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Everything posted by Sun

  1. Congratulations and Salutations Homecoming Team. This is indeed great and astonishing news. I am truly grateful for your hard work in accomplishing this mission after these years, and living up to our phrase, 'This is what heroes do.' I look forward to learning more about this agreement, and what more it means for us here at Homecoming. Thank you heroes, Monk of Indom
  2. Thanks GM Impervium for your quick action here. I feel better knowing Dacy and Easter Bunny will hold a clean contest and invitation unimpeded by any discusssion arising. Reasonable to say they'll have more contestants too. Monk of Indom
  3. Several? You're talking to...other monks? Great! :). Also, maybe not a bad idea to make an actual 'Discussion' thread, up to you. (The more I think about this the more I agree Dacy). GM, consider this, if you would. Let's have two threads, a clean registry, and a discussion. I feel both UltraAlt and Wravis make valid points regarding building bases in, out, around, and round about the borders of Fantasia. On the one hand Ultra makes a valid suggestion about maybe creating categories for each, and he asks a fair question. And on the other Wravis certainly states a good point that in the end it doesn't matter, that maybe your 110 floor skyscraper ain't no better than my grandma's kitchen garden. And on the final point Dacy want's to steer clear of such a distinction, much like I advised her to steer clear of the item number thing, because it is essentially meaningless and of the prejudice it might foster, and I absolutely honor that. I'm with her on that one. (Forgive me guys if I put words in your mouth). What about this y'all: Have a core set of categories (if you must) which kinda remain the same, then have a couple 'Special of the Month™! (with purchase)' categories for fun and stuff. Like inner, outer bases, and themes, like my Napping. Please remember this guys: While Dacy and Easter Bunny have tried their honorable BEST to write a rubric that is fair, comprehensive, and objective (I see their desire to attain that meta view of equality in their work) these kinds of contests, just like a CC, are about the judge, not YOU, not your skirt, and not your dad jokes. So don't get your shorts in a bunch if she doesn't pick your forty two thousand-piece model of the Mayflower run aground in the Secret Cow Level as A-Number-One. That's life! So you're off the hook! You can now sit back and enjoy the show :). And if the master walks in, takes a look around, and happens to select yours as a winner, then you can rightly and justly feel honored. Because her passion, her mastery, her talent, and her unconditional commitment to our community is... mighty. Mighty. (Get a hold of that temper though girl, you is a CR now :)), Monk of Indom
  4. Dacy... It’s aaaaall good my beautiful person, it's aaaall gonna be ok :D *smiles big and reaches out for a big hug.* I bring no ego to the table to bruise. We all know this is a game, right?. RL that is. What, you thought I was talking about the game? I understand it's hard enough tryna put this thing together without some KNUCKLEHEAD (me) walkin up in here throwin a monkey wrench in everything. That was absolutely not my intent, and I'm sorry. And yes I’m the minority here. I’m always the minority. That’s my job in life. It is also not my intent as a new forum user to incite conflict (wink). I was not going to post again here due to the above. However, since you asked, I guess I will (everybody groans). I also realized, or remembered, yesterday there are these little clicky things down at the bottom of our posts where you can help or hurt someone without actually saying anything. Weeeiiird. I’m reminded of the telepathic mutants, made so by BA (Before Apocalypse, terrible times those) human toxicity, in Planet of the Apes 2 up there chanting, ‘Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!’ In order to answer them, however, and in case some of our readers needed a TLDR, I will recap. Is this not the best place to have such a discussion? If not, are you fluent in smoke signals? Okay good: 1. Item number does not equal size. Plot size does. 2. Item number does not equal quality. 3. Item number does not equal builder skill. 4. We all have access to the same stuff, and everything is free. Therefore, and finally, 5. No one has any clear advantage over anyone else. (Note ‘size’ to the casual walk-in observer will also depend on how the builder has leveraged his or her interior and exterior space, but this is all you got). Therefore, to answer your question, I would have... no categories. And yes your rubric is well done, thank you :). As a leader, Dacy you will or already have learned you will not please everyone, no matter how hard you try. That's life! So stop trying, And they'll get over it, or not. Just look at me, this is only my fourth post and already I’ve racked up a few Guilties from the toxic mutants (from the show, of course), while your display of anger as CR earned you multiple Not Guilties, lol. Such is the nature of human social media, and why I avoid it. However, if suggested by the community, I would have SEPARATE CONTESTS for maybe these categories (you decide, you're the master, I just dabble :)). Gives us something to do doesn't it?: Bases Above a Certain Plot Size Threshold Bases Below a Certain Plot Size Threshold Pure Works of Art Pure Utilitarian Both (including anywhere in-between) RP (whatever THAT is (I'M KIDDING, maybe)) Scottish Ox Farming Alien Landing Sites and Communication (primer a definite plus) Formal Speed-Walking Superhero Comedy Stand-Ups, with Props, and finally and most importantly, Napping ... I think that about covers everything you need. Kinda like maybe... "Goooood day ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, heroes and villains, supers and dupers, it is TIIIME to announce next month’s Super Duper Base Contest! Yes indeed all my good superbuilders out there step right up step right up! (Watch it kid ya crowdin me, careful with that pencil, there ya go). "Aaaaand the moment you’ve all been waitin for! Next month’s Base Contest category will BE...drum roll please? “Patumptptptptptptptptptpt CRASH! Bow bow bow boink!” (Drum rolls across the stage, bounces and falls to the floor while the announcer eyes it…silence...). “Ahem... Next month’s Base Contest category will BE!