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Posts posted by Foxfyre

  1. On 4/13/2020 at 4:34 AM, RadicalAshley said:

    I think it would be a good idea if we had a single co-op zone for Hamidon raids instead of separate ones for Heroes and Villains. It would make sense, since Hamidon is trying to destroy all humanity just like the Rikti, and it would make it a lot less tedious if Leagues could be recruited from both the Hero and Villain sides.

    Step up and run raids in the Abyss.  Or, just go Vigilante/Rogue and attend the ones in the Hive.

    I can tell you from experience though that getting people to the Abyss is hard because there's not an easy way there and many people don't even know the zone exists, let alone know where it is.

  2. On 4/15/2020 at 4:30 PM, Dz131 said:

    It gives the game longevity. This is the exact lesson Diablo 3 learned with the auction house.  People get bored quickly when you can buy the best loot and there's nothing to strive for, hence the constant calls for more content.  As of now the best way to gear up in CoX isn't to play the character, it's to roll a farmer and buy everything you need.  I think this is the opposite of the way the game should work.  

    Yet on the live servers when people had to pay upwards of a billion influence for ONE purple, they still bought them.  They still made builds geared around them.  They still made every effort to get them.  There were still plenty of people with fully purpled builds.

  3. On 4/9/2020 at 2:00 PM, Abysmalyxia said:

    giving themselves a SEVENTY PERCENT universal reduction in recharge time for every single power they have isn't at a significant advantage over one who does not?

    And there it is.


    The crux of the argument.  Not that the power is bad.  Not that it's unbalanced.  But because you view it as an unfair advantage to those who didn't take/chose not to take the power.

    Yet.....nothing is stopping you from taking the power.  Nothing is stopping you from building your toon in a way that it's still uber powerful even without hasten.

    • Like 2
  4. 26 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    I'm sorry, but you are wrong.  Buyers set the going price, not sellers. 

    This is wrong both in game and IRL.  Now to be fair.....a lot of time it can be right.  However....

    If a seller buys up all the items in the market (say Luck Charms as was mentioned above) and relists them for a high price, the seller is controlling the price of the item at that point.  Or if a group of people get together to do the same.

    And IRL, monopolies also set the price a lot of times for real world products.  Insulin is a great example of this at the moment.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Zeraphia said:

    I do take issue with your post, although I have seen you in game, hi foxy! 🙂


    People farming does very much so affect the game and the economy and very well does affect the majority of the player populace and their opinions are still valuable and contribute heavily to the state of the game. I don't disagree with the sentiment to let others play the game they want to play it, however, the choices on what people do as a market do very well influence what I can or cannot outfit my characters with and how much of the content on this game I love I am able to fully enjoy!


    Cheers and thank you for all your hardwork on the Hami Raids!!!! =D

    Hi and thanks!


    I guess we'll have to wait and see.  My prediction is that with a reduction in the flow of influence, we'll see market prices increase to make up for that reduction.

  6. 1 minute ago, Abraxus said:

    It's been said already that the change causing all the uproar was not done to discourage farming, but to encourage ALL forms of play equally. 

    This logic relies on that fact that some people feel that other peoples equal play somehow harms their own.


    If a person chooses to spend all their time farming, that does not affect you.

    If a person chooses to spend their time PvP'ing, that does not affect you.

    If a person chooses to spend their time RP'ing in Atlas, that does not affect you.

    And on the odd chance that something DOES come along and affect you...you can quit team/kick from team/ignore/gignore and move on.

    This is just a continuation of the fact that everyone has to have their noses in everyone elses business, honestly.  


    Play your game the way you enjoy it, and let others play the game they way they enjoy it.  

    • Like 3
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  7. 1 minute ago, Peerless Girl said:

    You are unlikely to "believe" anything that doesn't suit your narrative, like much of the public, I've said my peace on it, you've said yours, anything further simply leads to arguing. The devs have their reasons I'm sure, I can only guess at them, it's not my place to know everything.

    It wouldn't be a hard task, actually.  Probably just one or 2 lines of code to tell the feature to only work if character level = 50.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Peerless Girl said:

    I'm well aware of how a lot of it went down, that has little to no bearing on this conversation about this change however.

    It does actually.  He was responding directly to what you said:


    "And a year ago there were ZERO CoH's and there never would be again"


    What server was in existence a year ago?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Peerless Girl said:

    Exploits do not go into Beta patch notes, for what should be very obvious reasons.

    Can we please stop calling it an exploit?  It doesn't even fit the definition of one.  

    The devs choosing to turn off a feature that was implemented YEARS ago at this point, that everyone knew about and everyone used is NOT an exploit.

