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  1. I just soloed this one today. Secret....I kept the quest active and leveled 3 more levels and went back. Easy Japaneasy. Wink
  2. Thank you.
  3. holy crap. Thank you. I have looked everywhere for this solution. It indeed was my fault. lesson learned. Thank you all. Edit: are they wasted or can I resell them or transfer them to another character.
  4. I have Power bolt, blast, burst energy torrent aim explosive blast focused power bolt
  5. is this screenshot folder in the CoH directory or windows. I'm seeing neither.
  6. I did a print screen with JPEG and TGA...don't know where it is or how to post it...;-(
  7. Someone else asked this. I hovered over the enhancements and could not tell. I bought them at the steel canyon AH merit vendor for 100 each if that helps.
  8. I bought some Blasters Wrath enhancements from the merit vendor. When I go to slot them I am unable to, all slots turn grey. I am a lvl 26 blaster. No other Wrath enhancements are slotted.I posted in general and was directed here. Thank you for your help.
  9. im lvl 26. I do not have any others slotted. Thanks for the quick replies all. Then I'd say post in the Bug forums and submit a support ticket and work directly with the devs on it, seems like some sort of bug. Will do, thanks. Wanted to post here 1st in case it was just me.
  10. im lvl 26. I do not have any others slotted. Thanks for the quick replies all.
  11. I bought a couple of enhancements from the merit vendor (Blasters Wrath), but I am not able to slot them. (I'm a blaster). When I click on them all slots go grey. What did I do wrong? I stopped playing CoH before these items were introduced. I'm happy no matter what, love this game anyway.
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