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Posts posted by dmaker

  1. I'm interested in a flying tank build as well, but I was leaning more towards Willpower. I love the click it and forget it nature of WP.


    Is it possible to create a WP/SS tank that is close to as durable as this one?



  2. 4 hours ago, EmmySky said:

    My old fav

    Was my MA/regen scrapper....pre-nerf pre ED....pre-weakassregen.  I remade her here and regen continued to disappoint.  I have rerolled her as MA/WP but its not the same.  She's only mid 20s and I have been distracted by other shinies, maybe if I concentrate on her she will shine like she should.


    My 'main' from live was one I ran with ex hubby and I detested her then and will never remake her.  Let her rest in peace (pieces).

    My story is exactly the same.  I decided to roll a Ma/WP Brute and that one quickly became, and has remained, my main. I absolutely love this character.  With incarnates and io sets, you can build it tanky, or more dps oriented. I'd say I lean more to the tanky side, and I have a ton of end recovery too. Very easy and fun to play.


  3. Do you happen to have both integrated and discrete graphics? With Nvidia cards, you sometimes have to add an application to the use discrete video list. This can be done in the Nvidia Control Panel (right click on your desktop and select Nvidia Control Panel). 


    From there, go to 3d settings, then the program tab and add the exe for the game. 


    This might fix your issue. It sounds like maybe you are using the integrated graphics for the game, rather than your nvidia chip. 


    • Thanks 1
  4. Packet loss is also important. The default ping for linux does not display packet loss. You need to add the -O argument to the ping command. Windows shows the timeouts by default, so don't need to do that. A linux ping could show nothing but speedy, low latency responses and you might think everything is great. Meanwhile some of those ping attempts are lost. Windows will display the timeouts in real time. 


    Packet loss can be as damaging as high latency to the stability of a connection. Packet loss can be caused by upstream routing issues with your ISP or beyond. For home connections, that would almost always be the case.


    Closer to home it could be a damaged patch cable or a home router or cable/dsl modem in need of a reboot. Or--in some probably rare cases with home infrastructure--things like speed and duplex mismatch on a switch connection can result in packet loss while those packets that do return would still have low latency.  Auto negotiation pretty much takes care of that nowadays. Occasionally, at work, I will see some intrepid server admin change his server from auto negotiate to 1000Mbps, full duplex, while the switch is set to auto. This can cause issues. For home gear, auto negotiation should almost always be successful with no issues. 


    I just noticed packet loss was briefly mentioned above.  Apologies for any redundant comments.  I should also note that packet loss sometimes can be normal, as also mentioned above. Some devices are configured to drop icmp packets all together while others may police control plane traffic and drop icmp packets when under heavy load.  In both of those cases, there would be no impact to your connection. Traceroute would help show where packets are being lost, but again, most firewalls would drop the icmp packets by design. 


    On linux you can install tcptraceroute to try to get around this for investigative purposes. For example, if you know a server listens on tcp port 443 (https) you can do a tcptraceroute using that port. This will be treated differently by firewalls since it is not icmp traffic. The syntax would be:


    sudo tcptraceroute server.com 443       You can also use the ip address, of course.


    • Like 1
  5. I just did the Comic Con SL outdoor mission for the first time since the changes. Wow! I loved these missions before, but they are so much better (imo) with player created costumes!


    So impressed.  Seeing all these awesome costume creations has breathed new life into these missions. I prefer these over the old cosplay ones. And have no issue with homage costumes at all, but I am loving this change!


    Thanks for doing it this way, Brigg. Truly fantastic!



    • Like 4
  6. I like this idea. I was thinking about making the same suggestion recently, actually. Not only do I suffer from altitis, but I also have an obsession with tweaking costumes. Often an idea might come to me during an instance and I have to try to remember to check it out as soon as I can. 


    Often it's as simple as changing the color on a small piece, like belt buckle or something. But, it's fun for me. 


