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Posts posted by ILIWAPCT

  1. On 1/5/2024 at 3:55 PM, DoctorDitko said:

    Have you seen if it enables the Steam Controller?

    I assume our own entry would, but someone above was asking.

    (And not tracking is a feature! If I kept track of hours played, I'd probably need to increase my medication!)

    Here's a link to the video that got my Steam Controller running back in the day.

    My worry is that the "future" launcher won't enable the Steam Controller


  2. 14 minutes ago, Neiska said:


    Im not sure if I understand your question correctly. For my 3 box robot team I use both upgrades. My farming style is different from most. The only time I use the 2nd upgrade is if I am fighting with group fly on. Most times I don't, but it's an option. 


    Hope that helps?

    • Soldiers now have the correct powers assigned and revoked per upgrade
      • Equip Mercenaries: Applies ASMG Heavy Burst, does not grant Assault Rifle Heavy Burst
      • Tactical Upgrade: Now applies all Assault Rifle powers and removes ASMG powers appropriately
  3. On 7/26/2022 at 9:08 AM, Erratic1 said:

    While I understand why it was changed and fully support that change, I kinda miss the original version of the respec trial in Terra Volta which was hard to succeed at unless you had a good team with good builds...


    ...the precise type of builds which did not need a respec.

    Recently did the Red Side respec and brought back all those memories of teams desperately trying and failing the quitting. 


    Exactly as you said "the precise type of builds which did not need a respec"


    Anyway now I've set it as a "goal" for all my alts to run it... 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Neiska said:

    Well, whatever they changed shaved about 30 seconds off my 3 box mm farming team. They come to me more now, so I don't have to waste time chasing them down. Not a terrible amount of time, but it is easier to get big, massive groups now. Have seen a few dead outside the AE though, I mean, moreso than usual.

    The patch notes make it sound like the first pet upgrade is a waste of time if you have the second upgrade or did I read it incorrectly?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Krazie Ivan said:

    slightly beyond the topic, but might be helpful?... look into Soulbound BU proc to buff PA's beyond enh values, utilize -Res powers/procs to further increase their dmg output (P.Ray & Tarantula from Mace pool do double duty, for example). PA's ice attacks do -Res themselves too, which becomes noticeable solo vs EBs/AVs/GMs.

    That's why I was taking a closer look at slotting.

    PA doesn't get any external buffs so what you slot is what you get.

    Currently I plan to respec and Franken-Slot A/D X4 when I hit level 18. 


    I don't Power Level, so at level 32 I'll reassess whether the Pet or PA would get the Resist Proc, Defense Proc and as you mentioned  Soulbound BU.

  6. 4 minutes ago, biostem said:


    My issue with illusion is that it's a but more difficult, unless you go with traps or trick arrow, to setup containment, and I'm not a huge fan of either secondary...

    I use to think MM's and Corruptors were weak, then I made a Illusion Controller.

    Now I am VERY happy with my new MM's and Corruptors.


    That doesn't mean I gave up on Illusion.

    I don't Power Level.

    After trying many combinations I'm down to Ill/Dark and Ill/Rad and PA is coming up soon.


    Remember the point is to have fun.

    You can make anything work.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 40 minutes ago, biostem said:


    I have made many dominators, but I just don't like their playstyle.



    I've played every AT.  As far as which I'm most familiar with, I'd say brutes and defenders are my strongest ATs...


    Sounds like our playstyles are opposites so I'd recommend an Illusion Controller.

    My main is Dominator, which is the entire reason I jumped into Illusion since it isn't a Dom option.

    With Ice or Ele Controller Primaries I wouldn't have to change much from my Dom playstyle , but Illusion is a whole different ballgame.


  8. 47 minutes ago, Psyonico said:

    I can tell you that the damage does make a difference, I slot recharge first on my illusions then acc then damage, I can tell the difference between having and not having damage slotted.

    You're correct.