    • Like 2
  10. 44 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

    That's not how economic forces work.


    Inflation causes every unit of influence to be worth less per unit, so rampant addition of influence to the exomoy devalues each unit of influence. As an example, if 100 people have 100 influence each, 10 people have 1 billion influence each and some shiny new object becomes available, the 100 people with 100 influence will never get it because the top 10 with billions will outbid everyone else and fight amongst themselves for the shiny. This happens routinely


    Further, income distribution follows a similar trend. If you force all of the influence into only certain people in a given population, those people can afford to pay whatever they want for whatever they want. This has an adverse effect on everyone else causing their buying power to diminish.


    Finally, and this is for everyone in the thread commenting they will have less inf and can buy less: market Dynamics will ALSO cause prices to lower proportionately. Consider, if you made 100 influences before, and only make 70 now, you will buy just a bit less. Then, those things will not sell as quickly as they did before, which will cause them to be lowered in price to sell again at a more rapid pace. So in effect in the very near-term you will actually pay the exact same "value" for that item.


    Rampant infaltion and income inequality are not healthy things.

    You're expecting the in-game economy to follow normal economic rules.  However you defeat your own premise with the first statement.

    "Inflation causes every unit of influence to be worth less per unit, so rampant addition of influence to the exomoy devalues each unit of influence."

    If money is devalued, that means thing should cost MORE as each influence is worth less.  However as we've seen everything on the market house currently is essentially dirt cheap - because there's so much of it.

    Which means once you restrict the flow of money, the next logical thing to happen is that prices will increase to make up for that lost money flow.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

    Long-term your (slightly smaller amount of) influence earned from normal play will be worth more as there will be far less influence being generated by those level 49 missions (and the related exploit).

    While that may be true for real world money, I doubt that will happen in CoH.


    I imagine prices will increase a bit since players now can't earn as much via gameplay.

    Also you really shouldn't disable features that were put in by Paragon Studios.  Leave the base game as it is, please.


    • Like 3
  12. On 1/8/2020 at 10:40 PM, Apparition said:

    There are three Hamidon raids every night in The Hive at 10 P.M. ET/7 P.M. PT.

    This.  Every night.  10pm EST.  3 raids back to back.

  13. None of this is needed, at all.  City has the absolute most options in customizing your difficulty already.

    The big difference here is that the original devs didn't have time to really flesh out a lot of incarnate content before the game closed, and the game was NEVER built around IO's. (Nor was it intended to be)

    You want the game to be harder?  Turn the difficulty up.  Run a SO build instead of IO's.  Run more incarnate content. Run Ouro flashbacks with the difficulty settings turned on.

    There's plenty of ways for you to make the game harder for yourself already.

  14. 51 minutes ago, Frostbiter said:

    Nope, leaving it like it is because I disapprove of farming builds entirely. I think they're detrimental to the game.

    They are not any more detrimental to the game than any other specialized builds.  Is a tank built only for Hami tanking detrimental to the game?  No....it isn't.  

    There's also another side to this coin.  People neglect to realize that you can build for EVERYTHING.

    I have a fire/fire brute.  It was made to be a farmer.  But I didn't want to just stop there.  I wanted a tank with Brute DPS.  And you know what?  I achieved that.  Capped S/L.  High all other resists except Toxic and Psi.  High defenses.  Can run +4x8 in fire farms.  Can hold AV's.  It's even tanked Hami before.  It can do EVERYTHING.

    Would you say that build is detrimental to the game?


    • Like 1
  15. 21 minutes ago, QuiJon said:

    I don't know about what happened Wednesday but since this change went into effect, the raids on excelsior went from being raids that commonly had 3-4 leagues to having Hive 1 that successfully raided hamidon with 1 league, Hive 2 be a spectacular failure of a raid because all the people that really knew what they were doing were in hive 1 and I don't know if any other hives even attempted it that first night. The second night I was not able to get online for so I don't know what happened. And last night I did get on line. I logged in 30 minutes early to an already full hive 1. I was in hive 2, stuck around waiting the population of hive 2 never got more then about 10 players, most logged in saw they were locked out of hive one and left and didn't return. 

    So as I said would happen there are two possibilities, that more people will learn to raid properly and more raids over all would happen, or the population would revert back to a few months ago where there were about 1.5 leagues of players every night, and now that the half a league can not get into hive one to take part in the event, they are locked out of game content. 

