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Posts posted by Sancerre

  1. relatively speaking, scrappers benefit less from damage procs than other ATs but it is still the last remaining way to eek out more damage. 


    if you are planning to run musculature incarnate (you should), then reaching an 'effective' enhanced damage cap is really easy (for the most part 3 enhancements with a damage component will do it).  procs work best with minimal recharge in your power and maximum GLOBAL recharge (IO set bonuses, party buffs like chronoshift, self buffs like hasten).  you want to try to maximize your global recharge so you can hit perma-hasten self buffed and then maxamize your enhance damage scale through IOs in the individual power first (again only takes about 3 enhancements typically).  beyond that just weigh your set bonus options against more procs.  there is a lot of flexibility and nuance here but most of it doesnt matter _too_ much for scrapper.  it is mostly a decision on your end of if you want more defense/resistance to survive self buffed or do you want to rely on party buffs and/or inspirations more.

  2. 13 hours ago, hakurr said:

    reading the posts i need to get popcorn for all the excitement here lol .


    but i would like to say the way the game has developed all Arch Types can be played and do just about any thing you want if you have the build knowledge and influence. i love this game and have since the day it first came out there are times i miss the early on game play when we use to look for the different arch types to make up our team because you could not bump up missions and then when you could you had to have a tank a healer some control ranged and then your melee dps to smoothly get threw a mission. but those day are gone now we go in to task forces with healers that can solo it if they want. that being said i posed the Question of Scrapper or Brute to find out what the OPINION of the mass was on witch would be better for the power sets i chose not witch arch type is better to play over all or why 1 arch type is worthless when it doesn't meet someone's expectations on game play.


    there is a lot of nuance in the topic and that is why the conversation spiraled.  the simplest answer to your original question is that both scrapper and brute are fine, so play what you want... and if you cant decide based on all this conversation, then flip a coin and you will still have fun.  you really would never notice any substantial difference until you dump influence into a fully optimized build at or near level cap... and even at that point, people will tell you about all the workarounds you can do like stuffing your mailbox full of inspirations and buying temporary buffs to make bad builds functional!


    **you cant ask 'which one is better' and then not expect people to talk about the META.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Erratic1 said:



    You have literally just stated that it is fine for Brutes to have no reason to be on a team (whatever they provide being done better by other ATs) but that it would be wrong for other ATs to be in the same situation.


    Seems...oh, I don't know...contradictory.


    My point is actually that whoever is META will make the non-META AT(s) irrelevant however you balance it.  The definition of META dictates this in the first place.  There is never going to be a point in the game where all 4 (dont forget about stalkers) of the main melee ATs are all equally useful on every team.  In order for there to be a winner, there has to be a loser.  Frankly speaking, scrappers already dont really have a place in parties as it stands when blasters and corruptors exist.  The META role for scrapper right now is to be the high damage tanker that survives because the game doesnt necessitate tanker-level defenses for most party content.


    But if you wanted my opinion on how to 'better' balance the game to ATTEMPT having all of these extremely similar melee ATs somehow having carved out useful party roles in a game where party composition barely matters in the first place:

    • scrapper taunt auras would be 100% removed from every armor set.
      • tankers and brutes should be the only classes with the passive taunt auras
    • bump brute's base damage scale
      • reduce brute's max damage buff (compensation)
      • goal of generally improving the baseline performance without effecting their peak damage
    • brutes would have *real* ATOs that actually do something meaningful
    • brutes would have corruptor-level values for power pool options (slight bump for things like tough/weave, combat jumping, and leadership buffs)
    • damage and buff procs (especially FF recharge) would see a BIG overhaul
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  4. brutes just offer an optional middle ground between scrappers and tankers.  generally speaking, for teamplay brutes are not 'more useful' than having another scrapper or another tanker on the squad.  brutes will do less damage than a scrapper but offer some better mobbing control with taunts and will feel more tanky with party buffs.  for soloplay, brutes dont really feel any more 'tanky' than scrappers typically because armorsets run the same exact values as scrappers and it is very difficult to get above 75% resists without temporary and/or party buffs... and you just do less damage.


    that said, brutes are perfectly fine where they are at.  if brutes did the same damage as scrappers but were more tanky, we would be having the same conversation about scrappers being pointless.  if brutes were just as tanky as tankers but did more damage, we would be having the same conversation about tankers being pointless.  brutes are entirely functional/playable but the 'pure' classes are just better when optimized in the current patch.


    funny enough, i made this same argument for sentinels in a different thread and got all kinds of unhappy responses.  lets see if it happens again.........

