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ghost emoji

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Posts posted by ghost emoji

  1. I haven't had any negative experiences with the community yet but I can see why it'd be intimidating for people. It's a really good idea to look for a team if you want one but it's also ok if people don't want to team with total strangers. Everyone's different. I normally play with my friends and while I don't mind teaming with strangers (and have done it sometimes) it can feel harder, in a way, because it's easier to explain to my friends if I'm having a bad day and sucking at the game or just not very talkative.

  2. I'd definitely mute most chat tabs, except game stuff like NPC dialog. Most content Blueside seems pretty safe for kids, less so Redside (there are some missions that have heavier themes so it might be harder for kids to process). My biggest concern would be other users but that should be ok if you're supervising him. I've seen costumes that could raise some eyebrows but they're not explicitly NSFW.


    I don't know if you've talked to him about people on the Internet, but I'd do that. Explain that he shouldn't give out his personal information, though I'd also recommend telling him that if someone says something weird or scary to him he can talk to you (or if he sees something he doesn't understand or any upsetting content). CoH is probably a relatively nice place to get the hang of these basics, as far as things go.


    I see some people introducing CoH to their kids and teaming with them. I hope it's still around when or if I have kids, it sounds really fun. Maybe CoH parents could talk to each other and make a group for them and their kids... the world's most heroic playdate!

  3. This has happened to me before, one of the times it was especially bad because I spent a long time being stuck. I didn't know you get in touch with a GM. I agree with your suggestion, I hope this gets looked into since based on other posts we're not the only ones having trouble with this.

  4. Would like to see more of this though. And I never heard or even know where those places are.


    Paragon Dance Party has been around since 2004 but was replaced by Pocket D after City of Villains was released. You can still find entrances in Paragon... somewhere. It's mostly empty.


    I don't think I had ever visited it pre-shut-down (villain here), but I stumbled across it it just the other day trying to find where Pocket D was blueside.  It was completely empty.  Maybe people should cordon themselves off in there to run DFBs instead of the sewers or something.


    What shard are you on? On Everlasting it seems to have a decent number of people coming and going during the busier hours. I've seen it almost empty, but that's on my weird schedule as an Euro player  ;)


    Personally, I don't go to Pocket D that much unless I'm meeting up with my team. There's just no point in it for me since I'm not big on the setting, even for RP purposes, and I hate navigating the inside of the club. It does fit the bill for people who just want to hang around and chat. I've seen people hang around and chat in other areas too, mainly busy ones with few or no enemies.

  5. Did you change the weapons in individual costumes? I was experimenting with my DP character's costume the other day and noticed that the weapons reset in every costume slot instead of just being copied from the original. I had to manually change them but they worked after that.

  6. I just use my phone to look up the badges I can't find, most of them are on the various Wikis. I've heard of Vidiotmaps and I think they'd still work for many or most areas. For the newer badges, there have been posts in the forum explaining where they are so you can always search for that.

  7. I've been having trouble finding out more about the lore of the First Ward and Night Ward. Is there somewhere I can read more about it?


    I'm having trouble finding images of all the current pets from the P2W vendors. Does anyone have a list with pictures?


    Thank you.

  8. I haven't had issues with other players yet. So far everyone I've encountered in game has been civil or even helpful. Of course, this doesn't mean there can't or won't be problem players. Just the fact that someone has an interest in CoH doesn't (unfortunately) make them a good or polite person. It doesn't mean MO is exaggerating, all it takes is a handful of people who are very motivated to be assholes over a game for there to be something to report. Of course, it also doesn't mean all (or even the majority) of players are like this.

  9. I'm not sure how well importing and exporting characters could be implemented. If it's not a central thing, it could make it harder to deal with duplicate names or people editing their own files and "cheating". It sounds like it would take a lot of work and coordination between the different servers, which unfortunately doesn't sound very likely in the near future.


    It would be great if we had a feature like this, though. It would certainly put people's minds at ease about our characters being lost if a server gets shut down.

  10. I posted about this a few days ago in the Bug forum, but this is more of a suggestion than a bug report since the bug is a known one. The tuxedo with tails works just fine on winged female and huge characters, but not male. It would be great if this could be fixed, since it would be perfect for one of my characters. Thank you!

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