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Ryko Nailo

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Posts posted by Ryko Nailo

  1. So I went and double checked it, its actually fully enhanced values. Forgive the poorly formatted DATA. I also tested resistances because why not at same time.


    HP Default Base:  575 Upgrade: 626 Result: +51
    HP Enhanced 95%: 677 127.7%: 692 159.9%: 709
    HP Default Base: 769 Upgrade: 822 Result: +53
    HP Enhanced 95%: 874 127.7%: 891 159.9%: 908
    HP Default Base: 964 Upgrade: 1012 Result: +48
    HP Enhanced 95%: 1058 127.7%: 1073 159.9%: 1088


    So like if you take the +51 hp a zombie gets, multiply it by 2.599 (159.9% enhancement value), you get 132, add that to their default hp of 575 and it gets you to 707 (so my laziness in not using all the decimal points is probably why hp is off by 2)


    So as you can see I was slightly off, Lich actually gains the least hp both % of total hp and raw amount and my non math estimates of "150" were only because I went all in on over enhancing. Still, the maximum values were simply 6 basic 50+5 IOs and Alpha slot but that results in basically 23% more hp total. A bit overkill in slotting but I was curious what a simple maximum was, and then also did a more 'normal' maximum of 3 SOs and then somewhere in between to represent set bonuses and such. Still it could be really nice especially if you can hit resist or dodge caps....


    And while at it I tested the resist numbers with same basic enhancement plan

    Base: 20.25% 56%: 31.77% 75%: 35.46% 99%: 40.25%
    Base: 27% 56%: 42.24% 75%: 47.28% 99%: 53.67%
    Base: 33.75% 56%: 52.65% 75%: 59.1% 99%: 67.09%


    • Thanks 1
  2. 23 hours ago, Scrapulous said:

    I also notice that the maxhp buffs in the pets' self-heal powers are gone now.

    It's just in their second tier upgrade by default now. So like if you use it all your pets go up by about 150ish hp, more hp on lich, less on zombies, and it is boosted by the heal enhancements in the upgrade. Personally I like it alot more this way.

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