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About Phoulmouth

  • Birthday 01/01/1004
  1. But disabling common/uncommon drops doesn't mean you get more rare drops, it just deletes them out of existence. Which is a bad thing for salvage, since everyone uses salvage. You really want Luck Charms to be 500k a pop again? Me disabling my commons and uncommons won't cause that to happen, and frankly you get to a point where common salvage is just useless. They aren't worth the time it takes to delete them mid farm/tf/trial/whatever.
  2. I thought that was obvious, but I guess some people need it spelled out for them. LOL
  3. Would it be possible to add an options to the P2W vendor to allow us to disable common and uncommon salvage drops? It gets really monotonous trying to keep space in my salvage inventory while farming or even just doing trials and task forces. Plus you get to a point where this stuff isn't even needed anymore. Would just be a real nice quality of life feature to be able to disable them from dropping.
  4. Yeah..... Mine to..... Seriously, this is way not cool. I may not have had as much as some farmers, but that was around 6 mil with of stuff. All gone. Just starting out, that hurts. Edit: Relogged onto same toon, it's all back. YAY
  5. That will be a help, thanks
  6. KO Queen and Rad Dewd reporting for duty!
  7. I played this game a ton prior to CoV being released. KO Queen and Rad Dewd from the Liberty Server in case anyone may remember me. But I am so massively overwhelmed by whats going on in the game now. Is there any guides anyone can point me to to help me figure out all the new stuff and remember all the old stuff?
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