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  5. brutes and stalkers can feel pretty fun while leveling but tankers and scrappers end up being miles better at level cap with incarnates and a solid IO'd loadout.   as others have said... the critical strikes proc ATO is what makes scrapper feel so much better.  it is a complete game changer.  also, yes elec melee is............... underwhelming.

  6. not the math nerd on DM particularly here, but as a baseline... smite is the best place for the crit proc to go for pure DPS.  it is not necessarily the most reliable place though.  midnight grasp would be the most reliable.  i believe there was some oddity with the ArcanaTime of siphon life and/or midnight grasp as far as *WHEN* the crit proc happens (mid animation) such that you lose a substantial part of the buff duration.


    that said, the biggest problem you have right now is that you have your crit proc button slotted to hell and back full of recharge.  whatever button has crit strikes in it should have ZERO recharge (aside from the crit strikes proc itself...... unfortunately coming with recharge).  the goal should _not_ be to just move the crit strikes set to another button.  stop being bamboozled by set bonuses.  check out procs-per-minute math threads if you need a better explanation.


    **ArcanaTime is a real interesting thing to dive into if you wanted to read up on it but also just a whole lot of 'more-than-you-needed-to-know'.

  7. take everything except geode.  geode is fine to take but very optional.  overall stone armor is very much a 'set it and forget it' armor set.  you do want to upkeep earths embrace though... and you probably want that to auto-renew... recommend you macro that (unless you skip hasten for some reason).


    stone skin is a tougher power to slot due to being both defense and resist.  the bonuses are meaningful on both defense and resist.  would recommend splitting it even and not worrying _too_ much about IO set bonus there.


    as an interesting piece for earth's embrace.  scrapper HP (alongside standard accolade bonuses) actually caps out with a SINGLE healing enhancement in earths embrace.  aside from IO set bonuses... it is quite wasteful to over-invest there.  earth's embrace just gives that big of a bonus.


    Rooted gives -substantial- regeneration, especially combined with earth's embrace massive HP cap buffer.  do be sure to invest some healing IOs into rooted to enhance the regen further.


    not sure there is much else to talk about stone armor.  it is great all around.

  8. On 4/7/2024 at 11:29 AM, BuiltDifferent5 said:

    This was kind of my thought as well. I know it only has about 1/3rd uptime,  but seems pretty sweet. Maybe get something like RoP and alternate them.

    That being said, how do you feel the set overall stacks up to Scrapper Stone Armor? Do you prefer one over the other?


    that is the strange part about ice armor _in comparison_ to other 'better' armor sets.  you can find ways to 'fix' ice armor and it is certainly 'playable' but you could also just pick an armor set that works out of the box and doesnt need to be 'fixed'... or just enjoy the theme and supplement your weaknesses through party buffs.


    On 4/7/2024 at 11:43 AM, BuiltDifferent5 said:

    Thanks for all this info. For stone, are there any primaries you feel go really good with it?


    Claws/Stone seems cool since, well, you can’t do that combo on a Brute or Tanker 😂 Not sure if that means it’s an actually good combo though. 

    Katana might pair well. Looking at brimstone procs and the damage aura, seems like it’d bring some decent AOE to Katana.


    Fiery Melee just seems strong overall as well.


    claws and katana are great powersets fundamentally but are driven down by lethal damage type.  so... great when the critters are not specifically overly resisting lethal damage.  im not personally a fan of claw's follow-up in place of build up though.  fiery melee is extremely strong.

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  9. 17 minutes ago, One IV All said:

    Great call outs all around.


    In regards to Nin’s T9 and Unleash Potential, is the idea to cycle both those powers and use Nin’s heal/end recover to try and offset the crashes?


    nin is not uniquely the only armor set with a t9 that can do this but it does uniquely have the endurance clicky.  t9 has a 3 minute duration.  The goal is to get the t9 to a 4 minute cooldown with a TON of recharge. what you are covering from there is a 1 minute gap... which is the exact duration of Unleash Potential.  Final step -- you just also need Unleash Potential to have a 4 minute cooldown... which is a lot easier.


    having the endurance clicky power baked into the kit allows you to 'bypass' the crash if you time it right... alongside ageless radial (which you will want for debuff resistance and recharge anyways).  the neat thing about the combination is that the t9 and Unleash Potential both give a ridiculous amount of endurance recovery so the blue bar (outside of the crash every 4 minutes) is essentially infinite.


    practically speaking though, it is overkill for party content where you get tons of group buffs anyways and can be annoying to play around.

