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Everything posted by MegaloRob

  1. Right. I don't expect to get into the IOs until 50. That was always my end game content. 🙂 My goal was to get enough influence so I can stat out my guy with SO and then be able to upgrade them when I need to. This has been a great help.
  2. This is such great information. Thank you!
  3. This is such an interesting discussion. I played in the ncsoft days and I am super excited to get back in. I finally talked a few friends of mine into playing too. And we have a weekly game set up. We have met once and our characters are level 10. What would the market advice be for this? Everything is reflected as 100 merits. Well, can I take my 14 merits and turn it into more resources to build out my little baby noob toon out?
  4. Hello everyone. I've got a plant / savage dom. I'm just level 10. I'm a baby noob. I played in the ncsoft days and have just come back. The power pools are all different and I'm pretty lost. What power pools should I take a good look at for dominators?
  5. Hello there everyone. I played way back in the ncsoft days. I finally got some friends to come together and play again. I decided to try something I had not played before. So I went and made an energy / kinetic brute. I am sitting on level 10 right now so I'm just a baby noob. A lot has changed. I'm looking for advice for power pools. The health, endurance, swift powers are all base powers now. That was a very welcome change. What can you guys tell me about power pools to add to the build? What do I need to take a good hard look into?
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