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Posts posted by Xadeem

  1. I'm building a StJ/Rad Stalker that I plan on soloing and grouping with. Two diff builds, of course.


    What I'm looking for is a consensus of people who have played StJ as Stalker and which powers they see as skippable, and which ones are a MUST have.



  2. You can do that with macros and binds.


    For the first bit you need a macro or bind that looks something like this: powexec_toggleon "Bright Nova"&&goto_tray 4

    This will toggle on Bright Nova and change your primary power tray to tray 4 (obviously change the number as you wish). If you want to change the secondary or tertiary trays then you use goto_tray_alt and goto_tray_alt2.


    Going back to human form is a little trickier. First you need a macro to toggle off your forms and swap you back to your human tray. That looks like this: powexec_toggleoff "Bright Nova"&&powexec_toggleoff "White Dwarf"&&goto_tray 1


    Toggling your shields back on is trickier. You can't do it with a single button press. Instead what you do is create a bind or macro that contains toggle on commands for all of your toggles and press it repeatedly until they are all toggled on. Due to the way the game works this will in general toggle them on last to first although depending on timing that isn't guaranteed. That would look something like this:

    powexec_toggleon "Shining Shield"&&powexec_toggleon "Thermal Shield"&&powexec_toggleon "Quantum Shield"&&powexec_toggleon "Hover"


    A word of warning, I haven't actually used these in a long time. I'm recreating them so they may not work off the bat, you may need to experiment with them to get them to work properly.


    I tried this for my WS, and it is saying unkown command Black Dwarf when I attempt the form toggle macro.

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