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  10. it is being talked about a lot... ninjutsu is great to an extent but it is basically jack of all trades master of none.  it has fatal flaws nested everywhere even if it looks great surface level.  also no taunt aura.


    main thing i wanted to highlight though is the shinobi-ri crit opener.  you have to literally wait to be stealthed to get that crit -- it will never happen mid fight and you typically need to physically stop what you would otherwise be doing for a few seconds between packs of enemies... if you like RPing here, all well and good... but even for casual play... probably something you will quickly ignore.


    will give a shoutout to building around nin's t9, alongside Unleash Potential.  that combination is extremely powerful but requires very deliberate power cycling that is probably more effort than most people are willing to deal with.

    • Thanks 2
  11. 4 hours ago, One IV All said:

    You know, I guess kind of both 😂


    if you care about tier lists on scrapper then the only armor set to care about is called bio armor... incidentally missing from your list there......... away from bio armor, and of the 3 you have listed there, shield = stone >> ice.  i would personally give the edge to shield because missing taunt aura really blows and mud pots slow doesnt cut it.  if you team mostly though, not much to worry about there.  the biggest reason for scrapper taunt is so that critters stand and fight (not run away).


    should also note that shield charge on scrapper is really not that great and honestly skippable (it is quite good on tanker).


    thematically, i feel like doing 'earthbender' without stone melee just feels off.  the shield concept is cool but maybe generic.  the subzero adjacent concept sounds fun (would probably want to run ice epic pool with it to sling ice bolts).

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  12. MA is very versatile.  good options for focus feedback recharge.  smashing damage type is solid.  option for achilles heel proc on axe kick.  generally speaking, not heavy on endurance.  MA does not really -demand- any fixing from a secondary armor set like some other primaries might.  if MA has any 'weakness' -- it is a little bit lacking on aoe damage but if you are picking up ball lightning or fireball from patron, that doesnt matter too much.  so overall, MA will work with whatever you want.  not much not need to worry about synergy problems.


    are you looking for theme affirmation or tier list kinda stuff?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. On 3/29/2024 at 6:26 PM, Sovera said:

    And on that note this is the first time I entered a draw with Moonfire's AV. She hit half life at a good clip and then simply stalled with, what I presume, to be healing. But even on Tankers I always whittled her down without a second thought and this time we really just brawled face to face until I ate some reds.


    The subject of ST doesn't seem to be, like, super hot. Katana has a decent rep but where do we see it? Pylon tests. Where two -res can be slotted.


    forgot to touch on the damage portion.  the crit strikes proc is a BIG BIG portion of scrapper.  i would say, alongside stalker, the class proc really warps how strong the class feels with and without it.  Very counter to tanker or brute where you just kinda set them in a power and let them work passively.  scrapper and stalker really need to lean into their procs to feel strong.  Getting the level 50 version with increased proc rate is massive (double chance)... as well as picking the 'correct power' and limiting recharge reduction slotting in that power as much as possible -- so that it procs as consistently as possible.  scrapper is very much about playing the lotto with the crit strikes proc.  beyond the crit strikes proc, franken-slotting towards damage procs is otherwise the big way to push the damage even higher... usually at the cost of defense along the way.


    aside from that zapp and ball lightning are often hallmarks for scrapper, especially combo-ing the crit strikes proc with ball lightning.  i know you are a big fan of focused accuracy but it really is a lot to give up on scrapper to not have ball lightning (or fireball if you opt for blaze instead).  a crit ball lightning ends up a feeling a lot like a corruptor t9 nuke (not quite blaster level).


    ground zero was a big letdown on scrapper when i tried it out because it cannot crit... and takes so damn long to cast on top of it.  that said -- i think it is 'fine' if you leverage ground zero as proc bomb towards utility instead because they are mostly guaranteed to proc on everything.  both achilles heel and fury of the gladiator -res procs.  also a good spot for avalanche knockdown proc to have the CC utility.

