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  1. Reading these has me laughing and crying. Reminding me of soo many good memories. I think the highlight was my best friend and I were in a team doing Tera Volta. He was a Katana/Regen and I was a Claws/SR. Right before the last room, everyone else had to bow out for the night. MY buddy and I talked it over a bit and decided, why not, lets give it a shot. Que one of the most intense fights we have EVER had. Over an hour of non-stop fighting. back and forth, flying right on the edge combat. I rarely had over 10% HP, unless I ate a freshly dropped insp. Tag teaming when we had to get new radbubbles. using every trick we knew, KBing into pillars, pathing glitches, Agroswapping, you name it. When it was all over, the core had like 5% health left, we had used every repair belt there was, and our wrists were KILLING us from the non-stop button mashing. We had never heard of anyone finishing the Respec mission with only 2 characters before, and everyone told us it was impossible. After that, we made a point of trying to do every single "imposible" thing we could find. Solo or Duoing AVs, beating timed missions underleveled. You name it.
  2. MY first memory was spending (for me) a very large sum of money to play the game and then finding out that my gfx card was missing some feature and wouldn't play the game. So then I dumped an absolute fortune on a new card so I could play. My second memory was seeing someone on top of one of the huge buildings, and then figuring out I could parkour from windowsill to windowsill and manged to get up there myself at level 3. Felt SUPER proud of myself for getting up there. Then I found people could get hover and just putter up there by level 6.
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