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Posts posted by GATE-keeper

  1. Pardon my ignorance, I can't believe I don't remember the definitive answer to this but I'm pretty sure it's "NO!"


    Are the -ToHits applied by DM stackable?


    If I hit someone with Shadow Punch I apply -5.63 ToHit to them which lasts 6 secs.  But Shadow Punch recharges in 3 secs.  So if I hit them again 3 seconds later, do they now have -11.26 ToHit? 


    How about from Shadow Punch from two different toons?  


    Edit: Nevermind, I found the answer




    According to this article, 2 Shadow Punches from the same player would NOT stack

    BUT 2 Shadow Punches from two different toons would stack.

  2. 3 hours ago, Snakebit said:

    You can unpublish and then delete. I did this a few nights ago, but I can't remember exactly what buttons. Look around, it is doable. 




    You're right.  All you have to do is click on the mission title and the "unpublish" button appears.


    Thanks so much everyone!

    • Thumbs Up 2
  3. On 5/3/2024 at 6:50 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Yes. If you open a support ticket you can ask for more Mission Architect slots.


    My understanding is that if you're making actual story missions, and not farm missions, they'll give you more slots.


    Thanks very much for your reply.  I'll follow your advice to submit a ticket requesting more slots.


    If they're going to limit us to 3 published missions, it would be nice if they would allow us to save over older published missions.

    I published a mission, then played it, made minor changes and published it again. 

    Then played it, made more minor changes and published it again one more time.

    So now I have all 3 of my allowed missions that are just minor deviations from one another.

    My OCD demands some way to delete, or save over the two missions I don't really want to keep.

  4. 11 hours ago, FFFF said:

    I haven’t watched the whole video yet but I’ll give it a whirl later. One piece of feedback that I’ll give is that you should minimize or temporarily remove some of the game interface. You can remove the chat panes because I notice that all local chat is repeated there twice. I think your videos will get better over time so keep at it. 


    Thanks very much for your feedback!  I'll follow your suggestion about Chat window.

  5. Welcome to CITY OF the legion of subpar HEROES!


    A YouTube channel of CoH videos featuring a parody of / homage to the Legion of Super-Heroes!




    COtlosH Issue 001 is entitled Lightning Strikes Thrice! and features Gar Thrand, an Ele/Ele Blaster




    COtlosH Issue 002 is entitled Remember What the Dormouse Said! and features Mari DeNare, a Mind/Psi Dominator.




    COtlosH Issue 003 is entitled Bullies! and features Rock Quinn, a Grav/Time Controller.



  6. 16 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I challenge you to play an homage to Julia Child.


    My work is done here.


    During World War II, Julia Child was deemed too tall to join the Women's Army Corps...


















    ...so she joined the Office of Strategic Services instead.

  7. Per




    "As a character rises in levels, they will find higher tiers of inspirations drop from defeated enemies."


    Does anyone have more specific info than that? 


    Frex "At level 30 if an Insp drops it will have a 50% chance of being Large, 35% chance of being Medium or 15% chance of being Small"?


    Edit: Also, does character level affect the Level of Inspirations granted by Inner Inspiration?

  8. So Green Jack O'Lantern, my Dark/Dark Defender has Shadow Fall with a green tint.  

    The Shadow Fall effect seems to be slightly obscuring the flatscreens attached to my Teleporters.

    I'm wondering if this affects all Teleporter flatscreens or is it just because I've got the mod that adds location text to each flatscreen.


    Edit: this is not really a big deal, hardly a game stopper.  I'm just curious if anyone else is experiencing this.


  9. 12 minutes ago, Ironblade said:

    I'm not aware of it being literally 'documented'.  However, back when the game was live someone did a study and it WAS documented that our average player age was around 35.  That was back around 2007.  So an average around here in the 45-50 range would seem likely.

    Woot! Finally, something I'm above average at!

    • Haha 3
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  10. 6 hours ago, RogerWilco said:


    I don't think that before level 50, you can easily earn the inf needed to upgrade  everything, if you have only SO's slotted. I know I can't, but I don't focus on getting inf when I'm levelling.


    Respectfully disagree, see my post yesterday.  On beta it took me only 16.8 mil to buy SO's and Upgrade every 5 levels (7, 12, 17, etc) to 50.


    Doing just the TFC task forces alone gets you 212 merits.  That's 636 converters.  At SELL IT NAO price of $65,000 per converter that's over $41 mil.



    If you start in Praetoria (which doesn't really have TF's like the TFC TF's): just doing a Storyline from start to finish (ie Crusader or Warden, etc) gets you 80 merits (Loyalist) or 81 merits (Resistance).


    80 merits gives you 240 converters.  At SELL IT NAO price of $65,000 per converter that's about $15.6mil.  By level 20. 


    Exploring the three zones will get you another 15 merits or about another $2.9 mil. 


    So by Level 20 in Praetoria, you should have enough to buy SO's and hit the Upgrade button every 5 levels until 50.



    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 22 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


    You will be cash-inf negative for a long while, but by lvl 50 you would be way ahead of the game.


    5 hours ago, Arbegla said:

    If you're leveling up normally, and not really paying attention to the market, the character itself will lag behind in Inf as you're doing story arcs, especially if you team.



    Well, I did as suggested and created a toon on Beta, Upgrading every 5 levels.  It only cost about 16.8 mil.  I'm confident that the Merits earned (don't forget the easy merits just for exploring a new zone) will be enough to cover 16.8 mil.

