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Posts posted by LunaChic

  1. Some of the things that I would like to see are:

    Frozen stalagmites and stalagmites.

    Ice caves walls

    Frozen  water

    snow banks/hills and surfaces

    giant snow beasts that will patrol, or just sit/stand, the bases

    Have the NPC's ability to walk/patrol the bases.

    Have it where the NPC's clothing and look don't change after a log in or deletion of an item.

    I'm not asking for much...really.


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  2. Character name: Frost Deamon
    Global handle: @LunaChic
    Super group name: First Response Operations Superhero Taskforce (F.R.O.S.T)
    Shard: Torchbearer: 
    Super group pass code: FROST-2389

    Contributors: @BarBed Wired


    Here at First Response Operations Superhero Taskforce (AKA F.R.O.S.T), we have fashioned our Super Group base below the surface of Paragon Island. Much of this cavern has been left undisturbed and natural, clearing out only what we’ve needed for storage, our portals to other cities, and our med bay. We've done this due to the ancient bones that litter the cavern’s floor; we’ve brought in a team of experts to research what these massive creatures once were. There are times when the wind is quiet, and no one is around that you can hear them still breathing.  When the darkness becomes too much of a strain on your sanity, head on up to the surface where a hidden Chalet awaits. Here you can sit by a cozy fire, play pool or games, sit at the bar for a cold drink or relax on the many cushion seats and chairs. Beware, though, we ask that you stay on the lighted path. The surface is wild and untamed; wildlife roams freely; we keep them well-fed, but attacks have happened. Find the hovering rock to see the floating island that hovers above; we’ve no idea what it was, who lived on it; if at all, or what use it has. How the island remains floating above is a mystery, we only know that it is there and remains fixed in place. Be care of the rope bridges as the wood is old and rotting, and it is a long way down. When visiting F.R.O.S.T, make sure to look up when the sun sets, the view never disappoints.cave.thumb.jpg.cac8ea0d75c81d7e582e698a8e252da2.jpgexploreres.thumb.jpg.2958b9d59dfd388335d965bb1fb2a98f.jpgchalet.thumb.jpg.ca0a3a3685672936b0ca194fa676f053.jpgcamp.thumb.jpg.dbf409369479074af40a23fe42e7ce3e.jpgfloat.thumb.jpg.5723c8f7bfc62882e4b55e22593e9d25.jpg

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