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Posts posted by Yikes

  1. Just now, Sanguinesun said:


    1. You're posting on the Homecoming server forums.  

    2. The Questions were made by HC players and the live team devs were approached by and agreed to respond to said questions.

    3. HC is also the only official licensed community run set of servers, the live devs would perhaps also not be willing/capable of addressing or answering feelings regarding things implemented on other community run servers.


    All in all expectations/wants for them to comment about the circumstances with other community run servers when questions were either pertaining to their live days or the specifics of HC doesnt really match the purpose/function of the Q&A to begin with. 


    and thus the problem; the "city of heroes" community is and has for a long time been fractured. in practice, we have a "homecoming" community and individual communities for the rest of the servers. 

    it's the division that bothers me

    • Confused 1
  2. I'm slightly disappointed in how many of the questions give the implication that homecoming is the only server. questions like "what powerset do you wish you could add to homecoming" paint a picture as though homecoming is the only server - or at least, the only one adding powersets. In general it feels like "city of heroes" should be substituted in questions like this, otherwise it acts as a subtle suggestion that homecoming is the one and only server developing new content.

  3. I don't know about the character select background, but you should be able to set your preferred login theme with -uiskin in launch parameters. -uiskin 1 is CoV, -uiskin 2 is GR. (0, for reference, is CoH. There's not one for Freedom; so if you want that you'll need to do some much more complex mucking about.)


    this doesnt actually work. The music/backgrounds are offset and mangled (going rogue uses the freedom theme for example) and it resets if you ever go back to the login screen or quit to login/css from in-game.


    it's a shame because the current OG CoH login + music and freedom css/cac background are really cheap looking/sounding together, and I'd like to just be able to use the freedom UI and music again. Or going rogue for that matter.

  4. Could we swap the Primary powerset from Melee to Assault?  More character variety that way instead of yet another Melee AT.


    Brute, scrapper, stalker, tank

    Blaster, defender, corruptor



    Needs Moar assault!


    why do people think assault is anything but a supplementary powerset for dealing damage to CC'd enemies at any range


    it's not designed to function in a primary slot in the same way blaster's manipulation sets arent designed to function as a primary

  5. MC having no pet is one of it's gimmicks, with the pet replaced by confusions.


    Which is why Mass Confusion needs to be improved.  If it has Mass Confusion to make up for the lack of a pet, then its recharge time and accuracy have to be good enough to ensure that every enemy group can be confused.  Maybe even boost its base magnitude by one point compared to other AoE Confuses.  It needs to lean hard into that "Confuse instead of a pet" gimmick rather than half-ass it like it's doing now.


    I wasn't disagreeing with you, just being clear on why I think no pet should be introduced

    buff TK and MC

  6. Mind control is sadly just a bad set. I suffered to 50 as one on live. They suck. Anyone who says differently hasn't played one of the good sets. 


    I'd move Mass Confuse to 90 second recharge. Have Slumber and Mass Hypnosis reapply continuously throughout their duration. TK has legit never been a good power, so fuck the cottage and just give it a pet as a TK construct.


    You'll still a set that is lower in damage and control than a fire/plant/dark but at least I wont cringe when one joins.


    TK is just a displacement tool right? MC having no pet is one of it's gimmicks, with the pet replaced by confusions. It's part of its identity and should stay that way imo. Maybe replace TK with just the psychic tornado from psionic blast

  7. There are so many power icons in this game that just have really unappealing palette choices lmao

    It's totally ridiculous, but my enjoyment of a powerset sometimes is improved or reduced depending on how nice the power icons look

    I'm a color theory junkie, and also an absolute fanatic of CoH's UI design. I love the way it looks and feels to click on the icons and hear the associated sounds. It's just really satisfying UI design that I haven't really felt in other MMOs or even a lot of other games. The game just has really oddly satisfying buttons to press. So oddly it's valuable to me to have those buttons LOOK nice too


    There are some sets with icons that look amazing, in fact I'll show some examples of sets that I love the look of;

    ElectricArmor_SelfBuffRunSpeed.png Elec Armor / ElectricMelee_TargetedChainInduction.png Elec Melee / ElectricalAssault_ChargedBolts.png Elec Assault / ElectricControl_StunningAura.png Elec Control (I really like the elec set colors sorry, I mean it's not my fault they knocked it out of the park with these)

