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  1. I don't think this is different enough from the "light RP, med RP, heavy RP" terms people already use. If you want to measure RP preferences with scales, I think you need to use more than just one scale. That'll give people more precision in showing their preferences. Here are a few: Scale of Continuity: Low levels prefer RP with no to little continuity where things return to the status quo, like an episodic Saturday morning cartoon. High levels prefer long story arcs, changes in status quo, and character development, like Game of Thrones. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlidingScaleOfContinuity Scale of Immersion: Low levels prefer a casual approach to RP, where character emotes look more like lines from a TV script. High levels prefer less OOC chatter and more description, where character emotes look more like paragraphs from a novel. Scale of Grim vs Noble: Low levels prefer stories where individuals have little to no power to cause meaningful change in the world, even if they're badasses, like Warhammer 40k. High levels prefer stories where individuals can cause tremendous change, like Star Wars. Scale of Dark vs Bright: Low levels prefer RP with an atmosphere of misery and cynicism, like The Witcher. High levels prefer RP with an atmosphere of adventure and optimism, like Star Trek. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Noblebright See also: Silliness vs Seriousness: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlidingScaleOfSillinessVersusSeriousness Idealism vs Cynicism: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlidingScaleOfIdealismVersusCynicism Shiny vs Gritty: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SlidingScaleOfShinyVersusGritty Those are just examples. There are dozens of scales we could use. You'll have to decide which ones are informative enough to be worth using and ones which you should leave out for the sake of conciseness.
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