    I just checked my MM and Dom pets, selecting the pet and then selecting combat attributes only shows the external (environment) buffs but not the internal (slot) buffs.

    You have to select the power or the slotting screen to actually see the internal buffs.


    The only time combat attributes shows both internal and external buffs is when you select yourself.


    And of course, Phantom Army doesn't get any external buffs.

  9. Accuracy and Damage io's buff the "power" but when you select a phantom and view its combat attributes, accuracy and damage are not buffed. 


    Am I missing something? Otherwise, this would suggest that I just slot Recharge io's in the Phantom Army power as anything else would be ineffective. 



  10. On 8/22/2021 at 8:53 AM, Vulpoid said:

    The game will not disappear, the issue 24 client and data files have been released into the wild. Grab them while you can.
    Granted they are not Homecoming, and any characters and progress you have made on Homecoming would be lost.
    But we will always have the game, somewhere...

    They may take our server, but they'll never take our FREEM-dom!

    Mel Gibson as William Wallace-8x6.jpg

    Until NC removes the Sword of Damocles, everyone hosting their own private servers is the backup.  

  11. 22 minutes ago, Omega Force said:

    The alternative to perma-PA is using Blind, Deceive, and Spectral Terror to lock down spawns and burn them down one at a time until your guys get back from their smoke break.  Like a petless mastermind with less AOE, maybe?  It can be done, but you might not enjoy it.  I expect perma-PA's as important as perma-Dom, but I never really explored dominators before the end.


    You asked about the mindset.  Approach Illusion controllers as an alpha version of the mastermind, developing while Jack was still head honcho.

    Ha Ha Just say No to Petless masterminds.

    Excellent suggestions, you guys got me focused in the right direction. Played around with Mids and got 3 builds that might fit my play style.


    1. Trick 

    10 Ice Arrow & 16 Poison gets me back in the control mindset prior to 18PA


    2. Rad

    Solid start but powers drop off after 20.


    3. Cold

    LOG: Arctic Fog, Ice Shield, Glacial Shield

    Strong Finish: Benumb, Sleet, Heat Loss



    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Omega Force said:

      Consider yourself... a prototype mastermind with invincible yet unbuffable pets.  

    Back on live my first alt was a mastermind.

    20 minutes ago, DreadShinobi said:


    Just going to highlight these two snips. OP said they want to play illusion without the intention of perma PA. I will say very bluntly that you are very much better off playing any other control set if that is the case. 


    Illusion control is a unique unicorn as @Omega Force notes. Everything that makes illusion control good revolves around the uptime and usage of your phantom army. With zero +rchg I guarantee you are going to feel a significant lacking in how the character feels to play.

    So there's no alternative to permanent PA? You're right, having played the other sets as a dominator, I wouldn't find other controllers tedious. So once I find the right secondary, I'll aim for permanent PA. 


    4 hours ago, DreadShinobi said:


    Traps and Trick Arrow both provide Illusion control with single target immobilizes but I don't play these sets so I can't give you much advice there.

     I've never played Trick Arrow before either. However my MM lacky has been exhausting the powersets and tonight's final combination was Trick Arrow with my new level 8 corrupter. Usually I have my lackeys just follow me, but for the early levels with few power choices, it really helped. 



  13. Ill isn't a Dominator option so 6 months ago I rolled one and deleted it.

    The low damage reset my damage expectation and enabled me to roll and have fun with some Corruptors.

    Last week I rolled a Ill/Time he's decent, level 8  but I'm not sure he's worth to effort to PA/18 .


    I don't Power Level, since we have plenty of time on Homecoming, I've made it a goal to master each archetype.

     I've browsed the forums and had my hunch confirmed that the level 32 pet is strong and probably the reason why Ill isn't a Dominator option. To augment damage I'm looking to add the Power Pool  Wall of Force. Also from the forums I've picked up that maybe debuff sets (Poison,Storm,Trick) would be a better choice. Probably not going to go Permanent PA since that's where my Doms shine.