    RadiationPoisoning_EnervatingField.png Rad Emission

    TimeManipulation_ChronoShift.png Time Manipulation

    Ninjitsu_KujInRin.png Ninjitsu

    StormSummoning_FreezingRain.png Storm Summoning

    PainDomination_AnguishingCry.png Pain Domination

    MunitionsMastery_BodyArmor.png Munitions Mastery

    WidowTeamwork_MindLink.png Widow/Fortunata Teamwork

    Willpower_RiseToTheChallenge.png Willpower

    DarkMiasma_FearsomeAura.png Dark Miasma / DarknessControl_Possess.png Dark Control / DarkArmor_FearfulAura.png Dark Armor


    These are master class sets in their palette choices for their icons. The colors used contrast each other nicely, and are pleasant/vibrant tones that convey the theme/effect of the set very nicely. This results in the buttons actually feeling more satisfying to press. It's a really small thing, but it makes a world of difference to the - feel - of the game in the same way nice sound effects can. IMO all sets should be held up to the standard of these



    This is NOT  joke post, I take UI design really seriously, and I really like how CoH handles power icons so this IS important to me, I swear!

    I think it would just be nice to alter the icon palettes for some sets to make them look nicer. Either changing the palette outright, or adjusting the tones of either the center element or background. Here's some examples of sets with colors I think are ugly or bland or not very well conveyed, and I'll give my input on how they can be improved


    EarthAssault_HurlBoulder.png Earth assault. The background brown chosen is a really gross, almost puke color, and the yellow on top doesn't contrast as much as it could (in fact, they're the exact same hue which certainly contributes to how bland this set of icons look). It just looks like sewage, when it could consist of more appealing earth tones. I'd adjust the set to look a little more like this:



    Poison_Alkaloid.png Poison also has next to no contrast in its icons. While the kinda gross shade of green is excusable here as it's a set based around toxicity and poison, it still needs a fair bit more contrast for visual appeal and harmony. I'd change it to something like this, with purple being another color often used to represent poison or toxin:



    KineticBoost_Transfusion.png Kinetics is a set with really boring icon colors. For a set that's literally about energy and movement, the icons always struck me as feeling really medicinal and stiff. The colors could really be pumped up here to invoke some energy and life (all this goes as well for kin melee). Perhaps like this:



    For some examples of already decent icon sets that I feel could easily be improved further:

    ForceField_PersonalForceField.png Force Fields doesn't have a really bad set of icons at all, but I feel like they're a little bit bland and could use some cleaning up. For such a relatively blue set, the icons are very green, and the center element is almost yellow. I would adjust it to be more like a blue background and blue-green element like this:



    ElectricalBolt_ChargedBolts.png Elec Blast is a set with fine enough icons, but I feel like the blue used is really not conveying the idea of "electricity" super well. I'd almost say that this blue background would be more befitting the energy blast set, and this set should be a little bit more unified with the other elec sets. At that, I'd change it to look like this:



    Illusions_Decieve.png The illusion Control set has alright icons, but I feel like for such an exotic control set with such a unique personality and function, the icons don't convey well enough how special it is. I would just pump more color into it overall, something like this:



    these are just examples. there are plenty more sets that could have spiced up icons :v

  8. You now have the power to run your own server! You're no longer beholden to the whims of others! Expend that effort making your own perfect CoH world! Why try to tear down someone else's sandbox when you can build up your own?


    "You now have the power to run your own server!" ignores the massive necessity of the "massively multiplayer" bit of "MMORPG" which at the moment homecoming is monopolizing. So yes, we're allowed to criticize them for running their servers poorly.

  9. So? They have no obligation to support other, "competing" servers. Why should they?


    because dividing the community this way and not supporting other operations is obviously bad for the community


    the game came back by a miracle, we shouldn't be competing and throwing each other under the bus especially considering there's no legal way to benefit from these operations. We should be acting like a god damn community.

  10. I keep hearing requests to change the game, for various reasons, when in most cases, simply adjusting one's own play style will address most of the concerns I have seen.  You don't want to level so fast, turn off XP earning.  You don't like inherent Stamina, don't slot it, and it will be MUCH less a factor.  Don't like DFB, don't play it, and you can create a separate chat window to squelch all of the calls for DFB.  Don't like the naming policy?  Log in and move your characters around once in awhile.  Move them to new Day Job locations, and it makes it more worthwhile.  The one I really love is when folks complain about not being able to find a team for this, that, or the other thing.  The answer there is to put one together yourself.  There are a lot of people around, and if you put out a call, you will find folks who want to go along.  It's not that hard.


