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Posts posted by Ohioknight

  1. 2 hours ago, MrFireBrand said:

    With all due respect and if I can post this here without anyone bringing pitch forks. But is there anyway you can prove that you have been in talks with NCSoft? It's easy these days to just say "trust us!" while continued request for donations are being taken. It would be the same as holding your palm closed and telling others there's gold inside but you can't show them.. and they can only just trust its there, also known as blind faith that's being ran off the honor system. I hope you can see where I'm coming from without bringing the pitch forks. Like I said before, I can tell you I have five top of the line cars, three houses and a unicorn in the back named Gary.


    If what you're saying is true, then that's fantastic news for the community. But it would be nice to see receipts of said conversations.

    I would tend to think the answer to this is simply "no".   Personally I am absolutely convinced by the nonsensical name change and other rename/new social media creations.  It screams of a deal specifying trademark use.  But I can't imagine any way that it could possibly matter whether anyone believes them or not.  So I'd suggest you just disbelieve them until you see some evidence... and I'll just believe them absolutely... and I can't see any way that makes our choices to DO anything in any way different.  I mean I'd happily give them money but I've never had a chance because the donate window has always closed before I could get to it.


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  2. On 5/28/2020 at 11:51 AM, Abraxus said:

    Well, as it happens, Saturday (May 30) is the next opportunity! 


    Typically the window opens around noon ET/9-ish PT.  There is an announcement in the Homecoming Discord, and here on the forums, and they accept donations until the pre-established goal is met.  In the past, that has taken anywhere from 2 to 3 hours.  Sometimes a little longer, depending on the goal.

    Yeah, if I ever get the CHANCE I'll pay.  Every time I've checked the donations have been closed ... which I guess is good?

  3. HEY!  I have a very specific request that just occurred to me... if anybody can tweak powers.  It ALWAYS bugged me.  Please could you SPEED UP FLURRY!  Has it EVER made sense that the super-speed punch power is one of the slowest attacks in the game?  Can it be sped up to at LEAST Sands of Mu or Shadow Maul speed.

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  4. 2 hours ago, PaxArcana said:


    The Devil, they say, is in the details.  I would say that the heavy-lifting part of it was just to get NCSoft to the table at all, and agree to work out those details at all.


    My concern would be: does the part of NCSoft that they have at the table have the support of the part of NCSoft that actually makes the final decisions?  But no way to know that until a positive outcome -- if a negative outcome we'll never know.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Lockpick said:

    Me.  He might be a celebrity, but he is just a person just like the rest of us.  I would treat him the same way I try to treat everyone (with respect).

    I hear you.  I'm 63 years old, I've met my heroes, I've met celebrities, I've walked in the "corridors of power"... they're all just people, just like the ones in your neighborhood.  Some are jerks, some are cool, some are smart, some are dumb... just people like that guy down the street -- you know who I'm talking about. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, William Valence said:

    Out of curiosity, when all is said and done, should everything go perfectly, is this going to be something that is part of assets owned by and individual or will there be an organization set up to maintain it?


    I don't know how things are already structured, if @TonyV is the owner of Titan network, or just the head of the org "Titan Network" or if @Leandro is the owner of CoX Homecoming or just the head of a nonprofit that's responsible for Homecoming. Will things be structured to be in a ways that are fluid and can survive individuals leaving or being removed (as long as the org remains), and how much control will individuals have over the whole project? Will the community be a part of the running of the project, and if so what will be their input?

    As I understand it, Leandro very deliberately has no actual connection to Homecoming aside from offering volunteer support and advice as he has for everybody setting up a private server (and as he did for years for other players and interested hobbyists during and after Live).  Leandro is a very bright guy who lives in Argentina.  I understand that Argentina is not signatory to a number of international IP agreements and I SUSPECT that this is the reason he made himself the point man for the secret private server as opposed to others who live in EU or US or wherever.  I would GUESS that he is still running his own game. 


    If I'm behind the times and have missed some news that refuted the above, please correct me.

  7. 13 hours ago, DarschPugs said:

    cool, i always thought for some reason City of Titans was a project by the titan network. Always been a fan of the work Titan Network has done for the community over the years.

    Tons of people operate under that misunderstanding -- It was probably an unfortunate choice that that branch of "Project Phoenix" "Missing World's Media" chose to name their game "City of Titans" which, I imagine, was in homage to Titan Network where they originally organized via the chat boards.   But there's never been an actual connection between the organizations other than the fact that a lot of CoT people have chatted on Titan Network CoH boards at some point.

  8. On 8/8/2019 at 12:39 PM, TonyV said:



    That's not true, by the way. A "fiduciary duty" is a specific legal term, and corporations are not legally obligated to maximize profit for shareholders, the company itself, or anyone else.


    Obviously, that's usually a good idea at least to some sane degree to keep your shareholders happy, but it's totally up to the board and officers of a company to decide what its goals are, and they don't have to include maximizing (or even making) profit.

    Activist investors would like you to think otherwise -- those are investors who buy a company, push for short term profits and boost performance at all costs, boost the price with their antics and sell out to move on and wreck another company.  They are VERY bad for the health of businesses in the long term.

  9. On 8/8/2019 at 11:55 AM, VicZantosa said:



    Now for the rest of the story.  I'm not going to let this happen again.  In real life, I am a server hardware and virtualization engineer.  The very first thing I did was download a copy of the CoH server, client, and launcher, and got on eBay to find server hardware that would run it, which cost about $150.  NCSoft has very little motivation to allow this to continue, and has not been very clear about their motivations in any of their negotiations.  I applaud your efforts, but have very little hope that this will result in anything but a shutdown, either now, or six months from now, or a year from now.   Later today I'm going to be saving all of the costumes for the characters I and my wife have carefully recreated from our old Live days on Freedom, and brace for impact.


    I would very much like for the Homecoming guys to allow us to export existing characters, just so I don't have to powerlevel on my own or someone else's server.

    That seems like a very sensible approach and precaution and it leaves me with only one question


    WHY  WOULD YOU ANNOUNCE THAT  ?????????!!!!!!!!


    There are probably lots of people who did that and IF NCSoft were ever so wacko as to try to shut down private servers and find individuals to try to go after, those people will all be so low key and under the radar that NCSoft would ever know even to look for them.  Unless they ANNOUNCED that that was what they were planning in a public forum!

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