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Everything posted by Nightrise2000

  1. I'm trying to come up with a way to set the time in a base to night time all the time (for lighting items turning on at night), but I don't want to use Space or Night Ward as sky. Does anyone know of any ways of working around with that?
  2. It would be really nice to get more control over the fonts in the game. The current ones are very old and not sized correctly for current monitor resolutions. You can change the font size in the window, but you can't change the name plates and name bubbles too. In a busy area it's much easier to use the bubbles to follow conversations, but they're so small I can't read them. The ability to alter the size of all fonts in the game would be amazing.
  3. Two things I'd love in bases: Signs, and no-texture walls. Signs that work like the plaques for history badges would be awesome, if we could edit the text string that pops up when you click on it. That would be SO USEFUL in public bases, clubs, etc. No-texture walls I want to block people from leaving a specific area, but not blocking the view. Glass is wonky in the game, and in some places you just want to leave open but don't want people leaving an area, especially when you're building above/below the base. One square tile that was totally invisible from both sides would be freaking awesome.
  4. Just a reminder to everyone who is interested, this is today. Hope to see you all there today.
  5. Just a reminder to everyone who is interested, this is today. Hope to see you all there today.
  6. Memorial Events for Last Moon Man. His player slipped past the veil earlier this week, and we are coming together in tribute to him tomorrow, Saturday. All are welcome. These events are on the Everlasting server, where he played.
  7. Memorial Events for Last Moon Man. His player slipped past the veil earlier this week, and we are coming together in tribute to him tomorrow, Saturday. All are welcome. These events are on the Everlasting server, where he played.
  8. This Saturday night, Afterhours will have a live concert on the roof at Midnight EST. Melody from the Talos Lounge ( Firesong Seraph ) will be putting on a show for everyone who wants to come check it out. There will be a DJ spinning on the dance floor after the concert as well. So come check it out, listen to the live music, and dance the night away at Afterhours! What: Live concert When: Saturday, November 9th, at Midnight EST Where: Afterhours night club in Vice City ( VICE-7008 )
  9. This Saturday night, Afterhours will have a live concert on the roof at Midnight EST. Melody from the Talos Lounge ( Firesong Seraph ) will be putting on a show for everyone who wants to come check it out. There will be a DJ spinning on the dance floor after the concert as well. So come check it out, listen to the live music, and dance the night away at Afterhours! What: Live concert When: Saturday, November 9th, at Midnight EST Where: Afterhours night club in Vice City ( VICE-7008 )
  10. Reminder to everyone, today is the day! The Dauntless Reverie is having their 10TH ANNUAL ECHO event TONIGHT starting at 8 pm EST! Talk to Null the Gull in Pocket D to access the spooky Atlas Park to get in! The HallowSCREAM! event is happening TONIGHT at Afterhours! Event starts at midnight EST, the costume contest starts at 1 am EST! We hope to see all of you there looking SPOOKY! VICE-7008
  11. Reminder to everyone, today is the day! The Dauntless Reverie is having their 10TH ANNUAL ECHO event TONIGHT starting at 8 pm EST! Talk to Null the Gull in Pocket D to access the spooky Atlas Park to get in! The HallowSCREAM! event is happening TONIGHT at Afterhours! Event starts at midnight EST, the costume contest starts at 1 am EST! We hope to see all of you there looking SPOOKY! VICE-7008
  12. Reminder for everyone, this week is going to be amazing for the EVERLASTING night life! THURSDAY - BLACK FRIDAY is doing their Halloween event/Grand Reopening Part I at 8 pm EST. Go to the St. Martial Base Portal to get in! FRIDAY - JOKER'S WILD is having their Halloween event as well, starting at 7 pm EST. Go get dressed up spooky sexy and dance your clothes off! SATURDAY - The Dauntless Reverie is having their 10TH ANNUAL ECHO event starting at 8 pm EST! Talk to Null the Gull in Pocket D to access the spooky Atlas Park to get in! MORE SATURDAY - AFTERHOURS is having their HallowSCREAM! event. Costume contests, live DJ, and the best late night party anywhere! Opens at Midnight EST! I believe all of them are having costume contests, so make sure to dress to impress!
