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Posts posted by Kelanor

  1. So LFG trials. I don't see anything on the web listed after Death from Below and Drowning in Blood.

    What other LFG trials are there to do after those two trials that are just quick one mission trials for a group to do?

    Would like to run more content like DFB and DiB.

  2. What are your thoughts on the presence tree Provoke? Brute doesn't have a multi-target taunt, and provoke is multi-target "but chance to miss"

    Would you consider Provoke to be a reliable alternative to Taunt so that the brute can pull a little more heat onto itself?

    I took super jump and i'm currently looking at Spring Attack (a teleport since i don't have one) vs Provoke (an AoE taunt that I don't have.)


    Stone/Willpower Brute here.

  3. I would not mind if it was just interrupts that cause this to be an issue, but it consumes PER button click. When you're dying and get in a hurry it consumes endurance for every single time you spam the button thinking you're going to be interrupted. I lost my entire endurance bar one time cause i had like 2% of my HP bar left and thought the Aid Self skill wasn't going through in a hurry spammed the button, lost my entire bar of Endurance and didn't actually get interrupted except like 1 time. I slot 2x heal and 2x interrupt IOs in my self Aid skill..


    I don't mind being interrupted. I mind losing my endurance because of being frantic. That is a rediculous penalty...

  4. Please rework the skill Self Aid. When you need to use a self heal that is interruptable and you're in melee, you find yourself spamming the shit out of it for a successful spell cast.

    Self Aid consumes the cost of the skill's endurance every single time you click the button regardless if you actually cast the skill or not. There are times when i have drained my entire bar of endurance without a single successful cast of Self Aid. It should NOT consume endurance on an unsuccessful casting of the skill.

  5. Since you guys have been doing a little bit of developing on this game i thought i would throw in a neat suggestion.

    Since this game is horrible about "alt-ism" making hundreds of Alts, you could potentially minimalize that slightly with this suggestion.


    Why not make it to where when you make a secondary build slot or respec you can change your powerset within your class? Just for stuff that you would already have of course.


    Like a tanker that might decide to use a sword and shield, but decides to take an axe with him one mission instead. Etc. Most warriors wouldn't limit themselves to the use of a single weapon, but learn a variety of weapons for various situations.

    Would give a slightly larger variety within one character which would give us more customization options within that one character and might reduce the inner need to make 100+ alts.

  6. Since there are some things being actively developed I would like to throw in a request.

    A little more love on macros. Being able to define a macro icon (like the original power), a timer tied to the original power from the macro.

    I love being able to macro a location targeted skill to activate on target's location. Problem is that i really have no clue when it's cooldown is up on my bar. Like Rain of Fire, 1 minute cooldown.

  7. Amazing job on the patch Devs!

    Such awesome changes. I even noticed DFB starting to thin out a bit, a welcome change.


    If you guys are going to be actively developing this game going forward i would love to see scale-able limbs! :-D

    (Like being able to shrink those massive wings or enlarge those tiny tails.)

  8. I just want to throw in my two cents, I quit official CoH back in the day because all everyone ever played was AE... No one played any other content, the streets were barren. When I first logged into these servers and saw people actually PLAYING the game, I was immediately impressed and enjoyed the experience. Please don't lift the AE nerf, its a real game changer and I appreciate it 110%. Thank you all for a very pleasant and enjoyable game experience. :)

    And yes I do kind of agree DFB spamming is annoying, BUT it's 110% better than the alternative. At least only a small handful of upper level people seem to be participating in it, instead of 75%+ of the whole community. (although i don't completely understand it TBH, after level 15-20, why do it? You only have access to like two powers on your bar, so why put yourself through that after getting through that first low level slump of not having many powers?)


    (Also as a sub-note, this is easily the friendliest and most chill community I've ever had the pleasure of being part of. Thank you all.)

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