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Sentinel also gets Enduring added to their power set for Super Reflexes.. and people aren't crying about that being overpowered. That gives Endurance Recovery and Damage Resistance to all damage except for Toxic. I really don't get the doom and gloom that people seem to give any posts that touch on improvements to existing power sets..
WP has 40% Recovery Bonuses, as does Regeneration. It easily offsets and overcomes the Endurance deficit of the power set. Shield Defense only has 3 Toggles, as far as I'm aware... But they do have similar costs to SR. The main difference is that it has many more defensive layers for mitigation. Reducing Enemy Damage, Increasing Defense, Damage Resistance, Increasing Health, and it scales pretty well with additional allies and foes. Willpower is by far one of the most comfortable power sets for defense. Radiation does have 4 Toggles... but it's also closer to Fire Defense in terms that it's an offensive power set with a damage aura. It's also got pretty solid damage resistance and health regeneration as well as a pretty decent steroid. Stone Armor has always been pretty endurance heavy, but is also a very strong defensive power set. You have crowd control and damage with Mud Pots that can be pretty useful. You've got defense, damage resist layers, and with Rooted you can get a decent chunk of regen and additional bonuses.. Though, I'll definitely agree with some QoL being given to Stone Armor in terms of usability. Super Reflexes pretty much just has... Defense. Not that it's a bad thing. I'd just argue that it would also be nice for it to have some recovery bonuses, and for the defense bonuses to be consolidated a bit so you're not having to take 3 passive powers and 3 toggles just to make sure each of the different defenses are covered. I'm not saying that the numbers aren't good where they are in terms of defense. I'm not even asking for higher defense values. I'm asking for recovery bonuses to be added to the set and for some consolidation. Either having both the Active/Passive powers merged so that you have one for Melee, one for Ranged, and one for AoE... or Merging the Passive powers into one so you have a single passive power and 3 toggles for each of the different types. I'm ambivalent to what else makes it into the power set to fill in the missing spots once the consolidation is done.. I just made a couple suggestions of what might be nice to see. I'm totally open to feedback of different options if people can come up with other nice things to add that aren't overpowering and are thematic to the power set.
My biggest issues with SR are the endurance costs for running 3 high cost toggles, the lack of endurance recovery and endurance drain resist, and the fact that the defense bonuses are split between 6 different powers. At least, that has been consistent on every SR character that I've played. For the most part, my go to defensive sets these days are Willpower, Regen, Bio Armor, and Shield. All for different reasons.
I'm totally willing to keep Practiced Brawler as is, or making a portion of it passive while the rest of it is either activatable or toggle. As for the Defense Values, I'm not a fan of reducing those values at all. Is there a specific power that was mentioned that you were concerned about? Or a combination of them? I'd love to know more about what you're saying.
With that out of the way, I'm totally open for feedback on this as long as it's constructive with the goal of actually seeing something similar to this come into the game. There are no hard numbers or anything in my suggestion as that would be left up to the balancing team to make it work properly. Some obvious concerns that I have for making Super Reflexes viable at the high end is that the current "meta" for defenses is to stack different types of defenses to layer them while having a fairly high damage resistance value where possible. Those layers including: Defense, Damage Resist, and Regeneration as primary mitigation layers.. With secondary layers being debuffing or crowd controlling enemies either reducing their accuracy or damage or simply removing them from the fight temporarily. Super Reflexes does have an issue on the high end with it being a "one trick pony" in that it has a very high amount of Defense value but almost nothing in terms of the other mitigation layers. The "Lucky Dodge" power that was suggested was something to somewhat mitigate that by adding something along the lines of a pseudo "glancing blow" system. This can take form in several different ways, whether it builds up stacks of "damage resistance" over time that are all used to soak damage when they do get hit.. Or it could be a damage resistance power that gains strength the more defense they have compared to their targets. Alternatively it could gain strength based on how full the endurance of the character is at that given time. An alternative to a Damage Resistance power would be some way to allow for high defense values to actually work reliably against high end enemies. I know that normally Villains and other big boss enemies tend to bypass a large portion of defense values to hit straight at the damage resistance values. That's one thing I'm trying to solve for. Some other things worth mentioning for the Super Reflex abilities is that there was a major theme for me there of reducing endurance costs across the board and even giving them an Endurance Recovery passive and resistances to Endurance Drain. The primary reason for this is that almost every Super Speed / Super Reflexes character is seen to have near inexhaustible energy, at least when it comes to dodging. As it is right now SR is one of the most expensive defensive power sets in terms of Endurance Costs and really fights against that dynamic. I do hope that these changes help address that!