  14. On 4/2/2024 at 2:58 AM, StriderIV said:

    True, it just ended up working out that way as I finished the set. Maybe I’ll drop a piece and fit in a proc instead!

    if you can squeeze out more defense at no or little cost to your overall build, it is worth it -- especially melee defense.  incarnate story arcs have a higher hit rate for example where 59% is the cap instead.  i will note that building for 59% away from team buffs is unreasonable but 45% is not the end of the line.  also helps against defense reduction... even with 70%+ resistance, it still happens and it hedges against cascading failure.


    aside from that... the 'optimal' place to do crit strikes proc is on smite for pure dps or midnights grasp for consistency... siphon life is probably a fine middle ground but wherever you put crit strikes proc you should definitely NOT be slotting up recharge in the same power.


    your s/l resist cap is fake because you have one wit the shield active.  consider slotting true grit differently (4 unbreakable 2 prev medicine, to get a nice big chunk of E/N/F/C/T resists.


    shadow maul is an odd button... in theory it is solid if you are hitting 2+ targets but................ 7 foot melee cones just suck.


    i would recommend fury of gladiator -res proc in soul drain for a couple reasons -- the proc rate is virtually guaranteed on every critter every time... also it becomes the button that buffs and debuffs in one go for you...

    • Thanks 1
  15. you can run from it, but i think axe/bio is really the pinnacle of scrapper right now.  i guess more to the point -- /bio is such a strong outlier for scrapper armor sets.  axe is not necessarily the 'best' but it does a lot of things very well and the knockdowns help cover some defensive gaps in /bio in addition to facilitating force feedback recharge procs for /bio's defensive clickies.  mind you there are other strong primaries sets that are in league with axe... but axe cyclone is realllllly nice.


    i have a feeling you are trying to find the hidden gem of scrapper like you did with tankers (fire/ma tanker really is quite amazing)... and for that effort -- carry on... i appreciate your findings all the same.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  16. i think it is important to really highlight that last bit of info in your post -- with this suggestion, tankers would still uniquely have a larger target cap on most buttons.


    big support for this.  the 7-8 foot melee cones available are absolutely awful in multiplayer -- you are LUCKY to consistently hit more than 2 targets.  for pbaoe attacks, i might give some pause towards standardizing all of them at 12-15 foot radius but... as a baseline... any pbaoe button smaller than 10 foot feels awful.

    • Like 3
  17. choking cloud has a super low chance to proc on each critter.  that said, procs that activate if it procs on _any_ critter are valuable here -- and that is specifically the winter set's chance for absorb proc.  in a pack of critters you are getting the absorb shield proc'd off at least _one_ of the critters very often.


    procs do not scourge, and scourge only works on the primary powerset, not the secondary (or epic/patron for that matter).

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  18. fire will need to get your defense from others via group buffs for harder content.  fiery embrace damage is very substantial.  very squishy but big damage.  strong playing together in team (can struggle if splintered).  no taunt aura so expect stuff to run away... especially if you use burn.  would note that... aside from aesthetic/theme/style... bio armor outshines fire armor in a lot of ways for offense oriented armor.


    energy has very strong defense and regen -- very able to do your own thing and be self sufficient.  has a taunt aura BUT offers no extra damage.


    both sets have strong endurance management.

  19. 6 hours ago, Uun said:

    I think these are inappropriate for a melee set APP. Inner Will is primarily mez protection, which is redundant on a melee set. The heal is just icing and is very small, especially for a power with a 3 minute recharge. Burst of Speed is a teleport + melee AoE attack. Any melee set can achieve the same result with Combat Teleport followed by a PBAoE attack.


    Melee set APPs/PPPs consist almost exclusively of ranged attacks (ST, AoE, snipe, hold, immobilize), with a few utility and debuff powers thrown in. Smoke Grenade, Seeker Drones and/or Taser (if you're not including Suppressive Fire) would be more appropriate.


    inner will could help cover mez holes in various armor sets as needed (it is not permanent and i suggest modifying it so it is further away from perm)... terrorize & confuse especially.  is it appropriate?  idk -- is hibernate in leviathan mastery appropriate?  most people dont care cause hibernate kinda sucks.  i just didnt see much else appropriate to pull from aside from powers that are more ninja themed like throw sand.... which i guess is fine.... just maybe strange to think about shooting guns and throwing sand in the same pool.......