    Just looking for suggestions on how to get into the Ill mindset, not focused on damage per-say, just that Ill doesn't really have many control options compare to the other sets such as Plant,Electric etc. 


    On 8/1/2021 at 11:26 AM, Pixie_Knight said:

    I joined CoH during the 1 year anniversary event in 2005. It was my first MMO, I fell in love, then (if I'm honest with myself) got seriously addicted. Even after a year and a half of doing nothing but eating, sleeping, going to work, or playing CoH and thus burning out it was still my favorite leisure activity. It had managed to replace reading or vegging out watching tv. For nearly a decade I had a subscription to the game. Towards the end I didn't subscribe every month, but that's only because the game had moved to a F2P model, so I was able to play without paying when finances were tight.


    Going to other MMOs, they felt over balanced towards requiring a team to do anything. You want to fight even a single enemy and you're alone? It had better be lower level then you. Certain classes could maybe fight a single enemy that is their level, but it'd be a close fight. 2 enemies is a death sentence. You don't feel like a hero in most MMOs. Instead you feel like Random Grunt #982.951.734. You not special, you are not a hero, you are in fact quite replaceable and expendable. And the in-game communities reflect that, becoming rather toxic as a result. In City of Heroes however, sure you're just one among many but you feel like a hero. You feel like you can take on anything. And if a threat is too big for any one hero, there are fellow heroes that have your back. It has always done a good job of selling the Superhero concept.


    And the game community? It reflected that too. Even when there was a flame war (which I participated in more then my fair share of), they tended to be rather polite. You could be engaged in a heated argument with someone in one thread, and chatting with that same person in another thread on another topic. Arguments didn't usually spread across the forum. If you asked for help, you got help rather then insults (usually).


    THAT is what has always made CoX the best MMO in my opinion.

    I never realized until you pointed out the choice you have in playing solo or on teams.

    When I think of other MMO's you're right, solo you're going to have a hard time.


    When the game was live, the developers gave us the choice to run our new alts through the Zig or skip it.

    I skipped it once and quickly realized breaking out of the Zig was essential to my alts, (Hero's Journey) so they all do.  


    Although I'm not a hard core Min/Max I enjoy contemplating my build choice in Mids.

    It's the best MMO I've ever played because I am allowed to make choices.  




    I'll never forget the day I pursed the forums and read about Permanent Domination.

    Up to that point the game was fun, MM's were my favorite and Dominators  were fun.

    Permanent Domination was an expensive build, I wasn't rich or a Market player.


    However I rose to the challenge and found another pathway, leading Strike Force's.

    Up to that point I had been a passive player.

    Now I was actively leading, forming teams helping new players get up to speed.


    Eventually I accumulated the elusive LOG's needed and my enjoyment rocketed to the next level.

    Although I stayed Red Side, I branched out to try other Archtypes and continued to immerse myself in every mechanic (except PVP).



    Normal PVP you need to be a L33t shooter to have fun and be effective, I can't shoot the broad side of a barn, hence PVP has no appeal.

    Back in the day, the original Planet Side (world PVP) was awesome until they nerfed it into the normal PVP experience. 


    Before the nerf, you could use your Brain and implement Strategy and Tactics.

    Numbers crumble before Strategy and Tactics. It didn't matter if I was solo, forming a team just opened up more options. 


    I remember planning our team's mission and a member complaining that my objective seemed boring and lacking. Before I could reply a veteran teammate chided him to follow my orders and the fun would follow. 30 minutes pass, there's no greater compliment then the former complaining guy  having fun, admits you knew what you were doing, and, oh in the larger bigger picture your side is now winning the war.


    Which, in a way is the same thing my Master MInd did in COV, the pets hit the targets I direct them.



