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Savage Nightmare

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  1. If someone would like to share their builds. It would be appreciated. Working on one of my own, but would like to see the reasoning behind different builds.
  2. Fair enough. That's a very valid point. ghosting to the end. Thanks for the insight!
  3. Understandable. However, I don’t see it as an advantage only because how often are you wanting to not agro a group when confusing them? Most of the time you’re in combat anyways. Especially how fast groups pulls when running content. I guess if you’re wanting to solo content. Then I can see that being worth it. My point was that the entire power set is underplayed, and for good reason. Increasing the cooldown of Seeds of Confusion doesn’t fix the rest of the power set being lackluster. I was just saying that change could bring a little more excitement to the build. Being able to “mind control” a little more frequent. I do see what you mean though. Increasing the cooldown would dim the spotlight a bit on seeds being a better choice for a mass confuse.
  4. One of the standout powers in this set is Mass Confusion, a tier 9 ability with immense potential. However, there is a discrepancy in its effectiveness compared to other Area of Effect (AoE) Confuse powers due to its lengthy 4-minute cooldown before enhancements. In a world where instant gratification and swift actions reign supreme, the extended cooldown of Mass Confusion seems out of place. When compared to similar AoE Confuse powers with much shorter cooldowns, it becomes apparent that this power may not be living up to its full potential. As a tier 9 power, Mass Confusion should exude strength and impact, rivaling other competitive abilities in its tier. Players expect tier 9 powers to pack a punch and make a significant difference in combat, but the current state of Mass Confusion leaves something to be desired. By reducing its cooldown or enhancing its effects, Mass Confusion could become a force to be reckoned with, aligning it more closely with the power level expected of a tier 9 ability. In the ever-evolving world of City of Heroes, balance and fine-tuning of powers are crucial to ensure an engaging and rewarding gameplay experience. By addressing the disparity in cooldown and potency of Mass Confusion, players can fully unleash the potential of the Mind Control Primary power set and feel the true strength of their mind-bending abilities. Telekinesis needs some love too, but I’m sure anything is better than what it is. Any additional opinions are most welcome from the community. I mainly play Dominators, and would love some feedback from fellow Doms out there./
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