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Everything posted by Blushield

  1. Yup. Ferrera has your prize, ping her and she can get you set. And, of course, congratulations!
  2. On behalf of the Vanguard League and our Special Guest Judge, @ironjoe, I'd like to thank all the participants, entries and supporters for the 2021 Best Base In Paragon Contest. Every year we see an amazing array of bases, and every contest is more difficult than the last. We'd love to give every entrant a prize, and every time we end up adding more prize money to the pool because the bases are just that good! Below is the final list of prizes awarded for 2021 representing a total of 27,000,000,000 influence. Congratulations to everyone involved! Prize Name Entry Code Architect 1st Place The Pagoda GHOST-1471 @Squidget 2nd Place/Best Small Base Granny Victoria's Tea Room TEATIME-17990 @Aalya 3rd Place The Great Temple TEMPLE-20520 @Frixer 3rd Place Salamanca SALAMANCA-19770 @Hobo Master Best Functional HQ Legion of Valor Valor-30 @Kallisti Gold Judge's Prize Briarwood @twentysix Judge's Prize Bad Kitty Ink BKI-17071 @Trick Dacy Judge's Prize Phoenix Flight Phoenix-13494 @Stormsyrge Best RP Storyline Crash CRASH-15210 @Wravis
  3. Can do, thanks. It was clear to me, but I'm not really the audience.
  4. Tonight in Kallisti at 7:30pm Eastern
  5. A quick note on Collecting your Winnings: In the past we've had trouble getting winnings to people. The reasons vary, e.g. "I gave you the wrong global" or "It never showed up", etc.. Once again, we are only paying out the @Global we have registered for your entry in the contest. Our preferred method is as follows: The Vanguard Judges, BluShield and Ferrera will stock their in-game mail with the prize money just before the contest winners are announced. After the ceremony is over, we will meet the winners individually and open a trade window. We will confirm this by adding your @Global as a friend. (you're free to drop us after you're paid). We will then trade with you until you're paid your winnings. If that would put you over the 2B limit, we suggest you mail the excess to yourself (or whatever your favorite account looks like). And that should do it! If you want time to move your alts around beforehand, we can be flexible. Under No Circumstance Will We Pay Anyone Twice! If your entry is registered under someone else's name, work it out with them. Sorry to be a PITA on this, but we've run 3 previous contests and some version of this has happened each time.
  6. I'm assuming you mean Thursday? I need to double check to make sure someone will be on.
  7. Tours are limited to 20 minutes so plan accordingly! Usually it take about 5 mins at the beginning to assemble and that gives us 5 mins to write up some notes. While we'd love to spend an hour in your base investigating every nook and cranny and learn your whole backstory, it's just not possible (we know, we've tried) Sign up below and I'll add you to the table. Timeslot Signup (Please use the base code or your Global) Tuesday, 20 July 2021 7:30pm EDT TEATIME-17990 8:00pm EDT 8:30pm EDT Thursday, 22 July 2021 7:30pm EDT 8:00pm EDT @Keshbits???? 8:30pm EDT @Polaris37 Friday 23 July 2021 7:30pm EDT SALAMANCA-18770 8:00pm EDT CRASH-15210 8:30pm EDT GHOST-1471 9:00pm EDT @Vessa Saturday, 24 July 2021 8:00am EDT 8:30am EDT 9:00am EDT 9:30am EDT Phoenix-13494 10:00am EDT BKI-17071
  8. Soon, probably this weekend. As I mentioned, there are some RL issues that are slowing everything down a bit.
  9. Quick Program Note: We're a little behind due to some RL issues, so we're going to do the awards on 24 July. This will also give us some time to do base tours.
  10. Ok, just to be clear: here's what we don't want: We don't want someone re-submitted the same base that has already placed at the prize level in last contest. (Really, we've had some awesome winners, but we want to give everyone a chance. Unless you really want to go up against Veracor every time we run a contest). We don't want anyone winning more than one prize. There are lots of corner cases like multiple globals, commissioned bases etc. We're not going to make a complex set of rules because you're all very clever and will find a way to create exceptions we wouldn't think to address. Bottom Line: The judges reserve the right to arbitrate those cases as we see fit in the interest of fairness and equity. This is one of the reasons we include a winner from the last contest to help keep us fair. Put your entry in and, if there is a problem, we'll let you know.
  11. LAST CALL!!! Base Entries close on the 30th. For those who want to give guided tours, we'll have a sign up sheet posted with times in a few days.
