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Twilight Singer

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Posts posted by Twilight Singer

  1. Just want to see more Defeat badges, really. There are so many factions and in-faction mob types without Defeat badges or even Gladiator badges associated with them, sometimes you wonder why you're even punching them.

    Arrow To The Knee - You've forced early retirement on siginificant portions of Wyvern's security detail - Defeat 100 Wyvern Talon Agents

    Sting Like A Bee - These jetpack rent-a-cops better hope for a decent severance package - Defeat 25 Wyvern Sting Agents

    Drone Warfare - The Rikti have seen all they want to see, and they don't like it - Defeat 500 Rikti Drones

    No Backup - The Rikti will have to do without reinforcements today - Destroy 100 Rikti Communications Officer Portals

    Cancelled The Apocalypse - The 4 Riders now know greater terror than War, Famine, Pestilence and Death - Defeat all 4 Rikti Riders

    Enviromentalist - No one likes chores, but it's time to take out the trash - Defeat 200 assorted Slag Golems

    Gunked Up - The Hydra has been depositing matter all over Paragon, and you've mopped it up - Defeat 500 assorted Hydra

    Hosed Down - You've beat your way through throngs of Dominatrix's minions, and they liked it. Now take a shower - Defeat 100 of Dominatrix's minions

    Made In Battle - Battle Maiden's warriors drop their weapons and flee at the sight of you - Defeat 100 of Battle Maiden's Champions

    Back To Black - You've sent Black Swan's Shadows back to whence they came - Defeat 100 of Black Swan's Shadows

    It's Not A Car - Longbow Chasers, what's next? Longbow Mobiles? - Defeat 100 Longbow Chasers

    Breaker Of Tradition - You've ruined the legacy of a bunch of mystic misers - Defeat 333 Legacy Chain

    Straight To Gulag - In Soviet Rogue Isles, Spetsnaz fear YOU - Defeat 50 Spetsnaz

    Legatus Legionis - You have broken the ranks of 5000 of Augustus' traitors - Defeat 5000 Cimeroran Traitors [Grants Praefectus Castrorum Gladiator/badge]

    Ex-Agent - You've made an ex-ample of Agent X - Defeat Agent X

    Fully Automated - Turrets make you see red. While you're watching them explode, that is - Destroy 1000 assorted Turrets

    Dr Crystal Popper - Nictus Cysts are a blemish on the world - Destroy 50 Shadow Cyst Crystals

    Crab Cakes & Calamari - Take these Kheldians out for a fish supper, then never call them back - Defeat 200 Dwarves and Novas

    No Blueberries - You've thrashed a great many of these galactic goons black and blue - Defeat 300 Galaxy Soldiers

    Who Hunts The Hunters - Void Hunters don't like it when their game fights back - Defeat 100 Void Hunters

    Sapper Slapper - You really don't have the energy to deal with this today - Defeat 100 Malta Sappers

    See You In Hell - You've broken the hearts of many a Girlfriend From Hell - Defeat 50 Girlfriends From Hell

    Feverish - You've done your best to contain the outbreak, better break out the hand sanitizer - Defeat 100 Infected

    Eight Legged Freak - They're pitiable, but they won't stop coming. The bug spray, it does nothing! - Defeat 200 Arachnoids

    Beholder - They just won't stop staring... They never stop staring... - Defeat 200 Watchers, Observers or Overseers

    Kicking And Screaming - Someone's got to drag these Luddites into the 21st Century, whether they like it or not - Defeat 300 Luddites

    Shaping Up - You've taken the Cult Of The Shaper down, right to its ancient root - Defeat Calystix The Shaper

    Bloody Vicious - Some guys need to learn there's always a bigger fish - Defeat Bloody Vicious

    Poked The Nest - You took out the infestation beneath the streets of Praetoria - Defeat 100 Infested

    Jelly Mold - These Shivans look... gone off, somehow. Time for them to be just gone - Defeat 100 Neo-Shivans


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  2. I really don't believe Tankers need damage boosting to be comparable to Brutes. Damage is not a Tanker's job. A Tanker's job is CONTROL. Any damage done in the aid of that is a bonus, frankly. As such, I'm pretty much against such major changes in damage scaling or increasing the cap.
    What I'm very much in favour of is increasing those range/radius and target caps. This might make Tanker play a little more passive if gathering mobs becomes easier, but it's not going to fundamentally alter the AT as much as huge damage overhauls will. 

    The endurance increase is great, makes sense, keeps Tankers doing what they do for longer, helps against saps. The AE punchvokes will also make a big difference, on board with that.


    13 hours ago, Leandro said:


    • To improve Tanker AoE capability during level up progression, the following powers had their acquisition levels changed:
      • Stone Melee > Tremor = 20, Fault = 35


    Dead against this, however. That's a nerf to Stone Melee in every way; Fault's control is what gives Stone/ Tankers a unique edge early on. Don't need the damage, do need mobs to flop about like fish and not know what hit them.

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