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  1. This didn't work for me, but what did work is doing all of this through Lutris. I created a new game -> name it Mids Reborn -> install from media -> choose the dotnet runtime you linked in step 1 -> proceed with install. Then, download the zip archive of Mids Reborn and extract it -> right click on the Mids Reborn I just created in Lutris, click "Configure" -> Game Options tab, set "Executable" to the MidsReborn.exe (full path, wherever you extracted the zip). It works perfectly. I am running Debian 12 / bookworm.
  2. Hi, I figured out that I had solo bosses turned off, turning this setting back on made the AV setting work again. So I suppose it is a bug that you cannot get solo AVs with solo bosses off. Although I am still seeing an issue where I am set to +1, I have reset this mission several times now and it's about 50/50 whether the EB/AV spawns as level 51 or level 49. So that's weird.
  3. I switched my solo difficulty to Elite Boss for one mission, and then switched back to solo AV. But the game will not spawn solo AV now. I even logged off overnight and checked the next day, still AVs are spawning as EB. I also tried switching back to EB and back to AV again. Still only spawns as EB.
  4. Hi indigo, someone linked me to this post but I am not usually very active on the forum. I play on excelsior
  5. Invisibility and Super Speed used to be enough stealth to be invisible to any enemy that doesn't have +perception. So I took them on a new character to get through higher level zones and exist on a farming map without dying. That's no longer the case which makes these things a lot harder.
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