  13. Reminder for everyone, this week is going to be amazing for the EVERLASTING night life! THURSDAY - BLACK FRIDAY is doing their Halloween event/Grand Reopening Part I at 8 pm EST. Go to the St. Martial Base Portal to get in! FRIDAY - JOKER'S WILD is having their Halloween event as well, starting at 7 pm EST. Go get dressed up spooky sexy and dance your clothes off! SATURDAY - The Dauntless Reverie is having their 10TH ANNUAL ECHO event starting at 8 pm EST! Talk to Null the Gull in Pocket D to access the spooky Atlas Park to get in! MORE SATURDAY - AFTERHOURS is having their HallowSCREAM! event. Costume contests, live DJ, and the best late night party anywhere! Opens at Midnight EST! I believe all of them are having costume contests, so make sure to dress to impress!
  14. REMINDER to everyone that the Exotic Erotic Ball is happening TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT ( EST ). It should be a blast so we hope to see all of you there!
  15. REMINDER to everyone that the Exotic Erotic Ball is happening TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT ( EST ). It should be a blast so we hope to see all of you there!
  16. Also, we have been talking with The Dauntless Reverie regarding their "10th Annual ECHO" event, which they are hosting on the Everlasting server the same night. Their event starts at 8 pm, so we strongly encourage people to check out their event too earlier in the evening before coming over to the Afterhours party, since we don't even open until Midnight! More RP with more friends is a GOOD thing! Check out their post about their event here:
  17. RP Event! AFTERHOURS, the night club jewel of Vice City, will be having it's Halloween event on Saturday, October 26th. HallowSCREAM! Everyone is encouraged to dress up in costume and come to the gala event here at Afterhours, starting at the Witching Hour (MIDNIGHT EST)! We will be having a costume contest starting at 1 am with multiple categories. To prevent the contest taking the whole night, all contests will run concurrently, so choose which one you want to enter in advance! Here are the cateories: Best Costume Individual (Male & Female) Best Couple Costume Best Group Costume (Looking at you Supergroups!) We also understand that contests are subjective, so don't worry if you don't win! Throughout the night, the staff will be giving 'on the spot' rewards for people with outstanding costumes. So interact with people, show off your costume, and you may get your own surprise reward later in the night! There will be additional things going on as well, but currently this is what we can confirm. So start working on those costumes! And get ready to party the night away! For those that don't know yet, Afterhours is the premier after hours club located just off the waterfront in Vice City. It has a dark and mysterious vibe inside, and on the roof there are hot tubs, a restaurant, and a stage for live shows! And a view to a kill! The restaurant is open day and night, but the dance club doesn't open until Midnight every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. And the party goes until dawn. We look forward to seeing you all there, all SPOOKY! Base Passcode: VICE-7008
  18. Also, we have been talking with The Dauntless Reverie regarding their "10th Annual ECHO" event, which they are hosting on the Everlasting server the same night. Their event starts at 8 pm, so we strongly encourage people to check out their event too earlier in the evening before coming over to the Afterhours party, since we don't even open until Midnight! More RP with more friends is a GOOD thing! Check out their post about their event here:
  19. RP Event! AFTERHOURS, the night club jewel of Vice City, will be having it's Halloween event on Saturday, October 26th. HallowSCREAM! Everyone is encouraged to dress up in costume and come to the gala event here at Afterhours, starting at the Witching Hour (MIDNIGHT EST)! We will be having a costume contest starting at 1 am with multiple categories. To prevent the contest taking the whole night, all contests will run concurrently, so choose which one you want to enter in advance! Here are the cateories: Best Costume Individual (Male & Female) Best Couple Costume Best Group Costume (Looking at you Supergroups!) We also understand that contests are subjective, so don't worry if you don't win! Throughout the night, the staff will be giving 'on the spot' rewards for people with outstanding costumes. So interact with people, show off your costume, and you may get your own surprise reward later in the night! There will be additional things going on as well, but currently this is what we can confirm. So start working on those costumes! And get ready to party the night away! For those that don't know yet, Afterhours is the premier after hours club located just off the waterfront in Vice City. It has a dark and mysterious vibe inside, and on the roof there are hot tubs, a restaurant, and a stage for live shows! And a view to a kill! The restaurant is open day and night, but the dance club doesn't open until Midnight every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. And the party goes until dawn. We look forward to seeing you all there, all SPOOKY! Base Passcode: VICE-7008
  20. That's actually how the idea for the club started. There were several of us staying up late and nothing was going on, so we figured to make something for all of us night owls!
