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  1. I probably had Field Operative on. If that's the case, that's unexpected behavior since other following NPCs were unaffected. Is that something that can be fixed by improving followers' perception?
  2. While playing through the story arc, I failed the mission due to Lawrence Harken moving at a snail's pace while following and saying the "I can't keep up message" whenever I moved slightly away from them while still in line of sight. I wasn't able to get out of the first room with him. This didn't match other following NPCs' behavior and seemed like a bug.
  3. I updated the City Mod Installer, and I can no longer replicate this issue with the same steps either.
  4. It seems that is either the default for the newer launcher or was added by the modding tools: The original post prefaces that line with "If you use Tequila add this:", so I assumed it wasn't relevant advice for the new launcher and didn't adjust it manually. To add on to the report, closing and reopening City Mod Installer causes the error to disappear, but it happens again when uninstalling and reinstalling the mod (test case "Vidiotmaps for Homecoming").
  5. I am experiencing an error while attempting to use the mod installer (v1.1.9181.28343). After installing any mod (test case is "Vidiotmaps for Homecoming"), I receive an unhandled exception error with "The given key was not present in the dictionary" when I click on the Installed Mods section. The mod does appear in-game. Full error log output: https://pastebin.com/SQU1mvFC Screenshots: Confirmed Game Path matches Install Location (error occurs with or without trailing backslash) Confirmed successful installation, but error message appears. Other context: - I am using the newest Homecoming launcher that does not require a separate Tequila installation. I was not prompted to modify the launcher by City Mod installer. - CoH Homecoming is installed on a non-system drive (System is C:, game drive is D:) - City Mod Installer creates this error regardless of whether it is on drive C or D. I checked a few previous pages to see if anyone else had this error, but it seems to be unique. Did I skip a step during City Mod Installer setup? Was I supposed to rename the Homecoming 'data' folder to something specific? I tested with and without an empty data folder, and the error persists. Any troubleshooting help would be welcome.
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