    There are easy solutions to all of these issues that don't require the game to be changed to accommodate.  Let's not forget that it was just a little over a month ago, and there was NO game.  Now we have had it for a few weeks, and we are already dictating terms on how we will enjoy it more?  I think we really need to sit back, take stock of what we have been given (which is a second chance that nobody ever thought would happen), and appreciate what we've got. 


    You want changes to the game?  Let's start thinking of things that actually require change, and are inclusive of the whole community, instead of those that would make it more the way we as individuals would like to see it.


    except we're rightfully bothered that the game has already been changed and a lot of people are unhappy with the changes.

    homecoming says they've received "overwhelming support" despite never once to my knowledge putting out a poll or survey regarding the current changes between i24-i25. They're manufacturing a narrative.


    It's my understanding there are people running a more vanilla i24 version of the game, or will be soon. If that option exists, then what exactly is the problem?


    Yeah, Munki, in fact, there's at least four other groups out there running i24 servers right now... I THINK that Homecoming is the ONLY one that's running i25 in fact. So, I don't see the problem. You don't like i25? Go elsewhere.


    the fact that people on homecoming are barely aware of i24 servers itself constitutes a problem


    none of the i24 servers are reaching nearly high enough playercounts to facilitate the 'massively multiplayer' part of MMORPG, so things like raids and itrials an the auction house are effectively dead. Homecoming has by far the most players concurrently, and they've done everything they can to give other servers as little publicity as possible.

  11. I keep hearing requests to change the game, for various reasons, when in most cases, simply adjusting one's own play style will address most of the concerns I have seen.  You don't want to level so fast, turn off XP earning.  You don't like inherent Stamina, don't slot it, and it will be MUCH less a factor.  Don't like DFB, don't play it, and you can create a separate chat window to squelch all of the calls for DFB.  Don't like the naming policy?  Log in and move your characters around once in awhile.  Move them to new Day Job locations, and it makes it more worthwhile.  The one I really love is when folks complain about not being able to find a team for this, that, or the other thing.  The answer there is to put one together yourself.  There are a lot of people around, and if you put out a call, you will find folks who want to go along.  It's not that hard.


    There are easy solutions to all of these issues that don't require the game to be changed to accommodate.  Let's not forget that it was just a little over a month ago, and there was NO game.  Now we have had it for a few weeks, and we are already dictating terms on how we will enjoy it more?  I think we really need to sit back, take stock of what we have been given (which is a second chance that nobody ever thought would happen), and appreciate what we've got. 


    You want changes to the game?  Let's start thinking of things that actually require change, and are inclusive of the whole community, instead of those that would make it more the way we as individuals would like to see it.


    except we're rightfully bothered that the game has already been changed and a lot of people are unhappy with the changes.

    homecoming says they've received "overwhelming support" despite never once to my knowledge putting out a poll or survey regarding the current changes between i24-i25. They're manufacturing a narrative.

  12. will there be a switch from the current "easy mode" of game play to a more standard form of play experience?


    Currently all one has to do to become a higher level in game is to play DFB or MSR until your eyes bleed and everything is opened automatically.

    Where's the fun in that?

    Great you get a shiny new 50 but you haven't actually DONE anything with them.

    It's conceivable that a character could go from 1-50 without ever running a single mission.


    There's no reason to actually do the Incarnate mission other than because you want to.

    It's all just being handed to people.

    If anything history proves that simply handing things to people has a negative effect on the life of the game.


    Maybe I'm unique in the game but I would far more like to earn my rewards than simply be handed them.

    The problem is you can't find people to actually do this missions with to achieve the rewards and for a lot of this content you NEED people. Turning down difficulties so you can solo it goes right back into "Easy Mode".


    So am I just being crazy or do others feel like the current game is to easy?

    Menu > Options >






    the disable XP function does not disable incarnate xp.

    It disables veteran levels, but you still get incarnate XP from all content.

  13. Once development on the game begins to happen will there be a seperate shard for people who want the "vanilla" experience?


    You all are the best of the best! I cannot thank you enough for all you have done! Please never stop!


    I second this. Some of us would much prefer a shard with vanilla progression but can't really get that experience on the i24 servers whose populations are unplayably small.

