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Posts posted by BuzzKilla

  1. When this game first came back I was using a mid 2007 IMac 24” with the game settings tweaked but still looked good. My only problem was zoning in and out of missions, that would take me a good minute (or more). I hated that my team would always be waiting on me (think bank missions) I was always the last on the team to get places. In June I ended up getting  the latest IMac(May 2019) so those problems were over but I was surprised my old 2007 still had it in her lol.


  2. 1 hour ago, Christopher Robin said:

    Lol @ the toilets. You should've had someone doing the puke emote after an all night bender and Pocket D.

    The hero on the left reminds me of Doc Delilah. rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    Also you might actually have different painting mods than I did.

    I knew there was more than one pack going around.




    You know...I totally forgot those were mods until you mentioned it, I was actually thinking, “I wonder what mission those paintings are in?! 🤔“ ... Ha! I can see what you mean by Doc Delilah! That was a actually a toon of mine called Ms. Mexico. 

    • Like 3
  3. 8 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    Make your own team for them!  DfB gets dull in and of itself.  Invite any level of player to come along, even higher level ones as they may have not even seen Perez Park since Homecoming opened up.

    Yes you are right. I have been thinking of doing that but don't have the confidence I used to. I used to be a SG co leader "back in the day". Now half the time I am trying to keep up with the chat lol. I think I can handle running missions tho. Good idea! 🙂

    • Like 2
  4. Get rid of the paperboys, does anyone read newspapers anymore? Poor kid would be out of a job though 😉   I do like ithe game as is though, it is so nostalgic for me. Sometimes I just fly around in zones like the Hollows and Perez Park for old times sake. Unfortunately most of the time I am the only one there, it's kind of sad really 😞 No one does lower level missions teams anymore.

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  5. On 8/22/2019 at 3:12 PM, Firetrap said:

    This is what worked for me, based on Manga's instructions (updated two Macs - a MacBook Pro and an iMac, both running Mojave):


    1. Make sure Island Rum is updated to version 082220191. Shut it down.


    2.  Install Homebrew and Wine via your Terminal (located under Applications/Utilities. You need to run it as the admin for your Mac as it will ask you for your Mac password).  Follow the instructions at http://brew.sh first, and after Homebrew installs, run "brew install wine" in Terminal.


    3. When all that is done (take a few minutes), re- open Island Rum. You should see some progress bars updating and installing. If you don't, open the first drop-down menu (the palm tree) and select RESCAN. (You could probably rescan either way, just to double-check). When that's done, close Island Rum and re-start your Mac.


    4. Upon re-boot, re-open Island Rum, make sure "Homecoming 64-bit" is selected and proceed as you normally have done. 


    That should do it! (I hope) 🙂



    Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is what worked for me!

  6. So, one time in CoH I was on a team doing Frostfire.  A sidekicked lowbie squishy on the team who was in the mission started yelling at us to stop killstealing.  Even after repeated attempts to explain to him that 100% team damage = 100% team rewards, he wouldn't shut up about us killstealing.


    That's not the douche move, but it's context for what happened later:


    After completing Frostfire, the team disbanded and I headed to Steel Canyon to hunt some Vahzilok.  I'm approaching a small group, with a level 5¹ cadaver and a couple of level 10+ reapers and/or morticians, and guess who comes barreling in to try to preemptively killsteal the mob?.  Yup, the lowbie idiot from before, trying to retaliate about the previous "killstealing".


    Note that, while this was a jerk move, it's not quite douche-level yet.


    Anyway, the lowbie charges in, and the cadaver is within easy levels for him... but the rest of the mob wasn't.  He got curbstomped fast, and didn't even manage to take down the cadaver.


    I stood back and watched.  And before the lowbie 'ported to the hospital, I walked up and demolished the mob with minimal effort.


    And that was my biggest douche move.



    ¹: It's been a few years, so I don't perfectly recall the enemy levels, but I'm pretty sure this was located in the alley NE of the PPD station, where you sometimes find a grey-con cadaver and a couple of par-for-zone reapers/morticians as a group.


    Now THAT is what I call a karma douche move!

  7. I actually purchased COH “back in the day” when it first came out as an alternative for my 10 yo son who wanted GTA. He got so mad at me he refused to play it, so I did. My life changed after that!! Seriously...Anyway it’s my first and only MMO, besides a little dabble into WOW in which I was so spoiled by the COH character creator I could not deal with the characters all looking the same. And btw that soN is now excited about COH...


  8. Does anyone know if in this situation, where you have entered a server but are in the Character Creator if  you can ride it out until they come up and try to enter every once in a while or in order to get back into Tutorial or Atlas Park do you need to actually log out and log back in once it is back up?

    And btw I mean after creating a brand new toon.


    *Update* rather than delete I decided to answer my own question in case someone else is wondering the same thing. I sat there is the character creator for over an hour as my toon was complicated and I wanted to avoid remaking it. So you may know already but there is a save function within the creator, (i had a brain fart!), anyway don’t sit there and wait because once I “saved” my toon and logged out, then logged back in the servers were already up. When I logged back in that toon was actually there waiting for me to just enter the game! So save it, log out take a nap, clean your house, eat and shower, then log back in when servers are up! I am a veteran from way back when and am so excited to be able to play COH again. There are no words for how greatful I am to team that is working day and night for the pleasure of others, old and new, to enjoy this game. it is just beyond words...


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