Hello World! I just wanted to preface this post with a couple key facts about myself and my goals with this suggestion. Firstly, I am a Superhero/Supervillain lover and have been reading comics the majority of my life. Speedsters have always held a place at the top of the list for my favorite character archetype. With that said, I completely understand that doing "proper justice" to a speedster is neigh impossible in any multiplayer video game and still difficult in a single player game, but my goal isn't to aim for full realism or even to represent a majority of what they're capable of in the comics other media. My goal in its simplest terms is for you to FEEL like you're playing a character based around speed and reflexes. In this post I have several suggestions but I want to preface it with the fact that I am open to discussions on things that could and should be changed with it in order to bring it more in line with what is expected for a character. My goals here are as follows: Quick Power Activations. Quick Power Recharges. (Mostly) Reliable Defenses based primarily around dodging attacks. Faster than normal Movement in Combat. Better than normal recovery of Endurance. Competitive with other "End Game Meta Builds" for taking on high end content. Provided it is properly geared. Super Reflexes Level 1/Level 1: Agile (Passive Elements from Agile, Dodge, and Lucky.) Level 1/Level 2: Focused Fighting (Reduced End Cost.) Level 2/Level 4: Focused Senses (Reduced End Cost.) Level 6/Level 10: Focused Evasion (Reduced End Cost.) Level 8/Level 16: Practiced Brawler (No Changes.) Level 12/Level 20: Quick Metabolism (Passive Recovery Bonus and Resistance to End Drain.) Level 18/Level 24: Quickness (Increased Movement Speed bonus.) Level 22/Level 28: Lucky Dodge (New Passive. Builds stacks of Damage Resistance up to a total of 10 stacks. All stacks are removed when hit.) Level 26/Level 30: Elude (Remove Endurance Crash, but make it so that the power is no longer modified by recharge speed modifiers.) Super Speed Fighting Level 1/Level 1: Quick Strike (Very fast animation punch that does okay damage, activates very quickly and has a very fast recharge. Can disorient foes.) Level 1/Level 2: Quick One-Two (Sped up One-Two Punch that does solid damage, is activated quickly, and has a fast recharge. Can disorient foes.) Level 2/Level 4: Quick Flurry (Sped up Flurry attack that hits a cone of enemies in front of the player. Can disorient foes. Moderate Recharge.) Level 6/Level 10: Build Momentum (Self +To-Hit and +Damage, either instant execution or very quick animation speed.) Level 8/Level 16: Blinding Speed (Quick attack that does a small amount of damage but increases self defense rating to melee and ranged. Can stack.) Level 12/Level 20: Mach Speed (Dash to a target within a certain range and strike it for high damage and a knockdown. Alternatively, lower the damage but make it have a faster recharge.) Level 18/Level 24: Flurry of Blows (PBAoE Melee Attack, Can disorient foes.) Level 22/Level 28: Cyclone (Toggle: High End Cost. PBAoE Damage, Knockdown Foes, Increased Defense while toggled.) Level 26/Level 30: Infinite Mass Punch / Light Speed Punch (Whirlwind around the targets for a short time before charging in and unleashing an extreme damage punch that knocks down the enemy and reduces their damage resistance.) Super Speed Tertiary Pool Finally, I also suggest an increase to the speed bonuses of the Super Speed power. As it is right now it's nowhere near the premier travel power even with all of its limitations. Teleportation is faster and more accessible and Flight is extremely versatile and almost as fast. Thank you for your time!
Honestly, I do like the idea of both Recharge and Movement Speed bonuses, but I don't like the idea of tying it to a scaling mechanic such as Fury. Having a static bonus out the gate and scaling damage on fury makes the most sense to me. If you want to add additional stuff to scale on Fury then I would probably suggest something like health regen, power regen, or defense bonuses.