    I have never said I didn't think the raid populations were based on the idea of how easy people felt it was to get rewarded when 200 people were showing up for a raid. What I had a lack of faith in is that those same people would choose to learn to raid and run raids to make up for the inability to join the larger groups and not just go back to doing what they did before. And I think that is what is happening, only now with the caps it is preventing those that are wanting to come, and are willing to come even when it means fighting the longer fight from even being able to take part at all. That IMO is an effect that is not worth preventing the leechers or whatever you want to call them from taking part. Probably because yes I am one of those people that would come no matter what. But when not enough people even come to attempt to run a second raid a good 15-20 people a night are getting locked out of content simply because someone got a hair up their ass about how easy it was. And rather then just putting real diminishing returns on it like a regular TF or capping how many rewards you can take per 20 hours or whatever that would solve the problem of farming it at no end, they choose to lock people out of doing it. It was a bad remedy for a stupid made up problem. 

    I'm pretty sure I told you this myself.


    There has only been so far one group of people running hami raids.  That group of people usually makes it a point to get to Hive 1 early.  So yes.....this is going to happen.

    But again, as I'm sure I've said before.....this is a great opportunity for others to step up and start leading.

    At this point.....honestly.....

    Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

  16. 8 minutes ago, TheAdjustor said:

    Nailed it. Already seeing Hami Raids just not happening, suspect it will get worse. Most of the people going on about how a hami is done in half an hour aren't considering the time to set up the raid. Getting 50 people into the hive and organized into teams and up to speed takes time, especially since the raids aren't being publicly advertised anymore.

    Hami raids still happening every night on Excelsior.  Sometimes in 2 different Hive instances.

    • Like 1
  17. 23 minutes ago, Myrmidon said:

    Now, back to “zone caps for Hamidon nightly snorefests”.

    The Hamikaze (before the zone cap) was the snorefest.  

    The only individual jobs for the raid were the leader and the taunters.

    No yellow team.  No blue team.  No green team.  Establish aggro and then have everyone run in and just beat Hami down.  While the rewards for that method were great....it was indeed a snorefest.

    No that we're back to the original method we've been having a LOT more fun.

  18. 2 hours ago, Jolly Ogre said:

    So how long do we have to log into the zone and wait until a raid starts? 30-45 min??


    And how many times are they going to do this 1 time only or 3 in a row. and then are they going to change the start times?

    Not entirely sure I understand what you're asking?

    We're not changing the start times.  Everyone is used to 10pm EST now....and it seems to work well.  That's not stopping other people from running their own Hami raids at other times tho.

    With the 50 player Hive zone cap now....this is a great opportunity for more raid leaders/hami tanks to step up as it's possible to have a hami raid going on in multiple hives now.

    As far as how many times we do it....the first night of the new zone cap with still did it 3 times, just to prove that we could.

    Last night we did it twice.  I don't plan to do less than 2 per night if I'm leading.

    As far as how long you have to wait.....that's really not the problem here.  The biggest problem is now that there's a zone cap, you have to make sure to get there early, if you care about being able to get into Hive 1.

    With that being said....we don't wait till 10pm EST anymore, even though that's the "official" start time.  We usually start once the zone fills and nobody else can enter.

  19. 14 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

    Only 250?! Only. I built my psi/ea stalker a few days ago. I spent..wait for it. 5 Mil. And most of that was crafting lvl 50 basic end/rech IOs. EVERYTHING else, bar a few Hami Goos, I got from recipes my other alts had, or got some other recipes for dirty cheap, and converted them.


    Also, sorry GM Sijin. I replied from teh first page and hadn't seen your above post.

    A level 50 recipe costs about 500k to craft.

    If you dropped only 5 million that's only 10 IO's crafted.  You can't build a full toon for that.  And that's assuming you either had all the salvage already to craft them or bought the salvage with tickets.

  20. 14 minutes ago, swordchucks said:

    Going off of something Leandro said on the Discord, he became aware of the bug on Saturday and had the patch in within just a few days.  That's what I mean by "right this second". 

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's not possible.  

    For quite a few reasons.  

    1.  The way news travels in this community.
    2.  Cypher has been seen at the Excelsior Hami Raids.  GM Fiddleback as well.

    3.  The Hami guide I wrote in these forums had the zerg/hamikaze method in it
    4.  Literally any other number of posts in these forums/on their discord/on social media.

    I'm sorry....but Leo would had to have literally been living under a rock not to know.

  21. 38 minutes ago, swordchucks said:

    Hami is fine with the cap.  I play on Everlasting and, in my experience, we weren't seeing the same kind of Hami-abuse that was apparently common on other servers

    Not sure if by "abuse" you mean griefing or you mean the Hamikaze.

    But yes....on Excelsior we took full advantage of the Hamikaze.  3 Hami kills in 30ish minutes every night.  It was nice.

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