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Posts posted by rochrist

  1. On 9/23/2019 at 7:31 PM, DR_Mechano said:

    That's my point though, it may still be bad pasta but at least most modern MMOs will actually purposefully document any changes, hell even WoW did it...but City of Heroes and a lot of early MMOs also didn't do this. As pointed out Ultima Online is THE longest running MMO and I freaking DREAD to think what the state of its code is in since it was release in 1997 and STILL going...

    Keep in mind that WoW and Blizzard had boatloads of money to throw at the project which gave them the luxury of being able to pay people to do that sort of thing. CoH, not so much. Especially with their Korean masters looking over their shoulders trying to find places to cut costs.

  2. 6 hours ago, woreg said:

    My earliest CoH memory is christmas - superjump off a building, landing in the middle of a fight and suddenly being the center of attention.  Packages, snowmen, skiing.  good times!


    Really looking forward to it again, but here's a question;


    Once the Holiday stuff is available, should it be on all the time?

    You can, of course, go skiing and bobsledding at the winter resort off Pocket D any time you like. You can even collect the badges.

  3. I think we have about as many people now as we can expect to ever have.  I don't think this game has much long-term appeal for new players, the landscape of MMOs has changed a lot and people's expectations have changed.  Nowadays it's all about a pointless run up to max level where the "real" game begins, which is not what CoX is.  CoX is about the journey, so my newer friends who blasted to max level inside a week stopped playing almost immediately afterwards.  Meanwhile, I and my veteran friends are still playing and haven't actually gotten to max level yet.  And even I realize my attitude is different now, either by playing other games in the last 7 years or just plain getting older.


    Is the magic still there?  Yes, and no.  CoX is just as fun as it used to be, but the players have changed.  Considering a big part of that magic *was* the players, we've lost something that most likely can't be replaced.


    I disagree. If the modern MMO aesthetic is so compelling, why do almost all of them fail so miserably?


    What CoX does right that the others have forgotten how to do is allow players to HAVE FUN.

  4. Fire/Ice is a lot of fun. The Ice secondary powers let you slow the bad guys enough to roast em good. Plus, Ice Patch is one of the few things in the game that can make Rain of Fire useful! A Fire/Ice blaster was one of my Incarnates back in the day and I'm working on a new one now.


  5. Champions Online was Champions in name only. Lots of tabletop gamers like me were expecting the Hero System, which allows FULL customization of powers to a ridiculous degree, and to us it was false advertising.


    And it was NOT cryptic's choice to shut down COH...that was all on the suits at NCSoft, who shut it down because it sold better in the west than in Korea, and they wanted Korean sales, not Euro/NA sales.


    Of course it wasn't Cryptic's choice. They'd long since sold out and moved on to CO, long before CoH was shutdown. Paragon was the studio in charge at the time of the shutdown.


    My take on Cryptic selling off the IP was that Jack didn't want to compete with his own company, and thought he could do better with Champions using lessons learned from making/running City of Heroes. And in some respects, he was right. Champions does some things far better then CoH ever did. Unfortunately, the game also relied far more heavily on public area hunt missions then CoH, so ends up coming across as shallow. I mean, sure. It's fun. But there is little depth to the villain groups. Even the low level only villain groups such as Lost, Skulls, and Hellions have backstory and lore which intertwines with the rest of City of Heroes. Vahzilok get their own overarching plot which concludes around level 20, if you stick with the Science based contacts. Hell, entire zones such as The Hollows have overarching story lines. Unlike Champions Online. It's hard to take it's stories seriously when there's such a distinct and sharp difference in villain group just by crossing a street. Not when CoH would have all the zone's villain groups intermingling, and sometimes even fighting each other in the streets.


    No he wasn't and no, it doesn't. Champions is horrible.


    I know that ragging on the man is considered great fun and has been for years. But while the game is shallow and gets boring fast, Champions did do several things right. The costume creator is just as good as the one in City of Heroes, and in some ways superior. Combat it's self can be fun and engaging. And the leveling system (if you have freeform builds) is a lot deeper then you'd initially expect. Travel powers are also something that was gotten right. I mean, sure it seems a bit weird for someone with a grapple line to attach it to the air and swing. But then again it wasn't that long ago that such 'swinging' mechanics were praised when used in games. The (original) crafting system was also interesting and useful.


    The game is fun, just shallow. And before you start claiming that everything the man touches is horrible, remember that he was the lead developer for City of Heroes too. If you enjoy City of Heroes, then you have to acknowledge that Jack is able to make good games. After all, the game at it's core now is still the same as it was before Jack left to make Champions Online.


    Just goes to show you. I thought the travel powers were excruciatingly bad. And no, CoH was transformed markedly after Jack left. As I said, his leaving was the best possible thing that could have happened to the game.

