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Posts posted by ForeverLaxx

  1. It's a tad bit facetious to point to a manufactured-for-entertainment video as an example of how "unfriendly" the game is to new players. That said, automatically skipping the tutorial when you choose an Epic AT where there's no indication there's even a distinction on character creation probably needs to be handled somehow.


    This did remind me of a time I tried to get a friend of mine into this game before it shut down. He picked War Mace and I watched in confusion as he ran around using Brawl on everything, never touching his War Mace attacks. When I asked him why, he said that he hadn't gotten a Mace to drop yet and was convinced he couldn't use his Mace attacks until he found one. He almost refused to believe me when I said to just use the Power and you'll manifest a mace out of nowhere as "gear" in CoH really doesn't exist.


    He didn't play the game for long after that.

    • Haha 1
  2. From my understanding, it's to show a narrative reason why you're still fighting "prototype" enemies at higher levels without changing the powerlevel of the enemy directly. That is to say, different names correspond to different level ranges in an attempt to show that while your character has improved, so has the enemy. It wouldn't make much sense to be fighting the Clockwork King in his lair, defended by "prototypes" would it? So you get "perfected" or something similar to denote these versions of your old foes are... better, somehow.


    Honestly, the fact they don't gain even one different power is a tad disappointing. It makes their name and color tweaks entirely cosmetic, but at least it's there for a reason at all. I'd probably prefer that old boss-level enemies in a faction become lieutenants and lieutenants become minions to denote this shift up in power, but CoH is an old game and when enemy factions are locked to certain level ranges, it's just easier to rename them. Less potential for oddities like Tesla Knights of higher rank appearing with Tesla Knights of lower rank.

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  3. On 9/24/2023 at 12:20 AM, Solarverse said:

    Okay, I can see a lot of you aren't understanding what I am saying by Holy Trinity. Holy Trinity in this game goes beyond just Tank, Healer and DPS

    It's easy to be right when you change the definition of a phrase to suit what you want it to mean instead of what it's commonly accepted to mean.


    What was the point of this thread, then, when you're just going to do this?

    • Thumbs Up 4
  4. I've been playing this game since 2004 and at no point did I ever see anything resembling the "holy trinity" manifest in-game. Yes, there were players I referred to as "confused" who tried to force Tanks and Empaths on every team they made, but this was more often just a waste of effort when any kind of Defender/Controller support and Tank/Scrapper would get the job done for standard missions if they were particularly insistent that these roles be represented directly.

    TFs at that time were a different story and you probably wanted someone who take a lot of punishment without as much support assistance, but that didn't stop all-Blaster teams from rolling in and taking out the AV despite said team dying nearly as often as the foes they were blowing up.


    All of that is to say... I don't know what you thought you experienced back in Ye Olden Days, but it doesn't jive with my experience and my experience is the reason I'm still here at all.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Would you believe the original Devs created it so there would be a "extended play session" broken up over 2-5 sessions for a group of friends...?

    As I recall, that was the original vision every TF was meant to fill. Dr. Q was just the most egregious about it and it's never been updated because no one really has reason to visit the Shadow Shard for anything other than screenshots outside of the times said TF is the WST.

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  6. 18 hours ago, StrikerFox said:

    Excuse my ignorance but what triggers seizures? Is it flashing colors, patterns or movement? A combination? If it's colors, maybe adjusting the monitor's brightness, contrast, hue/saturation etc could help. Make it so the picture is borderline black and white. Maybe there are settings in game that could do similar.

    From my (admittedly limited) time spent looking into things, it's pretty unlikely that video games are going to cause a seizure on their own. The warning exists mostly to cover a game company's ass in case some weird edge case happens or someone tries to blame said game for something it didn't do later down the line (and as you'd imagine, this sort of thing happens a lot).