… Pure Works of Art UNDER Plot Size blah blah blah! (Trumpets ring out tada! And crowd cheers). “Thaaat’s right lackeys and gentlesupers, if you’ve ever groaned under the wicked onus of placing those troublesome toilets (and who HASN’T amirite?), those worrisome workbenches, and those vexing vendors, why NOW’S your time to shine my one-in-a-million friend. Thaaat’s right THIS contest is straight from YOUR twisted mind and ONLY yours to us the ever-so-fortunate judges! So sign up today! (Yeah son, sign right there, n- no kid righ… yeah right there, on the dotted line, GIMME that, and the pencil too, yeah, no pay no attention to the tiny print behind the curtain, that’s just an eye test. Right). “What’s that you say? This contest is not for you? Whyyyyy worry not my muscle-brained meta type there’s another Super Duper Base Contest coming to a Void near you faster than you can say SHAZAM!” Or something like that, probably less stupid. I don't know. Will you satisfy some people? Sure. Will you mess somebody's day up? Probably. K let me get up outta here so y'all can get back to work. I have not been as attentive (for me) as usual as I have a new friend, a cat! So she and I are getting used to the new situation :). Bye, Monk of Indom
  5. Ok Dacy, lol, we will simply disagree and call it a day. And that is okay, for we all come to the wisdom bridge on our path where we learn one who disagrees with us is not a threat, but simply someone who sees things a little differently, who could actually be our friend, and from whom we might learn a thing or two :). However, so long as you apply this lay view of "more things = bigger and better" I'm gonna have to not join this, or any other community event so managed. Which is kinda sad because I was thinking about taking part, maybe. But that’s life! (As you can tell, these are only my first three posts to this forum, as I don't do social media. Rather, the game is my social media. Looks like I'm off to a great start!). I will, however, wish all participants utmost joy and success. Y'all have fun. Good luck, Monk of Indom
  6. And the conversation continues. On the item number thing, I’ll follow your clarification Dacy and Easter Bunny with a few questions then, with of course the awareness and respect this is your contest and your rules. So be it. (I originally thought to email you guys with this in private, but maybe better here for all to see). Alas it is long but I appreciate you reading through it, if you can. To wit: Does item count really indicate volume (size) or density (complexity) in any real reliable manner, thus granting guidance in planning a base visit or even a contest? Could there be a perception here that a work of art's number of parts somehow indicate it's worthiness or even the amount of work required to create it? And if THAT is true (and I and any builder here could demonstrate throughout history that is certainly NOT the case), does even the amount of work required to bring a thing into being somehow bestow upon the observer it's value? I think not. In the end, this is not Live (thank you Homecoming :)), whence plot and item were gated behind a pay wall, granting larger and more active SGs a clear and present advantage in this scenario. In those dark days your approach would have been not only appropriate, but absolutely necessary. Not so today, thanks to our brilliant developers. We all start in the same zone, with the same potential plot size on which, and the same toolkit and item palette down below with which to build. We are all given the same size block of rock from which to liberate our sculpture, the same size canvas on which to paint our vision, are we not? Kinda like the horse team that claims they were at a disadvantage in the SAME race they entered with others, entirely voluntarily. What if I figured out how to accomplish the same exact thing as Brother Builder did, only more efficiently and with half the items? Does that mean his is bigger than mine just because he hasn’t figured it out yet? Meditate on this. Is there any other way to select more winners and award more prizes? I say finally, not only is item count entirely irrelevant, even to the builder him or herself , but including such a parameter in your entry may serve to spawn that which you have so honorably tried to prevent: prejudice. (One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. - Master Oogway). Now then, I'll leave you with one final vision: Two players are engaged in a discussion, with a couple witnesses about, in AP: Player 1: "Hey I see you won the Base Building Contest. Congratulations!" Player 2: "Ahhh yes, Thank you. I see you won too! Congratulations to you too, and well done!" "Thanks!" "I won in X Category, UNDER Y number of items." "Ahhh very interesting. I too won in X Category, only I won in... OVER Y number of items." "Ahhh I see…" Witness 1 to Witness 2, “Player 1’s is bigger than Player 2’s, let’s go look at his first.” “Uh huh.” I will leave it to you, Good Readers, to assess the outcome of such a discussion, and upon whom, in secret, the greater or lesser esteem is placed... Monk of Indom
  7. Thank you Dacy and Easter Bunny for bringing us another astounding Base Building Contest! I honor the passion and work you have gifted us. And I'll take this opportunity as well to thank our developers who have created a player housing system among the best, to me, currently in the industry, and have made nothing less than stunning things possible from our community. It’s a wonderful world isn’t it? I might sign up myself because it looks really fun. However, I must question the direction this contest is going because I do not understand one criterion of the entry, and thus have a question, if I may: Why... is there a discernment between bases that fall above, or below a certain item count threshold? Now, rather than extending this question into a lengthy post, perhaps fraught with assumptions and misses, I’ll gladly step aside and allow the CRs an opportunity to address it, then maybe follow up with a comment of my own. Thanks, Monk of Indom
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