  12. Yes. That contest was more than a year ago, so you'd be eligible .
  13. Thanks, fixed it. It should have ready Global ID or SG.
  14. The Vanguard League, Everlasting's most chillax SG is sponsoring it's annual base building contest. Some Details below: Entries Close: 30 June 2021 Contest Judging: 17 July 2021 24 July 2021 Prizes: First prize: 10 Billion inf! 20 Billion in total cash and prizes! To enter: Post in the thread below, including your @Global and SG. Either post or email your base entry code. Fine print: One entry per global ID, or SG. We’re very pleased to announce a special guest judge has been added to our roster! @ironjoe will be serving as our 3rd judge in this contest. Guidelines: 1) Deadline for Entry to the contest is 30 June 2021. No entries will be considered after that. Please register your SG by including the name of the SG, the base passcode and a contact either here (reply in this thread) or in an in-game email to @Blushield. Incomplete entries will not be counted. Prizes will only be sent to the @global that is registered. 2) Prizes will be awarded in on Saturday, 17 July 2021 at 7:30pm US Eastern. Location TBA 3) 2 judges from the Vanguard League will begin scheduling tours about 2 weeks before the awards. Bases will be judged broadly on Theme, Creativity and Technical merit by each judge. The consensus of the committee is final. 4) Previous contest winners and judges choice winners (winners in the October 2020 contest) may not enter this contest (to give others a fair shot at it). 5) SGs are welcome to open their bases to the general public for viewing, but are not required to do so. PRIZES! 1st PRIZE: 10,000,000,000 inf 2nd Prize: 3,000,000,000 inf 3rd Prize: 2,000,000,000 inf These are the "Best Overall" Category. It's possible to start out in the categories below and end up here (SGs will only be awarded 1 prize however). Other prize categories include: Best Base RP/Public/Club: Bases in this category are generally open to the public/have public facilities. Theme is an important component of judging and we're looking for a consistent, well executed concept that defines the club. If your RP base is closed to the public, that's fine, but you'll be judged in the Functional HQ category. Note: The ENTIRE base does not need to be public. You can have public facing facilities and private base rooms/offices etc. Best Base: Small: Looking for tight, well designed bases that would be considered "small", e.g. single person bases, travel hubs,. etc. If you are using half of the largest plot, you're probably not "small". Best Base: Functional HQ: Does your SG fight crime from your orbital satellite? Will you finally "show them all!" from your underground lair? Looking for theme, but also function, e.g. does the base serve the daily needs of the SG? Judges Awards: These are at the discretion of each of the judges. There aren't many rules here, just "Hey, I like it".
  15. So, I promised to post our Away From Keyboard (AFK) FF template. Theory craft: The goal here is to build a farmer that you can leave unattended for long periods of time, i.e. Fire and Forget. You don't have to do it this way, there are dozens of builds available on the CoH forums, but it does make operation simple. On most of my FF Brutes/Tanks I have an AFK build (patterned below) and a street build with better rounded defenses and a little more attack UMPH. You want a Brute to start. We've done this with tanks, but Fury is a thing that exists and it works in your favor. The attack set doesn't matter much if at all. You won't really be using it. I've built these with Spines, Radiation, Electric, Katana. even Psy. (Yes, each has a unique virtue and we could argue the benefits and drawbacks of each, but for AFK it doesn't matter much since you wont be there to push the buttons). Fire Aura is the heavy lifter here, it's your defense and your auto attack (Burn). Your goal is to get to 45% Fire Defense. At that point, you can pretty much walk through any fire farm at will. You will take some damage but nothing serious. Every once in a great while you'll get a n unlucky string of hits, but it's very rare and almost never fatal (unless one of your toggles shuts off for some reason). At 45% defense, something like only 1 in 20 hits actually lands and you have so much fire resistance you can shrug it off.. To do this, you'll need a LOT of 5-sloted Aegis in every resist opportunity. It will give you fire/cold defense at 3 and 5 slots. I also recommend slotting of Shield Wall (+DEF all), Gladiator's Armor (+DEF all), Unbreakable Guard (+7.5% HP), Steadfast Protection (+DEF all), Panacea (+HP) to round out the set. You can train this up from level 0, and you won't tackle the +4x8 until late in your 50s, but you can easily level up putting the build together as a Brute and learning