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Everything posted by LordMachna

  1. You know what type of character Mastermind doesn't cover well at the moment? Medieval-themed Masterminds that aren't necromancers or demon worshippers. I want to be able to summon Archers and Knights to defend the Mastermind, maybe a faith-powered Paladin that can heal allies as well. It's not something that can't be done, since powers for all three of those do exist in the game (Archery for Archers, obviously, Broadsword +Shield for Knights, War Mace and a few Empathy powers for the Paladin), plus they'd all be humanoid meaning they can just reuse all the same animations and whatnot, it's just something I'd find fun to use. Infeasible, maybe, given the workload required to make even just one MM powerset, not to mention balancing, but I personally do feel like it'd be worthwhile. (Oh, and by the way, spoilers, I like Medieval-themed things too much for my own good.)
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