  21. AFTERHOURS, the night club jewel of Vice City, will be having another event this upcoming Saturday, October 5th. THE EXOTIC EROTIC BALL! Dress up in the most sexy, exotic costume you can come up and come party with us until dawn! The doors open at MIDNIGHT (EST), and the party keeps going until dawn. We will be having a costume contest starting at 1 AM (EST) and will be giving out 300 million+ influence as prizes! Also DJ PITCH DARK will be spinning again, so the music will be awesome! Don't miss out! For those that don't know yet, Afterhours is the premier after hours club located just off the waterfront in Vice City. It has a dark and mysterious vibe inside, and on the roof there are hot tubs, a restaurant, and a stage for live shows! And a view to a kill! We look forward to seeing you all there, all sexy! Base Passcode: VICE-7008
  22. AFTERHOURS, the night club jewel of Vice City, will be having another event this upcoming Saturday, October 5th. THE EXOTIC EROTIC BALL! Dress up in the most sexy, exotic costume you can come up and come party with us until dawn! The doors open at MIDNIGHT (EST), and the party keeps going until dawn. We will be having a costume contest starting at 1 AM (EST) and will be giving out 300 million+ influence as prizes! Also DJ PITCH DARK will be spinning again, so the music will be awesome! Don't miss out! For those that don't know yet, Afterhours is the premier after hours club located just off the waterfront in Vice City. It has a dark and mysterious vibe inside, and on the roof there are hot tubs, a restaurant, and a stage for live shows! And a view to a kill! We look forward to seeing you all there, all sexy! Base Passcode: VICE-7008
  23. Thanks guys. The grand opening was a HUGE success. My poor bartenders were totally swamped, we're hiring more staff for the club Afterhours.
  24. Are you a vigilante or Rogue looking for a place to call home? Or perhaps you're a homeless bum living on the streets? Are you a hero looking for a challenge to wipe out crime and keep ordinary folks safe? Have we got the place for you! Vice City is officially opening Friday September 20th and everyone is welcome! Come see our beautiful (*coughslookslikedetroitonfirecoughs*) city district and consider staying a while. With several businesses already operational and more looking for owners to take charge, Vice City is a thriving new roleplay community where you can live out your dreams in relative obscurity or make a splash and become a crime lord or even, head of the district police department! Come roll a bum in an alley (yes we have hobo's who live in the Hobo Hotel) or jump in to rescue that bum and take him to Phat Wang's for a bowl of noodles! Got a hot date? Take them to our very own Bamboo Kats Theater or the King Pin Bowling Alley and if your evening has you lingering late into the night, come dance at Afterhours, our waterfront club and restaurant open late every night! You can even stay over for a nice romantic evening in the Raven Hotel, our fully functioning AI operated hotel (for all you altered carbon fans!). For more information on how you can become a part of this great new piece of crap city on the verge of collap.. I mean, this amazingly picturesque pinnacle of desperation, join our discord today! Vice City code: Vice-7008 Discord: https://discord.gg/cbea53A(edited) Businesses currently owned: Afterhours - Warden Mal (Sacrilege) Omega Medical and Cybernetics - Omega Industries Phat Wang House of Noodle - Phat Wang Lights Out Gym - Johnny Incinerator Wolfe P.I. - Merrick Wolfe The Chantry - Creedence Clearwater The Library - Gravedigger Dan The Hobo Hotel - Harry Kane (and any other hobo who shows up) Businesses built and looking for owners: The Raven Hotel Helping Hands Sperm Bank (I have no words) Vice City Police Department Vice City District Court Surefire Electric The 11/Seven Convenience Store Power Donuts Shop Tattoo Shop Bada Bing Bail Bonds Bamboo Kats Theater Vice City Bank The Fishing Shack A Gun/weapons Shop 2 Large warehouses Area's still under construction: The Prison Caves and Crypts for Creepy People 14 empty shops and or apartments on the waterfront Several larger building lots are still available By the way, we've only used less than 1/2 of our item allotments so come join us and claim a building!! Vice City code: Vice-7008 Discord: https://discord.gg/cbea53A
  25. So rather than just make a bunch different lights with different brightness and color, etc. Why not just make one invisible item that is a point of light, that you can change the color, brightness, etc. all in that one item (like the yellow star below floodlights)? Then you could just use whatever you want for the graphic for the light source, then customize the color itself. It would solve a lot of headaches of building, and that would make one item in the builder tools that would work for everything. Also, floor, ceiling, and wall pieces that match the styles of the room styles so we can build smaller rooms that are the same as the base. That would be really helpful too. More doors and door frames so we could actually have doorways that are open and useable. Right now the only door that is double sided that you can open yourself to leave open is the wooden door, There are arched doors (mansion doors I think) but no frame to put them in that matches, so they're pretty useless for open doors.
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