    • Like 2
  12. 10 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    You made me check, and you are incorrect. While I couldn't buy any enhancements (of any kind) as a level 1, I could buy SOs as a level 2 on up to level 50. I checked base vendors as well as open world vendors in Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, and Praetoria, and could buy SOs at normal prices in all places I checked.


    Yoiks, lol.  You're right, sorry about that. 

  13. 13 hours ago, Greycat said:

    Guys, I don't think "you can use IOs" is actually.... relevant to the question. Or how easy it is to make INF.


    It's like answering "What is the distance to the sun" with "You'd die before you reached it" and problems with designing a spacecraft to get there and survive.



    6 hours ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    One could answer this question reasonably accurately with a little time investment on Brainstorm (the beta server). Create a character there and use the freebies menu to grant 1 billion inf and level 50. As each level is trained, purchase new SOs to fill empty slots, use the Upgrade button to upgrade existing slots, and record the amount of remaining inf before training to the next level.

    Great thinking! Unfortunately, that won't work b/c stores on Beta don't actually sell enhancements so no way to "buy" SO's since they're free.



    8 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


    Money, yes that's a real issue, but time?  It's just pressing a single button?  which is part of what makes it such an insidious inf sink!

    This, so much this.  Which kind of leads into why I asked the question. 

    I've got plenty of Inf.  Every toon that I want billion dollar-builds on has them, plus a billion or so Inf just sitting around doing nothing.

    But what I'm short on is time.  Try as I might I can't buy time.  I can sell time, we all sell time, most of us sell 40 hours a week.  Just can't buy any.


    So when my SO's turn yellow, do I really want to spend 15-20 minutes shopping for salvage and recipes then crafting recipes into IO's, then slotting the IO's into powers - oh and buying unslotters for when I'm ready to replace those with higher ones later?


    Or do I want to just hit the magic Upgrade button and spend that 15-20 minutes playing?  That 15-20 minutes is a few story arcs.  Or a Posi or a Penny. Or a Posi AND a Penny.  Which brings me Merits that I can use to buy Converters which I can sell on the market for funds to keep pushing the magic Upgrade button.


    So I guess what I really should have asked was: is it viable to just vendor everything


    EXCEPT Orange Salvage and Special Salvage (Converters, Catalysts, Unslotters, etc) and the occasional high selling recipe - which is actually worth selling on the AH.


    Would THAT strategy earn enough to keep pushing the Upgrade button every 5 levels or so?


    Yes, I know it's wasting INF.  But that's what INF is for....





  14. Does anyone know how much roughly it costs to outfit a toon using just SO's from 1-50?  I know it's a nearly impossible question to answer, there being billions of possible powerset/powers/slotting combinations.  But what's a ballpark figure?  $5 mil?  $10 mil?  $20 mil?


    Also, is there a cost difference in using the magic Upgrade button every level versus every other level?  I know back in the old days before the magic Upgrade button, we would only replace SO's at Lv 12, 17, 22, etc when they turned yellow.  What's the optimum now?

  15. Back on Retail I had a Flash ripoff superspeedster who was a Ele/SR Scrapper but he was only a Scrapper because at that time that powerset combo was only available blueside on Scrappers.


    But now that the combo is available to blueside Brutes and Stalkers, which AT do you think is the best fit for a Ele/SR speedster? (don't really want a Tank)


    Corollary: is Stalker Hide stackable with Superspeed's stealth? (Or was stealth recently removed from Speed pool? Does Superspeed still take Celerity Stealth?  How does that interact with Stalker Hide?)

  16. On 8/20/2021 at 9:42 AM, Ruby Rocket said:

    I haven't tried one myself, but just tossing things together I came up with a pretty simple build that should make life interesting.  I'll have to go back and look at my Shield tank and Scrapper to see what I am forgetting.  I don't think you will break hide with Lightning Rod or Shield Charge currently, so those were a given, and high recharge to use them often.  I tossed in Water Spout because it's awesome and if you like... it will take every proc in the book for stupid numbers (otherwise just roll with the stupid damage it'll kick out; no harm no foul).  Since the Lightning rod and Shield Charge weren't breaking hide, I am curious if the Water Spout might follow suit... if so you'd wipe multiple mobs without being seen.  Then Chain induction used to "summon pseudo pet" to do the damage (if I recall correctly), so I slotted it with Hecatomb to see how often that big proc will land as it should have a new roll every enemy.  


    I have a terrible time with Mid's... I generally pay it through and see where I'm strong and lacking by feel.  Then I just fine tune with Mid's once I know what issues come up in a fight.  Stalkers are very play style based now that they got scrapper buffs.  Some people brawl, some do tactical strikes.  I like fast paced fights...


    Stalker - Electrical Melee - Shield Defense.mxd 6.59 kB · 9 downloads

    You've got 7 LotG Globals.  Isn't 5 the max?

  17. How do I run Loyalist missions while secretly working for the Resistance?


    I'm pretty sure I need to start as Resistance, right? 


    And then start with Praetor White and run Loyalist missions, I'm doing that as well.


    But when I come to a mish that has "Members of the Resistance working under cover should call Calvin Scott"; I call Scott and he does nothing different other than just offering normal missions.


    Are there some prerequisite missions I need to run for Scott before going undercover?

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