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Everything posted by kylevp

  1. I have a couple thoughts on the naming server. I don't hear people complaining about what people are accusing them of complaining about. I don't even hear people actually complaining, just offering feedback. Accusations: You want to keep the name of 400 toons locked for ever even if you don't play them! Actual Concerns: Many of us are not power gamers. We have 2-5 characters, and enjoy the lower level game. We don't necessarily reach 50, even on one character, let alone all 2-5. Can we make the name lock kick in at 30 or so? That seems like a good compromise. Or perhaps allow the first 2 characters per shard to be name locked at 30?
  2. I'm so stoked to be playing again, I can't wait!! How long until the servers return?
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