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About o0Appledance0o

  • Birthday 09/30/1971

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  1. Nice. Thank you. I wasn't going mad then.
  2. Back in the day, if I'm remembering things correctly, wasn't there a free to use "promotional material" pack put out containing hi-res images of logos, icons, emblems and banners etc. that people could use on their fan sites? If I am remembering this correctly does anyone out there still have those files? I could really do with them.
  3. I was a Union player; Spiritess was my main - founder and leader of The Seekers of Intrinity supergroup. Back on Homecoming with Spiritess doing her thing on the streets again.
  4. I have to say you are all doing a fantastic job. For all the years I've been away from Paragon City to finally visit the streets again the last couple of weekends and find that the amazing community spirit still exists puts faith back into humanity. NCSoft should just cut their losses and officially release the code to the public domain. Once again amazing work by all those involved. See you on the streets.
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