    the burst of speed comments are very hot and cold there... first you make it sound like it is pointless cause people can just pick up combat teleport or speed of sound, but then it is also just not appropriate cause it is ultimately a pseudo-melee attack.  i think it provides an option to go into this patron pool for teleport attacks instead of 1 of your 4 power pools into experimentation or teleportation.  sure it ends up doing damage in melee but you can press the button from range (200 feet)... very opposite perspective difference.


    anyways -- you bring up a similar point that i was getting at in the first place -- the epic/patron pools typically consist of items beyond just standard ranged attacks... so 5 dual pistol skills would also be inappropriate.   not sure i could agree with seeker drones if we need to follow 'appropriate' criteria... there is no other precedence of low cooldown pets in melee epic/patron pools.  smoke grenade and taser fit well enough, those could be fine.  i think surveillance (-def/res debuff) could be a fitting option as well.

  20. cool concept but swap ammo isnt happening... also definitely no way for a t9 nuke to be in there unless it was SUBSTANTIALLY nerfed.  also as others have noted it should probably just follow, generally, for Melee ATs (tanker/brute/stalker).


    most epic/patron pools are not hard focused on porting over 1 power set particularly... for example blaze mastery has melt armor and fireball.  i would say instead of trying to hard force only dual pistol skills, try to mesh it more with like Martial combat as it mostly fits a parallel concept of gun kata.  Burst of Speed specifically would be awesome to port over to melee ATs in the epic/patron pools. 


    that in mind as a concept -- i would change it around a little more like so:

    1. Dual Wield

    2. Suppressive Fire / Executioner's Shot (pick one... Executioner's shot probably offers too much utility with -defense and KD slotting, but it is DP's 'snipe' equivalent)

    3. Bullet Rain

    4. Inner Will (self heal clicky, can adjust parameters of it compared to base version)

    5. Burst of Speed

    • Like 1
  21. 11 hours ago, MythsnWraiths said:

    Another couple hours of reading through the forums and I have accomplished the following.
      - Answered my own question about agility core, learned about the importance of slotting for protection against recharge debuff, and found some incredibly helpful knowledge on general scrapper building on this thread 


    Found an incredibly helpful example of good damage slotting for Battle Axe on this thread 



    Uninstalled and reinstalled mids so I can do a proper export, and incorperated the above knowledge into a MAJOR overhall.


    Inferna - Hero Scrapper
    Build plan made with Mids' Reborn v3.6.6 rev. 3

    • Primary powerset: Battle Axe
    • Secondary powerset: Fiery Aura
    • Pool powerset (#1): Experimentation
    • Pool powerset (#2): Leaping
    • Pool powerset (#3): Fighting
    • Pool powerset (#4): Concealment
    • Epic powerset: Soul Mastery


    Powers taken:

    Level 1: Chop

    • A: Superior Scrapper's Strike: Accuracy/Damage
    • 3: Superior Scrapper's Strike: Damage/Recharge
    • 3: Superior Scrapper's Strike: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • 5: Superior Scrapper's Strike: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • 5: Superior Scrapper's Strike: Recharge/Critical Hit Bonus

    Level 1: Fire Shield

    • A: Aegis: Psionic/Status Resistance
    • 7: Aegis: Resistance/Endurance
    • 7: Aegis: Resistance
    • 9: Aegis: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge

    Level 2: Blazing Aura

    • A: Superior Avalanche: Recharge/Chance for Knockdown
    • 9: Superior Avalanche: Damage/Endurance
    • 11: Fury of the Gladiator: Chance for Res Debuff
    • 11: Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage
    • 13: Eradication: Chance for Energy Damage
    • 13: Superior Scrapper's Strike: Damage/Endurance/Recharge

    Level 4: Speed of Sound

    • A: Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points)
    • 15: Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20%)

    Level 6: Combat Jumping

    • A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
    • 17: Kismet: Accuracy +6%
    • 17: Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage

    Level 8: Build Up

    • A: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance for Build Up

    Level 10: Healing Flames

    • A: Preventive Medicine: Heal
    • 19: Preventive Medicine: Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance
    • 19: Preventive Medicine: Heal/Endurance
    • 21: Preventive Medicine: Endurance/RechargeTime
    • 21: Preventive Medicine: Heal/RechargeTime
    • 23: Preventive Medicine: Chance for +Absorb

