enough in its kit now to justify lacking an AoE Immobilize, in my view.



  2. On 1/28/2024 at 7:13 PM, EnjoyTheJourney said:

    Smoke grenade is a confuse-based-analogue to volcanic gasses, which doesn't ever activate domination. Technically, it's a step up on how most pseudopets function to consider overpower or domination mechanics at all. 

    I wish they were analagous.VG gets away with not proccing the inherent powers by being actually good. It can hold bosses by itself. Confuse is probably stronger than Hold (if you ignore the fact that they will scatter like crazy if you can't immob them) so I can understand toning town Smoke Canister. Honestly, giving the set a VG clone would be such a big boost. Let's go all in with the patches, make Tear Gas a Volcanic Gasses clone... might even fix the set.

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  3. Why is it a 25% chance to Dominate? It's a hard control that requires a click, placement, and even to deal damage... why is it increasing the potency by 25% instead of 100%? It will either reliably hold bosses under Domination or it won't. It's definitely a step in the right direction to allow pseudopets to trigger the AT Inherents (this should be done across the board), but it's just an odd choice to make it unreliable. As it stands, it's a mild boost that might randomly help out, but the flaw here is that the playstyle you run with as a Dominator doesn't really give you that much breathing room. You'll need to use some other control power on the bosses since a few seconds of uninterrupted attacking from them can kill you. So if you lock them down and prevent them from attacking you some other way... why did we bother confusing them?

  4. I haven't tested whether it works or not, so I'll have to take your word for it. It would have taken far, far too long to get a character built up to a high enough level to test.


    The powers are more than mediocre. They're literally useless for a Brute or Tanker. You already have Taunt, which is better than Provoke in every way. You ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT a Placate of any sort. You have no use for Fears, especially on a Brute. These are all powers that no Tanker or Brute in their right minds would ever take by choice, ever.


    And as I noted before, you're also forced to build to +305% global recharge to even use it properly.


    It was a bad idea.


    Not useless. Worse than existing options, sure. Unyielding itself is quite a decent power, only held back by its long recharge time. Provoke is a bad taunt but if your powers are really that tight you can take it instead of taunt if you want unyielding. Fear is crowd control and there's no class in the game that finds that completely useless. Sure, you'd never go out of your way to pick it, but your goal is to pick up Unyielding, which could be quite a big deal for various different builds.


    You keep bringing up this recharge issue but I literally said it's something that can be easily tweaked and apparently applied differently to other powers. Could you read my whole post?


    Now, I don't understand why adding a feature that is too weak is a reason to remove it altogether. If it's such a bad option, what's the harm in leaving it there? Why not fix the pool and use the design somehow?

  5. Nobody takes it because a THREE power investment in a pool that's otherwise 100% useless to Brutes and Tankers is not fun at all. It's a huge investment and sacrifice, and even then unless you build +recharge in to the absolute recharge cap you can only mitigate *one* crash, the next one will not have Unyielding ready yet.


    Nobody takes it because you can't use it for this purpose at all and it doesn't function. I'm asking about why the option was completely removed. Why was this abandoned?


    And yes, it'd be a sacrifice. You take a few mediocre powers and you get to dodge crashes. That way, the power still has a downside. Some powers specified that the crash is avoided by simply training the Unrelenting powers while others mentioned using it. Not 100% sure how this went for Rage, but that's something that can be easily tweaked.


  6. They don't want to 'waste' powers on doing exactly what they're asking for - not 'perfectly optimal'.  I haven't taken Unrelenting - I could but I haven't, because I haven't needed to.  I can mitigate the crash a bunch of other ways, whether it's by having a purple or two or by...oh, I dunno....PAYING ATTENTION to my powers, and being perfectly willing to wait 15 seconds every now and then.


    You could take Unrelenting, sure, but on Homecoming it does not prevent crashes. I don't know the history behind the power or when/if the trait was added/removed, but it's not present. I'm just wondering about that.


    I honestly don't know how popular of a choice it would be if it were available but I think it's something interesting to consider.



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