New Powerset: Quick (or something speedster themed)
Gloomfall replied to Gloomfall's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I agree with you here, but at the moment I'd be fine with a copy/paste of certain powers with some minor tweaks to make them relevant for a primary power set. The main reason being that right now you have to cobble together those powers from multiple sets to make something passable when it'd be cool to have them be inherent and viable as a primary power set. Though it'd be nice if they could add some new and fun powers into it too! -
New Powerset: Quick (or something speedster themed)
Gloomfall replied to Gloomfall's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Electric Melee more closely resembles a character like Electro with Electricity Control powers. While it does make for an interesting speedster, it's not really the most iconic speedster fighting style. The closest one to it would honestly be Dark Melee, themed around speed. But even that isn't quite there. -
New Powerset: Quick (or something speedster themed)
Gloomfall replied to Gloomfall's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
The main difference here is that it is currently possible to make a Speedster with a Sword... It's not however possible to make a Speedster with an iconic comic book fighting style. There in lies the issue that I'm hoping to address. -
New Powerset: Quick (or something speedster themed)
Gloomfall replied to Gloomfall's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
So, I don't mind giving a brief write-up of a set of powers that I think might work nicely for what I've got in mind. Though, I did want to first address some of the criticisms that I got. Claws is the 'quick melee' and 'low endurance cost' power set. Dark Melee already has to-hit debuffs and Energy Melee already has disorientation. What would this power set contain that isn't already covered by a mix of other power sets? First, to address Claws. I'd be fine with a different skin on the powers to make it fit the theme of a speedster powerset, though it's definitely not the only 'quick' and 'low cost' power set when it comes to Scrappers/Brutes/Tankers. Katana is also a pretty quick recharge set that has relatively low costs. And when you start looking at the average and slower power sets they are not shy when it comes to adding in a variety either for functionality purposes or for theme purposes. Adding a new set that actually feels good for a stereotypical speedster fighting style may not be high up on their priority list but I don't think it's something that should invalidate the possibility. Second, to address feedback about Dark Melee and Energy Melee having to-hit debuffs and disorientation effects I'd like to point out that a number of power sets have these types of effects. It really comes down to how often those effects show up in each power set. I don't think that every single ability in the Speedster power set I'm suggesting should have these effects, I'm just suggesting some possibilities. Things that might make sense for this power set would be something like to-hit debuffs, temporary defense buffs, or disorientation effects. It doesn't need to be the primary theme of the power set. Third, to address the last main piece of feedback I got regarding what this set would contain that isn't already covered by a mix of other sets.. Right now it is extremely hard to come up with a stereotypical speedster character. You can somewhat pull it off through piecemeal picking and choosing of several different sets, however it can feel a little bit 'janky' to do both on acquisition and on execution. Flurry/Dark Melee/Sands of Mu all feel really good in terms of what an attack might look like for a Speedster but they have a pretty nasty animation lock through a long execution time and they all pretty much look the same with maybe a different coat of paint on each. You also can't enhance Sands of Mu so that very quickly drops off. Most other power sets have abilities that may be able to be considered a speedster power but just don't 'feel' right with how long they take to execute and how long they take to recharge. One thing I'd also like to see that I mentioned previously is a bit of a 'dash' to a target to attack. I think being able to zip between targets like that as a melee character would feel really fun and thematic as a speedster, though I'm not sure on whether it's possible with the tech they have available to them in the game. Finally, here's a sample of some ideas I've got that might work well as a power set. Though, it's just a shot in the dark as to what I think might work well. Speed Brawling Quick Attack - Quick Left Jab - Very Fast Recharge - Rush to Target if outside of Melee Range One Two - Quick One Two Punch - Fast Recharge - Rush to Target if outside of Melee Range Furious Assault - Moderate Damage AoE - Disorient - Similar to Flurry Build Up Fast and Furious - Quick Right Hook - Self Defense Buff - Rush to Target if outside of Melee Range Confront/Taunt/Placate Whirlwind - Similar to Super Speed Power Siphon Speed - Defense Debuff on Enemies - Defense Buff to Self - Restores Endurance to Self Infinite Mass Punch - Extreme Damage - Knock Up - Disorient - Rush to Target if outside of Melee Range