    Level 12: Pendulum

    • A: Scirocco's Dervish: Chance of Damage(Lethal)
    • 23: Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage
    • 25: Superior Critical Strikes: Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime
    • 25: Superior Critical Strikes: Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
    • 27: Superior Critical Strikes: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
    • 27: Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge

    Level 14: Temperature Protection

    • A: Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All)
    • 29: Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3%

    Level 16: Plasma Shield

    • A: Aegis: Resistance/Endurance
    • 29: Aegis: Resistance/Recharge
    • 31: Aegis: Endurance/Recharge
    • 31: Aegis: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge

    Level 18: Swoop

    • A: Superior Critical Strikes: RechargeTime/+50% Crit Proc
    • 31: Touch of Death: Chance of Damage(Negative)
    • 33: Mako's Bite: Chance of Damage(Lethal)
    • 33: Hecatomb: Chance of Damage(Negative)
    • 33: Superior Blistering Cold: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • 34: Superior Blistering Cold: Accuracy/Damage

    Level 20: Boxing

    • (Empty)

    Level 22: Axe Cyclone

    • A: Superior Avalanche: Accuracy/Damage
    • 34: Superior Avalanche: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • 34: Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge
    • 36: Eradication: Chance for Energy Damage
    • 36: Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage
    • 36: Obliteration: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge

    Level 24: Consume

    • A: Superior Avalanche: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • 37: Superior Avalanche: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • 37: Synapse's Shock: EndMod/Increased Run Speed
    • 37: Synapse's Shock: Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
    • 39: Synapse's Shock: EndMod/Recharge

    Level 26: Cleave

    • A: Scirocco's Dervish: Chance of Damage(Lethal)
    • 39: Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage
    • 39: Obliteration: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • 40: Eradication: Chance for Energy Damage
    • 40: Explosive Strike: Chance for Smashing Damage
    • 40: Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge

    Level 28: Tough

    • A: Aegis: Resistance/Endurance
    • 42: Aegis: Resistance/Recharge
    • 42: Aegis: Endurance/Recharge
    • 42: Aegis: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge

    Level 30: Burn

    • A: Armageddon: Damage/Endurance
    • 43: Armageddon: Chance for Fire Damage
    • 43: Armageddon: Damage/Recharge
    • 43: Armageddon: Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
    • 45: Armageddon: Recharge/Accuracy
    • 50: Overwhelming Force: Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown

    Level 32: Weave

    • A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
    • 45: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance

    Level 35: Fiery Embrace

    • A: Invention: Recharge Reduction

    Level 38: Stealth

    • A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

    Level 41: Infiltration

    • A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

    Level 44: Moonbeam

    • A: Apocalypse: Damage/Endurance
    • 45: Apocalypse: Damage
    • 46: Apocalypse: Damage/Recharge
    • 46: Apocalypse: Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
    • 46: Decimation: Chance of Build Up
    • 48: Apocalypse: Chance of Damage(Negative)

    Level 47: Shadow Meld

    • A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
    • 48: Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
    • 48: Shield Wall: Defense/Recharge
    • 50: Shield Wall: Defense/Endurance/Recharge
    • 50: Shield Wall: Endurance/Recharge

    Level 49: Super Jump

    • A: Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points)



    Level 1: Critical Hit

    Level 1: Brawl

    • (Empty)

    Level 1: Sprint

    • A: Celerity: +Stealth

    Level 2: Rest

    • (Empty)

    Level 2: Swift

    • A: Invention: Run Speed

    Level 2: Hurdle

    • A: Invention: Jumping

    Level 2: Health

    • A: Miracle: +Recovery
    • 15: Numina's Convalesence: +Regeneration/+Recovery

    Level 2: Stamina

    • A: Performance Shifter: Chance for +End

    Level 4: Jaunt

    Level 49: Quick Form

    Level 49: Double Jump


    Reactive Core Flawless InterfaceMusculature Core ParagonAssault Core EmbodimentAgeless Core Epiphany

    Scrapper (Axe - Fire).mbd 45.32 kB · 1 download


    much better starting point


    ***i do not have a axe/fire scrapper but i have played with axe and fire armor apart from each other and on different ATs... just trying to be helpful here

    main things i would recommend from here:

    • blazing aura should just very simply be damage/endurance and set bonus muling.  procs are just not very productive here
      • would recommend 5-6 scrapper strikes
    • Chop is not gonna have a great proc rate regardless what you do just because of the low cooldown inherently so it is fine to use it as a set mule (as you have) for attack chain filler.
      • typically people like putting in achilles heel resistance debuff proc in Chop -- up to you if you find value in that... the debuff lasts about 6 seconds (i think) so it doesnt need to proc every time to be effective
    • wasnt a huge fan of pendulum (away from Tanker increased size version) especially without fold space but it is decent AoE all the same... just dont expect to hit more than 3 targets very often.  i might recommend skipping it since you are running fire armor and have burn already though.  not the best for exemplar but if you are not concerned with exemping then definitely something to consider.
      • pendulum slotting probably has too much recharge in it for the procs to carry much value (would always keep force feedback anyways)
    • generally see you slotting resist powers with aegis -- looks like for the smash/lethal resist.  not opposed here but you skipped out on 5% S/L from 6 piece scrapper strikes.  im generally a fan of 4 piece unbreakable guard for the big melee defense.  melee defense is quite valuable individually (separately from ranged and AoE) because that is typically where defense debuffs come in and also melee hurts the most.  your slotting is not necessarily wrong -- just presenting a different option.
      • would strongly recommend at least 1 resist power doing 4 piece unbreakable guard for the +HP Max IO
    • consume could definitely be slotted differently... you are overcapped on recharge debuff protection anyways -- you are 115%, got room to move stuff around there
    • cleave accepts fury of the gladiator resistance debuff proc -- would recommend it there (and definitely not in blazing aura)
    • I would use the 6th slot in burn for more damage... the knockdown proc (as someone else mentioned) can cascade knockback debuffs and actually fling them out of burn.  this may have been 'fixed' though... not sure.
    • you definitely want the Panacea IO proc (from Healing) in your build somewhere (most likely another slot in Health)
      • if you are absolutely hurting on slots, panacea is 100% better than miracle.
    • Assault radial incarnate (double hits) is WAY better than assault Core on scrapper
    • Reactive Radial Incarnate is better than Core -- the mechanics of the DoT are very odd... you can look around forums if you want to be informed about it but radial is always better for Damage interface.
    • Your blue bar is probably fine between ageless and consume but consider changing Musculature Core to Musculature Radial if you are having problems with End
      • can make that assessment as you are running the tier 3 alpha before you make the upgrade to tier 4.
      • it wont change your damage output too much....
    • generally speaking for shadow meld -- just think of it as an alpha soaker / panic button.  dont rely on it for active defense otherwise.
      • after the alpha strike has been soaked... the critters should hopefully be having fun in your bounce house (axe cyclone) and otherwise being trimmed down quickly with scrapper damage
  22. generally speaking you are chasing set bonuses too hard to be considered anywhere near 'damage first'

    • agility core paragon makes no sense for fire armor on a scrapper -- it is a resist set, not defense... and you certainly dont want recharge gimping your proc chance globally
    • scrapper strikes set should be in blazing aura
    • swoop should have critical strikes proc and otherwise raw damage/accuracy & damage procs.  absolutely no recharge other than critical strikes proc.
    • i cannot endorse zapp with 0 slotting
    • strange to not finish numina's 6 set bonus in healing flames but slot up health extra... i generally like prev medicine if i am going 6 piece healing set anyways but up to you there.
    • missing kismet to-hit bonus (defense IO)
    • you need knockback protection somewhere (fire armor has NONE inherently) -- zephyr universal travel IO is a good option.  look to have, mimimum, +8 knockback protection... you should rarely bounce around at +8... +10 is more 'sturdy' if you want to (mostly) never fall on the floor.
  23. 22 hours ago, Rudra said:

    No, it isn't. Your playstyle may be AoE focused, but the game isn't. I've run several ST-focused power sets and cleared the game just fine. So have several other players, some of which are on this forum. And ST heavy characters can still clear even +4/x8 spawns in a hurry. While AoE heavy characters may normally clear faster, I've watched ST heavy characters clear +4/x8 spawns faster than the AoE character on the team. The current meta is all about massive AoEs, but AoEs will always do less damage than ST attacks.