  15. 4 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I have soloed very few AVs.  Mostly because I am lazy.  I had to solo the tree in the first Treespec for the badge. When i was in low 30s. That was a “story arc” toon and therefore had built up a small (and completely unused) army of temp summons as he completed various missions. I called everybody.  It was not a good day for the tree


    That's a name I haven't heard in a long long time. (Obi Won)


    Back on live I remember them being hard. (Especially since your build was wrong, which is why you did one)

    It was almost easier to re-role the character except it took forever back in the day.

    The first was hard, the 2nd easier and the 3rd much better since you had more and more powers.


    I need to run my pages of alts to see what it's like all these years later, and without a horrible build.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Mopery said:

    I have quite a few top of the line, "money is no limit" built characters.

    One of each AT and then some.


    I don't have a ton of Inf, perhaps 300 million on hand on my whole account.

    Probably enough with merits to make 1 more build, which as an altaholic is generally the goal.

    Having these things does not interest me enough to play the game on a regular basis.

    I play for the comradery and the joy of teaming with this awesome community!

    I don't feel like I absolutely must have the best build, or be the most productive member of the team.

    I don't mind when the team wipes because we bit off more than we can chew, it's fun giving it our all even if we fail!

    Sometimes I like doing easy repetitive TFs, sometimes I like doing hardcore "die and we lose" TFs.

    Never since this game began back in 2004 have I felt like I "need" a certain amount of Inf to make it worth my time to play CoH/CoV/GR.


    I play games to have fun.


    If I'm not having fun, then I stop playing and find something else to do with my time.

    In all this time, I have never played CoH/CoV/GR and not had fun.

    I've played other games, and when they became a grind, and it became like work... there was always(ok, except 2012-2019) Paragon City to return home to.

    Like many others, there is no way to explain the feeling of loss I had when I couldn't log in and just fly around my beloved city.

    Some players will understand exactly how I feel, others will not, and that's okay!

    We all play this game for our own reasons, I enjoy making characters and can't play any character for long if I don't like the concept/costume/bio.

    Some players want their characters to be maxed out to the nth degree or they can't stand them, even if their costume is generic and their name is xX LEGENDMAN Xx or w/e.

    As long as they enjoy it, then good for them.


    Long story short, I don't know why anyone plays this game, only they know the answer to that question.


    P.S. - If there is a character named xX LEGENDMAN Xx out there, no offense was meant, you do you, buddy!

    QFT. I'm also happy the game is back. As long as the devs keep the game running, 10 years from now, I could easily still see myself playing. I don't need new content. 


    Back on live, when a single IO would cost the infamy ceiling, I still found a way by running Strike Forces. It was a lot of fun changing from a passive player to a active player. Recruiting and guiding pick up groups. Patiently dealing with newbies and "Expert" players. The journey was a lot of fun. 


    Homecoming IO prices are reasonable and easily attainable. This time I read the market guide. Some people find the market fun. I prefer to play the game. So I found a method that didn't monopolize my time and worked with my play style. The best thing players could do is put their orders in early, that is if they are not flying from Level 1 to Level  50 in one hour.


    "I want it now."

    "I don't want to do X"


    There are multiple methods, building, infamy, merits to arrive at a respectable build and still have a lot of fun. 


    • Like 1
  17. How much is too much?


    Imagine when you started the game you were given a level 50 and all the IO's you needed? After a week you'd probably move on to a new game.

    Back in the "Real World" most people who win the lottery end up broke in a few years.

    Player base top complaints:

    1. Getting to 50 

    2. Getting IO's for their 50

    3. Wanting additional post-50 content

    (Picard face Palm)


    You have a lot of influence because you've found the game fun to play.  The influence was a side benefit to the fun the game provided by doing whatever you defined to be fun.   If your new definition of fun is giving away then I can't stop you. Just don't think you are helping.


    Even in the "Real World" no one wants charity, sure  they will take it but they would rather you teach them how to fish then you give them a fish.


    TLDR: Anything > 0

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