the non-AFK life. Once you're ready, hit your toggle's for 45% Fire Defense, set Burn on auto (I've slotted it with Superior Avalanche), drop them into Briggs or Cult's FFsand you're off to the races. Three Mile Aisle's Build from Mids: | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1523;693;1386;HEX;| |78DA6D94CF53525114C7EF93478A804060888A222A082A81BA287FE4546A8B64C6E| |9D79661F2A5AF0819C0995CB6AE45D9A216FDD09A166DDAF56BAA45FF4D8D596DDB| |4487F7FD26CED01BE073EFF79E73EE39E7BE4BF6D682EBF5B9DBF34A739E2DE42B9| |5DC99F266D568CB6E56F35573A368534AD92E654FB70A7BACA55CD6281846EA427E| |D5B42C30EFC2DA8271CD28568CD4926994B772A737CB79E55AD9D828A4968D7CC92| |CAEB55B938B25C358F5FCD3578D7265DD2CB9ADF992B9B65E15C3D062C9BC9A5A2C| |1AE5B5AD5C365FA9D6E3597B744926A3F2BD13931F4DBEAAA6AB5DC933A3AB961DF| |225A8BF209F836FD4818F5DFD8676644A03D3605B869C003B26C1BB31BACA7E5AB2| |C5D2DA13E408E88A9331F06DBD7BDCCFF658B734EF13F22978F419B9030676C177E| |265677DF67DE4DAF11D0CEC81C7BE915F4939A656F868AD01E4DDD5090665CD81FC| |95E30FB4F73273323F67500661B1673FBA597737FBD0CBBEF4B24F5189E7E65EEEF| |A8188D6477E107818D73381DCFA18B78F71238C1B61DC08E3DE973EFBE8EB9B86EF| |C00C394BCE8183F3E429F09EF8FA51A3DD7F1D6730688243EBE40DF226182B803EA| |9A713FBDA3ABDC825C6DEC5FC609C3DD5C436C85E06C3A8D9265A88E71562AD71D6| |1A67AD09D69A60AD1FEBB78AB5F69C401EC993E0D8343943CE81E3B3A02EFB85996| |FF83CEA4F30DF24F34F32DF07D2977EEED3EFC2FB35EE263BC0E31ED2477AC14FE2| |1585AF8AF27C3F0B8659FF3035874FA911DA8D3CE43D106D94DAE80072748A96A26| |F6A0C76DB925F9A5AFA8B687E79CF74C5A7261F7954B249491F5674C4CA34594D36| |29534DCA927EF0CF505BFE4FD415FDE0F62BCDF27078E56E43A9EDB7CB2AEBD4C6D| |18F9F0D4DD3AEE01C3297C11F87EDAD68BF1A4A8BC6EE65B6C908222ECBAB9D618E| |A14063BC146C8CF7861AE34787EC5F451BE3BFF399DFC6| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  16. You could be right, we were a little surprised as well. Next time we'll give more than a week's notice.
  17. Well, surprisingly, we don't have anyone signed up for this now, so we're going to push it off to the Summer. If you're curious about Fire Farming and have questions, please join one of the Vanguard League Support Sunday Fire Farms and ask on Team. See you Sunday! -Blu
  18. Hello Everlasting! The Vanguard League has been running our Support Sunday Fire Farm for a year or so and one of the most frequent requests we get is "Can you show me how to do this?" You asked and the Vanguard League will answer! Next Saturday, 23 January 2021 at Noon Eastern, 9am Pacific in Pocket D, we will host a tutorial school for fire farming! We will enroll the first 6 prospective students who sign up below. We expect the tutorial to last about 2 hours. What to Bring: A Level 1 Brute with Fire Aura secondary. Your choice of primary powers, can be Hero or Villain. Be fully loaded on 2x xp. Have Mids. Have Discord. Syllabus: We will run your through a a few fire farms, the first to level you a bit and help you select some powers. The we will turn down the difficulty and let you try a bit. Be aware, a fully realized fire farmer takes a while, and takes some cash. We'll show you how to get the cash as you level your farmer. We will also share a mids build for an AFK fire farmer that you can use as a template. With demos, Q&A and examples, we'll get you fire farming in no time!
  19. Entered! Good luck!
  20. The Vanguard League is happy to announce a contest for Saturday, 16 Jan 2021. Theme: Saturday Morning Cartoons! Join us for over 2 Billion inf in Prizes! Top Prize, 1 Billion inf! Kallisti Wharf: Saturday, 16 Jan 2021, 7:30pm Eastern, 4:30 Pacific! See you there!
  21. Just submit, we'll figure it out on our end.
  22. After careful consideration, we've decided to postpone the deadline for this contest until sometime this Spring. Everyone's been preoccupied and we've had a number of folks ask for deadline extensions. So, in the interest in running a competitive contest, we're going to leave it open for awhile and allow folks to finish out their story lines. However, to be fair to the entries so far, @12twelveletter, @Phenomriel, and @Fictional, we're going to award each of you 1 Billion Influence and keep you enrolled for the Spring. We've played through each and really enjoyed them! More details as events warrant.
  23. Thanks everyone for coming out for this! It was WAY harder to judge than we were expecting. Everlasting is home to some of the most clever, creative and punny people in all of CoH! Thank you!
  24. Puns! The Vanguard League is happy to announce a Costume Contest for New Years Day: 2021, Theme: Puns! Bring your punniest character! Red/Blue//Gold are all welcome! Time: 3:00pm Eastern/Noon Pacific Location: Pocket D Total Prize Package: 1 Billion inf + Door Prizes Courtesy of the Vanguard League, Everlasting's most chillax SG.
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