    The short version is that video games aren't likely to produce a strobe effect fast enough to trigger anything, with common understanding being that a light needs to flash 16-30 times a second to run the risk of causing an event. Even in the infamous "Porygon Episode" where Porygon was unjustly banned from ever appearing in a Pokemon episode again, the children who suffered seizures likely did so only because of the combination of the alternating red/blue light pattern and the poor refresh rate of their screens.


    Refresh rates being what they are today, seizures triggered from video games are extremely unlikely, but the fear (and warning label) still exists. It's not unjustified, and one exists for legal purposes, but it's pretty overblown in my opinion. That said, it's often better to be safe than sorry.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Hammyfly said:

    Do we know who she was campaigning for?

    If it makes you feel better, I care not one bit which base was getting illegitimate votes. Those votes being illegitimate is what matters, not whether or not those votes swung who stands on the podium at the end.


    You're missing the forest for the trees here.


    That said, I find it rather interesting that the decision to re-vote was made and a bunch of accounts that have existed for years but with zero posts immediately found this thread to complain about the re-vote. I'm not going to make any direct accusations, obviously, but it's rather suspect in my opinion.

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  8. Imagine being so full of yourself and your personal taste that you tell all your friends to blindly vote for your favorite thing while thinking nothing is wrong with that.


    In a contest.


    About who has the coolest thing.


    With potential awards at the end.

    • Thumbs Up 5
  9. All this back-and-forth about Ignite vs Incinerate and I'm wondering if it's possible to roll them into a single power that makes both parties happy: summon an Ignite patch that damages enemies standing in it on top of hitting them with a non-self-stacking Incinerate DoT that gets its duration reset if they continue to stand in the Ignite. Obviously damage numbers would have to be modified for this and the Incinerate DoT would end up outlasting the Ignite patch duration, but that can be sorted out later. No, this doesn't "fix" the Terror problem with Ignite but it at least would still apply the current implementation of Incinerate to them while also further rewarding players who do manage to keep an enemy inside the Ignite patch.


    That said, I don't even know if such a thing is possible in the game code. I know there are patches that do more than one thing to the target inside. I know there are patches that hit enemies with a lingering effect that lasts even after they leave a patch or it despawns. I just don't know if the ability exists for a zone patch power to provide two different sources of damage to an enemy at the same time.

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  10. 8 hours ago, lemming said:

    I think making an assumption that most 50s were PL'd isn't helping your argument

    I wish I knew why UA always seems to twist any change he isn't in favor of to one that's caused by PLing so he can rail against PLing again. It's weird to me.


    13 hours ago, Number Six said:

    Since the design goals for the name release system included dealing with active accounts that have 10 active and 900 inactive names that haven't been touched in years, there wasn't any sense building an extra system to look at account activity that doesn't meet those requirements

    Sounds like one of my suspicions was correct, then.

    • Like 2
  11. I will always hold the opinion that active accounts should be the deciding factor for a name release policy; however, I'm pretty sure that HC doesn't have (claims it doesn't have) the ability to tell a "dead" account from an active one.  How this is the case I'm not sure, but for now, I'm going to just assume it's the case so I don't keep rehashing the same points over and over regarding the account vs character debate.


    What I will say on the matter though is that everyone's definition of what constitutes a character you "care" about is going to be different. You're not really going to make progress on this front either because of that. Someone can love a character concept more than someone else's "only made for PvP" machine, but log into them far less. Who is anyone else to say they don't care about that character? It's a pointless battle best avoided.


    What it comes down is figuring out the best compromise for all parties involved. No system is going to please everyone, and honestly, I think 50s being exempt with a 1 year timer on everything above a certain level is the closest we're going to get to an "active account" check. Yes, it's a pain in the neck for people with multiple pages on multiple accounts to log in to their RP or Concept characters that aren't level 50 to avoid losing one of the defining features of their character's identity, but if the devs are dead set on releasing names, it's probably the most fair way to do it.


    As far as it being worthwhile in the long run? I don't believe it will be. Not only did Live's active population dwarf ours, but the amount of names released for reuse far outstrip the number of active accounts/names we have. Even in that situation, almost none of those names were reused and something like 90% of them were just random keyboard smashing or nonsense words/phrases. Of the actual "usable" names, the majority of those weren't even considered desirable and were never reclaimed by anyone.