    Like you said, that is your opinion. However, the devs are looking for facts. And -damage still has to be factored in. And while your average faceroll team won't care about -damage, your MMs and solo Defenders/Corruptors will most likely do. Especially MMs since the less damage that EB, AV, monster, or giant monster is doing to the MM and his/her/their/its pets, the more likely said pets will survive and not have to be re-summoned and re-upgraded. Solo Defenders and Corruptors? Won't have to heal as often and focus more on damaging the target. And it is the mechanics involved that will determine if the devs agree with your suggestion. And so far? The only justification you have is that you want to be able to slot even more -damage resist because you don't think the -damage means anything.


    And because a game mechanic is more preferred that means the devs should enable us to stack even more -damage resist than we already can? Defenders, Corruptors, and Masterminds can already slot a -damage resist in their ranged AoE attacks courtesy of Annihilation. They can grab Cross Punch and slot Fury of the Gladiator. (Edit: And only the Fury of the Gladiator one is unique.) They can grab power sets like Radiation Emission/Blast (depending on AT) and slot the Achilles' Heel too. So why should Nature Affinity's Corrosive Enzymes give them yet one more place to slot it?


    i havent generally disagreed with anything you have replied with but the AoE comment is really stretching it man.  most AoE attacks are more DPA efficient than adjacent single target attacks in the same powerset when striking only 2-3 targets -- it seems outlandish to suggest AoE would ever be less efficient than single target to clear packs of cons.  But i'm sure you'll conjure up some unique one-off scenario for me following this post.........


    i would argue the game is not intended to be played solo.  it is a Massively Multiplayer Online RPG.  you can play solo but the game certainly encourages you to play in parties, especially for larger scale content.  anyways -- im not suggesting the game balance should ignore solo balance in favor of only teams, i fully get your point.  that is my personal bias foe damage reduction.  And no, before you go in circles -- this statement is not me making some roundabout claim that 'because i care less about solo play balance, corrosive enzymes must have -defense slotting available'.  please stop taking statements to the extreme ends.

  24. 4 hours ago, Riverdusk said:

    As others kind of brought up, damage debuff isn't affected by AV debuff resistances.  It is only resisted by resistance (and purple patch).  So, if a particular AV has a lot of built in damage resistance they'll resist a lot of a damage debuff, but they don't get a flat 85% resistance (at level 50) to it like they do for most other debuffs.  A level 54 one though, if you are level 50 would still resist half of it right off the top I believe.


    Per the wiki "Archvillains are also noteworthy for having strong debuff resistance that scales by level. As of Issue 9, this resistance applies to -RunSpeed, -Recharge, -Endurance, -ToHit, -Defense, -Perception, -Regeneration, and -Recovery.


    In general I agree with you about the power.  Being single target it doesn't usually make a noticeable impact outside of maybe some AV fights.   Corrosive could use something else imo.  If not -defense then maybe a slow, an immobilize, or something.   It is kind of sad that it doesn't take any IO sets at all.


    Luckily it is skippable for everyone now and we aren't forced to take it anymore even if you have it as a secondary.   If I have room for a one slot throw away power it is okay, but not something I feel is a must power for the set.


    seems i misunderstood the blanket AV debuff resistance in regardes to foe damage reduction.  thanks for the clarification.


    regarding the t1 powers being an optional power now -- yea i can agree to that.  the flexibility there is quite nice.  fortunately (or unfortunately?) not every power needs to be purposeful and/or 'necessary' in the powersets.

  25. i didnt ultimately like war mace but it was fine.  solid single target chain, but whirling mace just feels super trash.  crowd control is the real aoe of the set but the con AI doesnt always play nice with melee cones as opposed to a PBAoE.  disorient is kinda useful but also not so much.  set also has quite a few knockback powers for FF recharge procs which is nice.  smashing damage is generally better than lethal damage.


    battle axe is quite good now but the actual aoe damage feels lacking.  good single target chain and a slew of -defense and knockback for the juicy IO procs.  For me -- pendulum just isnt it (it feels great on tanker with gauntlet radius).  Axe cyclone is amazing utility sporting a huge radius and the suction, but the damage is pitiful.  you can compensate with crit ball lightning anyways... and that is when you'll start to feel powerful in packs.


    i would recommend battle axe. 


    energy aura is a very good pairing for battle axe cause it gulps endurance quickly... and energy aura is just a solid defense set regardless.

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