  7. Do many people do this? If I replaced all my attuned IOs for crafted ones, I could boost each one to +5 and go from 53% to 62% (iirc). That much efficacy is fairly significant, it seems to me. The costs would be extraordinary, however.  I would need a ton of enhancement unslotters, then sell the existing ones, then replace each one with a 7.5 million extra per IO to cover 5 boosters. They usually sell for about 1.5 million. 


    That's a lot of cost and effort. I'm curious if this is something that people do. Do you find it is worthwhile?





  8. On 9/20/2019 at 11:57 AM, HelenCarnate said:

    The set bonus stays no matter what on purple sets. If you boost them the boost also applies when you exemp down. You will still have lower enhancement values as you get lower in level but they will be slightly higher vs a non boosted set.

    I confess that I'm a bit confused. When you say purple sets, this does not include things like Armaggedon, Ragnarok, or Superior X...? I picked up 5 boosters and the only things I seem able to boost are generic level 50 IO's such as Recharge (usually have two on Hasten).When I select a power that is slotted with a purple set, all the enhancements are greyed out and cannot be selected for boosting...



  9. 13 hours ago, Frostweaver said:

    It's not a nuke. It's silly to expect one from a pool power.

    I didn't know that. 


    I do find that Crosspunch does as much damage as Haymaker with 5 Superior Avalanche slotted, so pretty happy with Crosspunch.


    Re:Fatigued...yeah, don't get that. It shows up every time I use Kick (which almost always out of pure boredom), but I have no idea what it does. 


    • Like 1
  10. I was thinking it might be nice if we could select more than one power to autofire, but only if that power is a  buff. Specifically, in my case, it would be convenient if I could put Barrier/Rebirth/Ageless, Assault, Focus Chi, those kinds of things on autofire. Then I can just focus on my attack chain. 


    I don't perceive any balance issues with this. They are not attack powers. I could be wrong, just a simple suggestion.  

    • Like 3
  11. Now I really, really  want Spring Attack to be that super hero landing that you see in the movies. You know, land with a sidewalk cracking thud, one knee down, one fist down, looking forward. I could just run around all day doing that 🙂



    • Like 1
  12. Dumb question time: Do you actually use kick or brawl? I always move those off my bar since I never use them. I don't really run out of active powers in my attack chain. It always seemed not worthwhile to fire off a "lesser" power like Brawl when Punch or Haymaker are ready to go. 



  13. I would actually like Spring Attack if the damage aligned more with the characteristics of the power. It looks like it's meant to be a sidewalk crushing, dramatic, drop from the sky combat opener. Sounds great. Looks cool in all the movies, etc.  


    Keep the cool down, but maybe 2.5 - 3 x the damage.

  14. 48 minutes ago, 3333053222 said:

    Spring Attack is a pseudo-pet. It will mainly be modified by the AT's damage base the most, in this case, a Brute's .6-something will lag far behind than it would for say a scrapper's 1.125. So yes, for brutes, this is underwhelming.


    However, I absolutely think that cross punch with kick would really help you I'd highly recommend respecing out to get cross punch and then use kick instead of boxing and then you get another decent AOE.

    Excellent advice, everyone. Thank you.


  15. I ended up taking spring attack at level 49 as I couldn't think of anything else. This is a SS/WP build. My 4 ancillary are Leaping (CJ, SJ), Fighting (Boxing, Tough, Weave), Speed (Hasten), and Leadership (Tactics, Assault, Maneuvers) I thought spring attack sounded kind of cool, so took it and four slotted it with Superior Avalanche (iirc).  So I do get some set bonuses, but in practice I was very underwhelmed by this power. It's damage feels weak and the timer is very long. I get the long timer, since it's pretty much an opening attack.


    I would take something like Acrobatics if that power took sets, but it doesn't, so I can't even stuff a LotG in there. I'm happy to respec out Spring Attack if someone has a better suggestion. 


    Perhaps Cross Punch? Does it take sets? Maybe Flurry? Or is Spring Attack worth keeping just for the set bonuses?



    Edit: Just did a quick search and it looks like I could put 4 Ragnarok in Cross Punch.  Would gain some recovery, accuracy and Fire res....



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