    I think everyone who clambers for names to be released believes they're going to get that "really cool name" they found was taken on creation when in reality, that's almost never going to happen in practice. Just like they learned on the Live servers, I foresee many of these names staying unclaimed if released (assuming certain parties aren't privy to which names are free and fully intend to grab them the second Phase 2 is turned on).

    • Thumbs Up 2
  12. 6 hours ago, Jacobkosh said:


    My brother in Christ, what are you even talking about? The thread is about a Homecoming subreddit where people who use reddit can talk about Homecoming and post links to their SGs/VGs/etc without weirdness from the r/CityofHeroes mods. You've taken that and somehow made it about being forced at gunpoint to go to Reddit because you 'don't use social media.'

    I'm...sorry for your imaginary inconvenience, I guess? I offer profound apologies for the thing that didn't actually happen but maybe might have in an alternate universe.


    Real talk: nobody is going to force you to go anywhere, my dude. If you're not interested in reddit then this discussion literally has no bearing on you in any way, and will not impinge on your life, and you can go your way in peace.

    Strawman: The Post.


    I expressed my utter disdain for Reddit. This thread is about Reddit. It's bad enough that people here and the devs expect people to be in Discord if they want to be "the most up-to-date." Every community I've seen that starts trying to drum up more users to "check out Reddit" eventually transitions into news/updates being nearly exclusively uploaded to Reddit and nowhere else.


    My post was about how I hate Reddit, which is directly related to my above point.


    What was yours about, besides being belligerent for belligerent's sake? You've had that account for 4 years but your only 2 posts in all that time are in this thread, one in response to my own? I don't know if I should feel honored that my words moved you to action after such a long time, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this account is merely the alternate of someone else here that doesn't want their shit-flinging to be associated with their primary account.


    But please, do go on.

  13. My only personal experiences with Reddit involve generic google-searches for build ideas and min/max numbers related to other IPs, and even in that scenario, I notice a trend of "only popular opinions allowed" with innocuous things like the aforementioned. That doesn't even begin to describe the kind of screenshots and "discussions" I've seen posted elsewhere where that trend is turned up to 11 so hard that anything less than that is drowned out entirely or outright banned.


    Beyond that, I'm tired of the "it was posted to Reddit/Twitter/Discord" when the question where information could be found when the answer should be "it's on the official forums." They're our forums, you're required to make an account to even launch the Homecoming server, and at the very least, all information/announcements should be cross-posted to here.


    I don't use social media, I don't use Reddit, I don't go into Discord channels. I come to the official boards for info and the last thing I want to see is "Update is now LIVE: Details on REDDIT!" with a hyperlink I'll never click on.

  14. Don't worry, Rep is still there. It's just not displayed by default and requires an extra step (or two, depending on how accurate you want those numbers to be).


    In my experience, most Rep systems just get "farmed" by people posting nonsense in off-topic sections of the boards (or posting off-topic nonsense in on-topic sections). That will continue to happen and is the primary reason I put zero stock in a Rep value. I'd rather it just be hidden wholesale, if not disabled entirely, but oh well.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Troo said:

    Thanks @ForeverLaxx. How much Acc do you shoot for in individual?


    This is more an exercise in "Do I shoot for too much Acc" with some explanation and discussion.

    Whatever gets my tohit chances to around 95 or slightly more to account for buffs/debuffs, based on the value on an adjusted Mids. Honestly, the "too much/not enough" accuracy debate comes down to what you're fighting, at what level, and how many misses you find acceptable for your personal playstyle. I'm not trying to speedrun anything, but I don't like missing so I build to offset that as much as possible without impacting other factors important to the overall build.


    If you don't mind missing 2 or 3 times in a row, you'll be able to handle lower accuracy thresholds better unless those misses result in you getting defeated I suppose.

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