  7. The second best thing that ever happened to CoH (after ED) was Jack leaving.


    Didn't he get moved over to working on Champions or Star Trek Online? One of the two, I think.


    "Moved over" as in sold off CoH to NCSoft and took HIS company to make Champions?


    My take on Cryptic selling off the IP was that Jack didn't want to compete with his own company, and thought he could do better with Champions using lessons learned from making/running City of Heroes. And in some respects, he was right. Champions does some things far better then CoH ever did. Unfortunately, the game also relied far more heavily on public area hunt missions then CoH, so ends up coming across as shallow. I mean, sure. It's fun. But there is little depth to the villain groups. Even the low level only villain groups such as Lost, Skulls, and Hellions have backstory and lore which intertwines with the rest of City of Heroes. Vahzilok get their own overarching plot which concludes around level 20, if you stick with the Science based contacts. Hell, entire zones such as The Hollows have overarching story lines. Unlike Champions Online. It's hard to take it's stories seriously when there's such a distinct and sharp difference in villain group just by crossing a street. Not when CoH would have all the zone's villain groups intermingling, and sometimes even fighting each other in the streets.


    No he wasn't and no, it doesn't. Champions is horrible.

  8. Enhancement Diversification proved that the 'optimal' slotting of "Six Damage Single Origin enhancements" was neither needed,

    ED didn't prove anything, everyone had the choice of slotting suboptimally, suboptimal slotting could be just fine depending on your individual performance requirements., ED just made it so everyone had to
    nor actually optimal.
    How is it not optimal to 1 acc, 5 damage Pre ED? The whole point of ED was to reduce Player Character effectiveness across the board.


    Neither was six Hold Duration enhancements in a controller's holds. Other things could be viable too, and possibly even more optimal. And remember, you can still six slot for damage if you want to. Your damage wont be as high as it was in issue 1, true. But it'll still be higher then anyone who isn't six slotting for damage. So your 'optimal' slotting strategy is still viable. Enhancements after the 3rd one do still have an effect, it's just greatly diminished. But that's still a viable strategy. In fact, I may experiment with Madam Enigma with taking fewer attacks on one build, but six slotting defenses. You know, see how that works out.


    If the idea of only putting 3 enhancements of one type in a single power offends you so much, the option to use more is still there.

    Pre ED 3 slotting would get you 100% enhancement over base damage of a power. Pre ED 6 slotting for damage (something only devices blasters could get away with) would get you 200% enhancement over base damage of a power now a days it will only get you 110% enhancement a completely negligible "improvement" over 3 slots, that is a figure less than 3 SOs & 3 TOs combined pre ED! Pretending that 6 slotting an enhancement type post ED is much of a choice at all is pure sophistry.


    The whole point of ED was to eliminate the incredibly boring cookie cutter builds. It opened up the game tremendously.

    Sophist nonsense, the point was to reduce effectiveness across the board & it succeeded there are people who support reducing the top end effectiveness of players which I disagree with but at least they're being intellectually honest about what ED was about & it's impact.


    Yes, because having exactly one acceptable build for each archetype was really forward looking and a solid base to build the game on.

  9. Enhancement Diversification proved that the 'optimal' slotting of "Six Damage Single Origin enhancements" was neither needed,

    ED didn't prove anything, everyone had the choice of slotting suboptimally, suboptimal slotting could be just fine depending on your individual performance requirements., ED just made it so everyone had to
    nor actually optimal.
    How is it not optimal to 1 acc, 5 damage Pre ED? The whole point of ED was to reduce Player Character effectiveness across the board.


    Neither was six Hold Duration enhancements in a controller's holds. Other things could be viable too, and possibly even more optimal. And remember, you can still six slot for damage if you want to. Your damage wont be as high as it was in issue 1, true. But it'll still be higher then anyone who isn't six slotting for damage. So your 'optimal' slotting strategy is still viable. Enhancements after the 3rd one do still have an effect, it's just greatly diminished. But that's still a viable strategy. In fact, I may experiment with Madam Enigma with taking fewer attacks on one build, but six slotting defenses. You know, see how that works out.


    If the idea of only putting 3 enhancements of one type in a single power offends you so much, the option to use more is still there.

    Pre ED 3 slotting would get you 100% enhancement over base damage of a power. Pre ED 6 slotting for damage (something only devices blasters could get away with) would get you 200% enhancement over base damage of a power now a days it will only get you 110% enhancement a completely negligible "improvement" over 3 slots, that is a figure less than 3 SOs & 3 TOs combined pre ED! Pretending that 6 slotting an enhancement type post ED is much of a choice at all is pure sophistry.


    The whole point of ED was to eliminate the incredibly boring cookie cutter builds. It opened up the game tremendously.

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