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Everything posted by Questor

  1. I think someone had asked a long time ago if they could use it in their base. So that's possible.
  2. Thank you. It's an older drawing at this point. I would really like to do a full figure of Clockwork King and Dr. Vahzilok. I have to balance that against my other commissions and comic work.
  3. Not on these forums that I'm aware of. I don't see it in any of my other posts. I've definitely posted it on my social profiles elsewhere.
  4. I did this commission of the Clockwork King awhile ago. It was drawn on 9x12 tan toned art paper and colored using a combination of Copic markers and colored pencils.
  5. I don't know who is responsible for printing them up. I saw a video on YouTube talking about how they got the early volumes. I've also seen them for sale on eBay. They are pretty pricey as they hold a lot of issues in one volume. Good luck! https://youtu.be/uUUrgvHqDdg
  6. So, my comic book The Vigilantes campaign has gone live on Indiegogo as of October 1st. It will run for 60 days. I have some cool variants done by industry professionals and Dr. Rocke from YouTube. Early backers are getting my The Vigilantes Guidebook free. Please check it out and share with anyone you think might be interested in this type of indie comic project. The Vigilantes Indiegogo Campaign Page Thank you.
  7. There is a person out there in "Social Media" land that had these collected and printed into trade paperback volumes. You might already be aware, but thought I'd share just in case you were not.
  8. Work on my comic is going well. The crowdfunding campaign will launch October 1. Pre-launch page on Indiegogo provides a 10% discount when you back. Have some sneak peeks. 😀
  9. The other three characters it couldn't upload above.
  10. **UPDATE** I've started a pre-launch page for my comic on Indiegogo. Just taking sign-ups right now, but if you sign-up you'll get a 10% discount when the campaign goes live in 5 months. Here is some of the character art. Here is the link to the pre-launch page. The Vigilantes: Volume One Pre-Launch Signing up really helps so even if you have no interest in buying the book signing up helps my page poll higher on Indiegogo. Don't worry, I won't spam with e-mails daily.
  11. Thank you, @DougGraves! Appreciate that.
  12. Hello, After all my years of life I've decided now is the time to create my comic book. I have the ability and means to do so, so I'm taking the plunge to self-publish my own comic book. I got back into drawing about 4 years ago or so and have been building my skills back up while attending comic book shows in North Carolina and doing lots of fan art. Now it's time to do my own art and my own characters. So, why should a bunch of City of Heroes lovers care? Well, 1) the characters you see might remind you of a certain city filled with heroes. After playing CoH since the start I incorporated many characters I created when I was young into the game. I also created some toons in-game that I have written into the story as I have reshaped it. So, depending on how long you've played and what server you spent a lot of time on you may see some familiar names. 2) I hope you'd support a fellow community member. I sure can use the help following my social accounts, supporting the book and just generally spreading the word. You can never have enough exposure. 3) Maybe you want to collaborate and come on this journey with me. As it is I'm doing it all on my own and that will certainly lengthen out my timeline until I can get this book to print. The book is called, The Vigilantes. The Vigilantes is a story about legacy and how we want to leave the world for our children. When Massive Man introduces his son Josh to the world as the next Vigilante he finds the community he helped create is not what it was when he retired to raise him. At the same time Massive Man’s old archenemy, Alteration, has returned to Earth after their final confrontation looking for revenge. Can Massive Man gain the trust of these new Vigilantes and turn them into a formidable force for justice in time to stop Alteration’s evil plans? The story has been written and the characters have been designed for the book. I'm about ready to start churning out pages as best I can. You can check out my site to learn more and see the characters from the book. Art of MentalPablum You can also contact me through the site and/or sign up for my newsletter where I'll keep people updated on what I'm doing and how the book is coming along. I would also be grateful for any followers to my social media accounts. I refuse to pay for fake bot accounts. I think I've earned the small following I have now, but I know it could be bolstered by the mighty force of the CoH community. 😄 On Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, just search for MentalPalbum and you should find me. I also have them linked from my website. I thank you very much in advance. I love you guys. Let me know if you have any questions. Chris Reader aka MentalPablum @Questor
  13. Not sure if this is the right thread, but here it goes. Was looking at the Hybrid effects on one of my toons. Seeing if I should go with Melee and the +Def, but when I turned it on Mids showed no change to me toons Def Stats. They are not capped. When I change it to the +Resistance option my Res Stats definitely change. Question being is Mids Reborn not reporting the effects correctly or are the buffs just the insignificant for Def vs. Res? Inquiring minds. Cheers, Chris aka Questor
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