  14. 734033b127323e48d6534fab0a81c96a.pnge0bed0bdb747860513b65c5a46d5f068.png717c507fa02897f5ddf809aee73b4a4c.jpgc5f9852f9f94f6d4b07f00f5ed940078.pngca72c8d2f647561d83256b6a1ef5fc32.png492bee2c51bb962f141b3da794bc3d0c.png53544191456c1408da188c555f629d29.png75010dd84b88b1e8669ab90c91cb7d38.png


    In Order; Beat Breaker, DP/Elec blaster.

    Snakehide, Archery/FF corruptor.

    The Universe, Time/Energy Defender (also has identical costumes on the male and huge body types).

    Dustbowl, earth/dark dominator (dark is colored like sand).

    Weather Report, Elec/Storm controller.

    Parasomnia, Illusion/Dark controller.

    The Problem, Ninjas/Time mastermind.

    Temporale, Staff/Elec stalker.


    • Like 2
  15. I want to get all my thoughts concise so i posted this in coxg and I'll put it here too, but it might be slightly out of context since it was originally directed towards brain and the coxg community, but most of it applies here


    "multi part post because of length and im continuing to write it:

    I wanna bring up the issue of progression in i25 cause, while I know brain wants to go back to i24, I also remember him mentioning his own changes he wants to make and I don't agree at all with changing any of the core gameplay progression


    I'm being switzerland here cause I play on both homecoming and coxg and more than anything I want to play the game like it was at sunset. I don't want any progression changes that weren't explicitly planned by the developers themselves, because to me that would be an illegitimate experience. I dont mind new ATs and power sets and costume pieces and even story arcs, but my issue lies with any changes to the way the game is played at its core, and the structure of its progression/events.


    Right now I'm focused heavily on incarnate rewards and incarnate trials. and I'll mostly just copy what I've messaged tempest and the homecoming/core normie discords

    "getting incarnate rewards outside of trials just means fewer people will be running trials, and it cheapens the rewards of completing them

    so I'm gonna have fewer opportunities to even play trials, and people who dont run trials are gonna get incarnate rewards even faster

    the entire dynamic of the endgame content changes.


    Currently you cant even disable getting incarnate XP outside of the trials, or even at all. so i had to quit mid-manticore TF when i leveled to 50 cause i immediately started filling my alpha slot


    idk, like the incarnate system was supposed to be its own self contained thing, like the ouroboros stuff, you go to do incarnate stuff specifically for the incarnate rewards.

    it would be like putting reward merits in radio missions. why run task forces for anything but badges at that point? or why run TFs more than once?"

    this would be fixed by going back to i24, so no big deal there with the coxg server.


    My concern lies in the fact that the coxg server will probably never have a sufficient enough population for incarnate trials to be run frequently/nonstop. Like it or not, as it stands homecoming is the major core of the CoH community. love them or hate them, they have massive capacity servers with tons of active players willing to do content, so these are concerns that should be brought up with them regardless. It's likely that any fractured communities and smaller servers and followup servers will follow suit with whatever they do at this point in time, so if you hate the current progression changes and want them reverted, PLEASE let them know how you feel. Personally, I've been waiting 7 years to do nonstop incarnate trials once I hit 50, and on either server this is not an option because of the changes leandro made and the population of coxg's server."


    TL;DR, if you have problems with the current progression changes (incarnate XP for all content, null the gull, etc.) BRING IT UP WITH HOMECOMING. I don't understand why I'm the only person fronting this issue, because it's such a MASSIVE change to how CoX is played.


    also please keep in mind I'm not picking sides here. I've been paying attention to both servers and communities because both are valid alternatives to one another, and both are opportunities for diverging potential. I'm switzerland. I just want to bring up pertinent gameplay issues that deserve to be addressed and talked about.


    imo, veteran levels should be removed and the original post-50 levels should be reinstated as they were with the original incarnate system. but that's merely one take.


    It could be plausible for the systems to be on a per-shard basis. just having one shard be the 'vanilla' shard and giving everyone a couple transfers to go to whatever server suits them best would be very elegant. one server for vanilla, one for i25-core, one for RP, one for PVP. I recognize transfers dont yet work, but having a vanilla server regardless would be excellent, and I would personally nominate TB since that was the first server up and probably where all the OG players started,


    (some of the info about incarnate system might be inaccurate in this post, it's been a while.)



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